How Long Does It Take Oxycodone To Show Up In Urine (Page 3) (Top voted first)


i have a drug test on the 25 of november! i take 15mg oxycodone! if i take 1 the nite before and 1 4 hours before the test will it show up in my urine?

48 Replies (3 Pages)

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I went to the dr and about 20 prior I took 1 15mg oxycodone. Will it up in my urine test?

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I have been taking Oxycodone for a month, then stopped for 3 days, then took 2 of them 3 days prior to the urine test. Will it show up in the test?

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If I take oxy 15mg daily four times a day and I miss a couple of days then do a drug test third day and I only take one 15mg morning thrid day will the one 15mg show in drug test

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am prescribed 30mg oxycodone every 4 hours. I ran out 3 or 4 days prior to my test. I took 2- 30mg pills 4 hours before my urine screen. My Dr. stated that I did not have any oxy in my system. I recently had to switch doctors and I am convinced this Dr. is setting me up.

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I don't take perc 10 on daily basis. I took it last nite at 9 pm. I have a drug test in 36 hrs. Will it show up on test? If I drink lots of cranberry juice before I go in will it help flush out my system?

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Re: Jimbo (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

If I take oxycodone toady would it show in my urine tomorrow

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I'm so sorry for all of us dealing with the stress of a system that's making us look like drug addicts when all we want is to function normal. Do chores, work, take walks, get out of bed, take care of kids or grandkids. I'm so angry at what they are treating us like and how badly they make us feel. We have to be judged on a system because of the failures and these drs could not care about our personal situations. So many people knocking down doors for medication and we are here just trying to live. They now say "smoke marijuana! It's natural" ok. So are opiates and poppy. Why are we being scolded for a plant they sold to us? Maybe marijuana doesn't work right for me. Maybe I don't want injections that don't really work or can cause paralysis. I know what works. I've been going to drs for my back for nearly 20 years and I've turned down medications because I didn't want to become an addict. The stress they put us under is not fair. We need to fight back. This is inhumane and degrading. This is why "opioid" deaths are on the rise. They turned legit pain patients to the streets because they can't get the medication they need. It's too expensive. They don't think you're in as much pain as you know your are. This is ridiculous!! We need to petition for our rights to medications. They are the irresponsible ones, not us.

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I take 5mg 4 times a day, but I ran out early and took 1mg on Sunday. Now I have a ua on Thursday. Will it show up. Pls help if it doesnt show I get taken off them

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