How Long Does Ativan Stay In Your System For A Urine Test? (Thread 253153) (Top voted first)


I was rushed to the hospital this past monday and they gave me ativan. I got a drug test for probation tomorrow. Will it show?

22 Replies (2 Pages)

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It was 2mg they gave me

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So did you pass? 8mg is a higher dose, but most ppl seem to agree that a single ativan dosage will clear your system pretty fast

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Walt, Lorazepam won't be in your system for six weeks. If 2mg is all you have taken it will be out of your system within a week. Blessing the drug is one of the fastest Benzos to be filtered out. I do agree with you on Walt taking the relevant paperwork. Good luck.

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If I only took 1mg of ativan on Saturday at like 10pm and took a drug test Monday at 10am (that will be sent to a lab) will I pass the lab drug test? I bought a 12 panel drug test right after that and passed the drug test. What's the likely hood of me passing that lab test? I only took one dose and have been sober for over 70 days before that.

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No it won't show up, usually takes 3-5 days to get out of your system! 3 days if u only toolkit it once 5-7days if you've been taking it daily. I was prescribed it and took 2-4mg every night to sleep, then stopped after 3weeks,it was out of my urine in 7days!

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if they gave it to you at the hospital it should be on your papers. just take them in with you.

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Take the hospital papers in and make sure you have them write what they give as long as you didn't get it off the street they can't hold it against you

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Did it show in your system? Trying to figure if it will show in mine after taking for only one week. I have a test in 6 days.

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You should get discharge papers, and on them will be what you were given and that shown to your p.o. will be ok!

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How long does ativan show in a drug screen? How many days after taking it will you pee clean?

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Hi, I was diagnosed with colon rectal cancer in Nov. 2015. I take ativan and percocet. My urine test showed no ativan. My Dr. had me come back the next day, which I had taken med the day before, but it was still negative for ativan. She doesn't believe me and now I don't know what to do?

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About how long will it take for 3 milligrams of Ativan to leave my system? I never take it and I have a fast metabolism. I weigh 170lbs.

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Re: Leon (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Yea I agree. It CAN stay in your system for weeks if you have been taking it long enough to build up in your system. I took several throughout a week, .5 mg and I stopped had 2 and a half days not taking and ua came back very very faint pos. Which is considered neg but i only took it those few times that week not years or anything. It builds up over time. But if it hasn’t usually I’d say a week for 5 mgs maybe meaning stop a week before and you should be good.

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Re: Jacob (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

You need a week maybe a day more just to be safe, you don’t take it all the time right? If you don’t you should be ok in a week

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Re: YoungNfree (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

It’s very very possible you’ll pass. I took more than that over a week and had two days and it was barely pos so faint it was counted negative so I think you’ll be ok

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Re: Upset (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

How much and how often do you take it? The dose may be too low to read

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Re: aab (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

It depends on how much you take how frequently you take it and how many days you have to clear out before the test. Give yourself at least a week to be completely sure

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If a doctor gives you or prescribed you ativan, there is nothing your probation officer can do to you. It was prescibed by a Doctor so there's nothing they can do about it

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Because it was a hospital/ER situation I would not think they could punish you?

How did it work out?

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Yes, it will show for 6 weeks. Take the paperwork from the hospital with you to your probation appointment showing the medication they gave you. You will not be violated.

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