How Long Does It Take For Your System To Clear Methadone (Page 4)
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if i've been taking 50 mg methadone qd for 3 yrs and wonder how many days will it take to have a clean ua? what about occasional use of xanax klonopin ativan or valium? i read on this site that it only takes 2-4 days to be clean for ativan and klonopin???

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I took 20.5 mg of methadone I have urine test Thursday, will my urine be clean by then?

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Nah, benzos are similar to marijuana believe it or not. They take a minimum of 7 days and I've seen it in my system for up to 3 weeks.

By the way, the place actually didn't drug test me for the job, so I stressed for no reason. O well, suckers! ;)

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For example, if a pull has a half life of 8 hours, in 8 hours it would start on the next,.which would last half as long (4 hours) once that goes by (12 total hours) then its 2, then 1 then 1 half then 1 fourth then 1 eighth, then it.depends on the.drug test, certain tests can detect smaller amounts then other (eg 1/16, while some can do let's say 1/64)

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@tari that's def not right, you make it seem like the half life goes down on daily basis, methadone is a synthetic opiate that is specifically designed to last for a long time in order to manage around the clock pain, I am prescribed it for nerve damage I suffered from a gun shot wound. A half life doesn't go down daily it goes down at a constant rate of half of the previous half life.

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Tari my name is Nick. I've been going to a Methadone clinic for 8 months and I've been on 95 mg. I WANT OFF ANDY KNOW WHY!! However I'm scared to death cuz I've heard the horror stories! And I heard the transition to Suboxone is not an easy one. I tried suboxone before but I wasn't ready to really quite shooting dope. I AM NOW AND I'VE BEEN DOPE FREE WHILE ON METHADONE and like I said I want back on suboxone. is there ANY HELP OR HINTS OR IDEAS OR ADVICE U CAN GIVE ME TO MAKE MY TRANSITION FROM METHADONE TO SUBOXONE AS PAINLESS AS POSSIBLE??? PLEASE!!! ANYTHING WILL HELP!! THANK U FOR UR TIME!!!

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a drug drug test Friday I have a legal prescription for methadone.4 times a day perocet 4 3 times a day xanax 1 1 a day. my problem is its for a cna job what are my chances are getting this this job. I don't abuse these I'm worry'

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Milk thistle + Danelion flowers and root will help greatly, But a word of warning it will detox you. If you are on xanax and Valium that can be bad, causing withdrawls convultions, Some people have died from detoxing from those meds with out a doctors help.

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I was on methadone for 8 yrs. I went down to 10 last yr and then did a slow detox and took my last dose of 1mg 7 days ago. I have a drug test coming up and I bought some at home drug tests. EVERY LINE on all other drugs is dark purple (neg) BUT the stupid methadone line is very light. Its visible but light!!! What the heck. How on earth! When will I be clean! My drug test is a ten panel, lab test that if anything shows up it gets sent to the gas test , which will pop me for sure. I am sooooooooo freaking sad b/c I am not even on methadone anymore!!!!

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i am at my witsend i was on methadone for 8 years,recently i went to ibiza and they would not give me a prescription to go,i saved some up and went anyway after paying almost a grand and initially being told i could have a prescription to go.i have not taken meth for 12 days yet still testing pos i need a script but they wont let me see the doc until a clear test i am going out of my head what can i do?i dont want to go back to jail i cant afford to finance the heroin

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did you get the job and pass the test?

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I am in the same boat us you bud. I took 160mg yesterday 3.7.12 and it has to be out by 3.21.12 for a job I am moving to California from New Jersey for. I will seriously lose it if it comes up positive. I know it's a high dose but I figured 14 days is plenty of time. Now, I'm reading all these sites and they say about 3 weeks to a month! What are we going to do? Let me know how you made out. I'll tell you what I'm going to do: drink water and exercise/sweat until I throw up. I've done this before with pot and cleared my system in 8 days. I used to be a daily pothead.

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I am presribed 5 valium and5 xanax a day by my psocolggist.I am wondering if this is bad for my liver and would. Milk thistle help. Out if there is any damage

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i was on 50-65 mg. for about 8 yrs. and gradually went down to 30mg then 15mg 10 and 5 mgs stoped taking it on 9/3/11 .will it still show up on 9/27/11 on the urine test?

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methadone absolutely will NOT be out of your system in 2-4 days. it is not a normal opiate. it is what is known as an antagonist. it has a half life which means if you took 30 mg today (and never took it before today) then tomorrow you would still have 15mg, next day 7.5 mg, so on and so on. If you have been on methadone for an extended period of time, it can show up in your urine for up to 30 days. I went to a methadone clinic for 9 years and recently switched to suboxone. it takes a long time to get that crap out!!

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is a benzodiazepine xanax? have to take pee test fri..took one yesterday..should i worry also took roxycodin last night at 2am????? really important job..please help...

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Actually, that number, 3 to 4 days, would be more accurate for the Methadone, narcotics usually clear your system pretty fast.

However, the Benzodiazepines can take anywhere from 4 to 6 days, give or take, depending on the doses you were taking and how often.

If you have a prescription, however, there is no need to worry, just inform them of that, when you go in for the test.



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