How To Break Down Oxycontin Op For Snorting (Page 2)
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I found out how. To break down the oxycontin op so that they can be snorted. {edited for safety} It may take a few tries, but once you get the general idea, you will find what works best for you. I've been doing it this way and now im pretty damn good at it and I've been able to get a nice high and a decent drip this way. I find that its much more convenient to do this to a bunch of pills at a time and then just store what you don't use right away in a little container for later so you don't have to do all this work everytime you do a pill. I really hope I was able to help all of you out. It may take a little trial and error at first before you get it perfect... so until you do, only use one pill at a time so you don't waste all of them if you make any mistakes ( of course, if you do just eat it so it doesn't go to waste ).

Hope this was helpful!!

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76 Replies (4 Pages)

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Why are you on this thread then. Your self righteous. You aren't better than anyone else and you found this the same way as everyone else.

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Then get off the website then. With yiur preaching ass

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It's people like you that try to act high and mighty.. You have no clue waft you are talking about.. It's a person choice to decide, how, why, and when to do drugs.. You are a f***ing junkie too, it's just okay for you to be because it's prescribed to you.. There's no difference.. Oh I have a bad back, so my doctor gives me 3 op 40s a day.. You are no different from anyone else, and if you didn't have yours you'd be looking like everyone else for some.. Quit acting like you are better then people.

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I. Can't break this down if I take them orally they don't work

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some people like ME actually NEED these medications! it's people like this that screw it up for people like me! why don't you write to ur senators and congressmen about THAT? and how about not JUDGING-- it isn't for any of us people to do!

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Hi, I do understand your frustration in this matter but referring to theses ppl as parasites makes you seem like a one minded a**hole. These ppl are sick as well just in more of a disturbing way that your righteous bulls*** can even fathom.

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I agree because of people advising these meds the ones like myself who have legitimate pain have to jump through hoops to get the treatment they need

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This is ridiculous. Every helpful post here ends with "edited" ... and any useful info is gone. There was a time that you could go to a pharm, and get what you need. Even things like diamorpine and cocaine... and guess what! The billion dollar, corrupting, prohibition style war on drugs wasn't a problem. People didn't have to steal to get what they needed from some violent group on the street... and things weren't unregulated, or cut with deadly chemicals. and worsening side effects, poisonous fillers, and more toxic analogues/ synthetics weren't pushed out "legally" by pharmas to get around tightening "control laws, and restrictions" I'm stuck taking muscle relaxers for my pinched nerves and fused vertebrate, because pain killers are too dangerous to prescribe now.. and my girlfriend who has a tethered spinal cord, neuropathy, and chronic severe nerve pain, (due to her father's exposure to agent orange) has been pushed through months of changing pain medications trying to get the one she knows works, withdrawal related psychosis, and many, many years of pain... due to Insurance and pharmacies thinking they are smarter than experienced doctors, who have years of background with their patient.

A pharmacy can refuse to fill a script. Even with years of records of previous prescriptions and knowledge that they are causing full withdrawal by doing so.

An insurance company can refuse a script, and make a person wait days to get an alternative medicine which is much more addictive, much more toxic, and already been shown to be ineffective.

A government can regulate, ban, and overly control a natural substance... but approve toxic, deadly, life ruining chemicals to be exposed to their own troops in a war.

And ignorant people can censor a harm reduction post that can help people get what they need to live a quality of life that should be normal.

Opiate addiction is horrible, and abuse is a terrible thing. Ignorance is worse. Pride, and intolerance is worse. People who assume to know others, judge others in situations and pain they will never comprehend. Putzes who pass laws and regulations based on assumptions, and lack of empathy are causing more crime, and death, than any harm reduction post on sites like this. These posts save lives.

Only sufferers of chronic pain, should be able to decide regulations on chronic pain meds.

Anyone on op's with breakthrough pain can {edited for safety reasons}. Oral only, obviously. The rest stays in er form. Think of my girlfriend unable to stand or move from pain while you edit that part.

