Generic Wellbutrin Not As Effective Taken Long Term
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I have been taking 300mg Wellbutrin/generic bupropion for just over 3 years now. After about a year of taking it I forgot the medication for a few days and those were such bad days. Because of that, even though I felt my depression had ended, I was too afraid to stop taking it.

Over the past 3 or 4 months I have felt my depression return, even though I am still taking bupropion.

I can't remember when I was switched to the generic bupropion, but it was probably within the first year. Could this have something to do with the return of my depression? Has anyone else had problems with the generic not working? or with it not working when taken over long periods of time? Maybe an increase in the dosage will help? or a switch back to Wellbutrin? or a new medication altogether? Any thoughts would help.

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Welbutrin only works on one neurtotransmitter. Perhaps you need something that increases Seratonin. Welbutrin helps with energy but Seratonin gives you a feeling of wellbeing. Some drugs, like effexor, address both. I do pretty well on SSRIs (prozac, lexapro, ) but get so depressed that I need energy so my doc usually adds wellbutrin. Effexor affects both neurotransmitters and that is an option. I think you need to talk to your doctor. It may be that you got a bad generic.

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Basic math would suggest that 150 mg plus 150 mg = 300 mg, which is supposedly where there are problems with the Generic Wellbutrin XL. I take 3 150 mg of the generic, and I've had so many problems that the Crisis Line tells me to call back because they are busy. I've taken overdoses but God always arranges for me to have diarrhea. I feel that I have sentenced to a very long unpleasant life that gives me no parole for trying to put up with medications that don't work with my body. I have already spend a couple of years of hell trying mood stabilizers. I weight over 300 pounds. Some idiot from the Crisis Line told me that I have to take a medication that helped--only I gained over 20 pounds in less than 1 month. 300 plus 240 equals 540 plus 240 equals 780--that's just two years of taking a medication that works. Is life really going to be worthwhile if I take such a medication? Actually I weight closer to 330 so that would put me at over 800 pounds in two years. Maybe everybody should have to take such a medicine. If we all weighed over 800 pounds then nobody would feel that life is worth living, and then maybe, just maybe people will stop trying to save my life.
But since the real Wellbutrin XL works, but it costs too much--although if you are comparing the costs to be depressed I don't quite see the corollary.

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BCBS changed mail order Pharma this year and they just "happened" to change my Wellbutrin rx to generic Bupropion. I started having anger and irritability issues and through my Dr., tried various other antdepressants in addition to the Buprop with no luck. I finally recalled that some years ago I tried to switch from brand name to generic and had to switch back (and pay more) for the brand name Wellbutrin. Back then, everything got back to normal, and I expect that the same thing will happen now. Hard to believe that Big Pharma has the juice to derail an FDA study. Well, that's corporate dictatorship for you. Best govt. money can buy.

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Generic wellbutrin is not as effective as regular. I know, it's standard for people to tell you that generic is the same but in this case do not believe it. Google around and you will find many boards with personal stories attesting to problems with the generic and even the FDA promising to look into it. For me, taking wellbutrin generic is like not being on anything at all.

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nomilkforme, it is also normal for your body to get used to a medication that you have been taking for a long period of time and for it to no longer be as effective. There is no precise time frame, because it can vary from person to person, but sooner or later, everyone that has been taking the same dosage of a medication for awhile, will require a dosage adjustment or switch to a different medication.

Have you discussed the problems you are having with your doctor, yet?


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I don't know what dosage you are on, but based on my personal experience with bupropion which was dictated by my prescription plan, it was sheer misery. Not only was I depressed, I experienced nausea, dizziness, lethargy, headaches, etc. There is an article in Prevention magazine (02/2008) that clearly delineates the inefficacy of bupropion vs. the brand Wellbutrin. Despite numerous evaluations by my psychiatrist that I am unable to tolerate the generic bupropion, they refuse (thanks, GE) to make an allowance in cost for the brand. Consequently, I pay almost $500 for a 90-day supply; the price continues to increase each time I order it. I take 300MG Wellbutrin XL once daily. If you look at the size of one of Wellbutrin XL vs. the bupropion, you do wonder why it is the size of a horse pill. Why is that? No one at the mail-order pharmacy I am required to use will respond to my inquiries regarding the fillers added. Definitely talk to your doctor about your situation. Hopefully, your prescription plan/provider (GE/Caremark) is more proactive in patient care than mine. Good luck.

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