How Long Does It Take For 4mg Of Suboxone To Be Out Your System (Page 4) (Top voted first)


How long does it take for 4mg of suboxone to be completely out of your system?

90 Replies (5 Pages)

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Definitely drink lots of fluids flush yourself! That will help your chances of the drug nor showing. No guarantees tho?

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I took a half of a 8 mg suboxone today. When will it be out of my system? That's all I took, nothing else.

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I am in the same predicament, was it out of your system by the time u needed it to be? I can't figure out how to see the comments on here, so many people have so many different answers.

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I'm going to have surgery and March on my left foot because of three broken bones I am taking Suboxone for abusing pain pills I am on 16 milligram everyday how long does I have to stop taking Suboxone before my surgery

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I took 4 mg of subocin on sat will it be out of my system by Tuesday morning

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If one takes 2 mg of suboxone on fri, and gets
"Rehab tested" but drinks plenty of water, can
I come up clean? 36 hrs later?

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I took one 4g suboxan on Saturday morning I need to take pain pill it's Sunday will my pain pill work?

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Yes i took it yestesday so will it be out by Monday

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I need it to be out of my system completely urine and blood within 3 days any kind of help with this would be appreciated thank you in advance for any help

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I took l1 mg of sabs1 week how long will the detox

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Yes. Took 4mg today and needs to not show up tomorrow

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I took a quarter of a suboxin strip yesterday and I have a drug screen 2morrow if I drink plenty of water can I flush it out by then?

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ask the doctor to give you propofol for your anesthesia

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If I took 2mg today and got to go to Dr in 18 days will it be out my system for urine test

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Re: Jenna (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jenna suboxone can be out of the system in 10 days?

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Re: james (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taken about 4 quarters og subocone for about 4 week because I had an emergency c section 3 months ago n needed pain meds well when I ran out I stated to feel sick I tools my last subocone around 5pm when can I take my pain meds again!? I have baby's I need to not be sick Help.

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Re: roxie (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

72 to 49 hours. Stay clean and eat fruits & vegetables just like they say.

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My question is: I had nothing in my system, took doses of 8mg sub films last night and weirdly felt inebriated. If I take them again tonight will that likely happen again, or will this half life business CAUSE it not to happen?

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I took just a quarter of an 8mg sub which would be just 2mg. How long would it take to get out of my system? I took it Saturday and just tested on Tuesday night for drug court.

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I've been titrating off subutex for about 6 weeks maybe more but I took a little different approach to it because it was just easier that way but I've taken one 8mg tablet on average of every 4 days because that's how I took them just when I couldn't bare it anymore, but how long should it take for that one subutex be the only thing in my system since it takes an average of three to four days to run its course, I've been on them for over two yrs but not everyday, it started out every other day and on down from there, so I'm trying bro figure out when I can stop with out a lot of withdrawal symptoms

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