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Yeah and what you don't realize is these people are addicts, including the people who need these for real reasons. People are going to get high regardless so there is no use in suppressing this information. By doing so you might as well sell them heroin because that is exactly what they will turn to when they give up on breaking expensive op's down. It is cheaper more potent and easier to find, even in small towns. I would much rather people have as much information as possible to make the best decision with THEY'RE OWN BODY. If addicts can share information on how to safely break them down and abuse them then they are less prone to just shoot it up any old way they can and overdose. I don't recommend breaking down op's or abusing oxy's but I certainly don't endorse turning these people loose to heroin dealers either. But you want to go out of your way to shame these people when they have little to no control over themselves anymore. Oh the humanity. Don't you have something better to do? How many overdoses are you responsible for?

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Would u plz send me the instructions for gettin the Oxy out of these bulls*** pills plz? No wantin to snort or ne thing, jus wantin my f****in less to work as they should. Email me {edited for privacy} plz? Thanx n advance if u will, plz do plz?

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i agree with u iron maiden 100 percent! except for the "jail" part.....most of these "junkies" need rehab,if it would work?!!!? everytime i go to my Dr. all he ever talks about is how the government is coming down on doctors and how they're gonna stop making these pain meds and how he isnt about to loose his license cuz of certain individuals abusing pain meds! He never asks me how im feeling or doin etc...cuz hes so worried about getting his butt in trouble for prescribing me the medicine. just rediculous but understandable. Yeah u people who abuse these pain meds need to stop so that people who really need them can live a comfortable life and function like a normal human being and not worry about "abusers" destroying the only thing that gives chronic pain suffers a "positive outlook on life"!

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Hi Shelly shell my wife's name is that lol Shelly

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Semper Fi I served in the core and did two tours to Iraq. I was hit by an RPG and paralyzed my right arm fracture vertebre in my neck concusion and partial amnesia. im sorry for your pain I know what its like I also had third degree burns on my back. I was in Fallujah. UM brother I don't feel like its junkies fault man. I blame the govt for trying to control everything we do. im prescribed oxy op 30mg plus hydrocodone 10 mg you liked to chew them to get a faster realease and I like insufflating them to get a faster release until I got the ops. So am I a junkie bc its the way that best helps my pain? even if they have no physical pain dosent mean mental pain is any less of pain. I also suffer from ptsd so should I take antidepressants as well as pain pills or just snort the one oxy and be fine? 1 pill verses 4 or 5 done the way I do it by snorting it cant be worse than taking all those other pills to.peopl have had bad things happen to them in life wether it be mentle or physical they should have a right to do what they want to make there self at peace. this is America were we fought for people to have freedom to live there life however they wish. of course people that commit crime to get drugs should be arrested but I know many of people that work hard to provide for there family and be good people and still use a lil money to enjoy a moment of serenity. just think about who is really to blame here our govt.

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ok dummy how about people with a paralyzed arm with neck and back trauma from being a marine in Iraq. Two tours and did a lot of s*** and got blown up by an RPG. so now im prescribed theses op 30s. so your telling me that after I went to war and killed insurgents to protect Americas freedoms I cant choose how I wanna take my medicine???? if I want to snort it instead of swallow it whats it to you anyway???? And if there are intelligent people of there that can make a way for us to be free to take our meds how we want then I would love to know how!!! My life is not your concern iv protected my fellow marines and watched them die. don't dare call us criminals!!!!

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Who gives a s*** if someone else wants to get something else w your time besides getting on here and preaching, shoving your unwanted opinion down peoples sound like you need to get high & laid....

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THANK YOU! NO ONE told me I'd drop to my knees as I have. Thank. You for your honesty. Refreshing. P.S. I frankly don't cast judgement as "when you point a finger, there is always about 3 of them pointing right back at you!!!" Best wishes to all.

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Hi, Can you E-mail me this information since someone has taken it upon themselves to edit what is supposed to be free speech? {edited for privacy} :)

Would really appreciate it

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I have an idea. I read that if the polymer gets to a certain temp it will crystallize. But the temp has to be very cold. I was thinking of grinding an op up and put it on a plate with dry ice under the plate. That way the oxycodone would be suspended in the crystal now which your stomach will break down faster. Now I haven't tried it just yet but it seems like it would work. Tell me what y'all think.

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Is there anyway I can talk to you about something? please reply back to this and i will give you my email address. PLEASE reply thanks.

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