How Long Can Valium Stay In Your System (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I took one Valium, and one hit off a joint. I had my urine tested two days later. Will I pass or fail?

51 Replies (3 Pages)

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Got me really scared as if mine aint clean in 2 weeks or im off onto a daily script, from having Valium in my system -as only just stopped today after 20years as in last tablet was this morning!! Now im worried about it coming up on a swab in 2weeks time that i have been warned about

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I have been talking Xanax for 10hrs 1mg 3 times daily it is prescribed to me. I took 5 10mg values over a 2 day period. How long will the Valium take to not show up on a drug screen? I can cover the Xanax because it's prescribed. Any information will be helpful.

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They should be looking for meth or opiates id say after 15yrs of tests.

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What is clonodine prescribed check this out n report back.The way my treatment plans gone itl be positive until get me back on daily.

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Hun, for a fact, its cells not (sells). Just so you know.

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Clonidine is a blood pressure med so almost POSITIVE unless their testing for opiates or benzos that will NOT SHOW on your test GOOD LUCK!!

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Imam a recovering addict, my drug of choice are opiates. I am 2 years clean, before your applause, please know that not a minute goes by that I don't think about getting high! This drug ruined my life I lost my job of 13 years, muy houses, my drivers license, my credit, and almost my husband. Yet I still want it so badly! My husband says how my eyes light up whenever I speak of getting high. I have been to 8 rehabs, I go to therapy and attend an meetings 5 times a week! Nothing is helping my cravings. I know there are billions of addicts out there suffering from the same thing,but I feel like I'm the only one in the world that is this obsessed with those damn opiates!!! I'm just ready to throw in the towel in every sense of the word!

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I just wanted to say my experience wasn't as terrible as some others. I took 50+mg valium n tested clean in 20 days

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2 days is not enough to clear Valium, also Valium has other active metabolites that are tested. Unless you took a ridiculously low dose then I would say that you are in danger of failing the test.

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I took one valium 10 Thursday would it be out of my system Monday

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How long does 1 mg of klonopin. Stay in your system if i have been taking it for a.week

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Every week ? Uh that's terriblel! Only once every 3 or 4 months for us.

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*You're- Please spell check yourself.

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Yah it will be in your system. I took 30, no. 10 valium, in probably a 2 or three week period. I didn't take any valium for seven days and popped a test with the dr. STUPID, SHOULD'VE NEVER TAKEN THEM...

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Xanax and valium are both benzodiazepines.... so why would one be 30 and the other be 3 days lol. And you can't spell metabolism so I couldn't even take you serious. And I beat a urine test in a week after taking it for months straight. Just ran everyday for the whole week and only drank water.

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I've been smoking cannabis for the last 10 years probably 1 joint every evening .. I stopped smoking 2 weeks ago as I have a urine test and a blood text in 2 weeks time .. Been finding it hard to sleep so have taken 1 10mg Valium last night .. Will this show up in my test both the cannabis and the vallium? I'm 5'6 and just under 10 St

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I was prescribed 10 - 2mg valiums about 4 weeks ago for a pulled muscle as a muscle relaxer. I took a 1/2 a pill for 3 nights in a row. On July 21 & 28 I had a urine test & on both days I came up with benzodiazepines & marijuana in my urine. I dont use marijuana at all. I have someone in my home who smokes in their bedroom w/ the heating vent closed along w/ a towel rolled up under the door. I'm concerned about why both were in my system almost 4 weeks later.

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Yeh its true if u take vallies from the last pill takes at least 3 wks depends on strength! but if u use it every day or even once a week even 5mg take weeks I no cos I get tested every month!!

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I have actually had diazepam in my system for up to 12 weeks! I do not care if anyone believes me as I know it's true! At the same time everyone is different

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To everybody, what about a simple answer!!!!

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