Estrogen Dominance + Des


I have estrogen dominance and was exposed to DES and was wondering if this is a common problem with other DES daughters.

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HI, Caryl! How are you?

No, that's not usually one of the issues associated with DES exposure.

However, it is very common among women of our time, due to the fact that we're almost constantly exposed to over 100 environmental factors that elevate our estrogen levels. Thus, it is most likely caused just by your normal lifestyle.

Avoiding soy products, not cooking in plastic containers or drinking out of plastic bottles and avoiding some supplements, such as Black Cohosh can help lower your estrogen levels.

It can also be elevated if you're slightly overweight, since estrogen is produced by fat cells.

What has your doctor advised?

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Thanks for your response.
Doc says it's just the way I am. Taking Bio-identical hormones for severe hot flashes, etc for 5 years. For the last 3 years my tests show elevated estrogen and she tries to reduce the estrogen I'm taking and the hot flashes are back in 4 days.
Don't take Cohosh, not overweight, don't do any of the other things you suggested. That's why I thought maybe it was the DES.
Are other daughters having a VERY hard time with menopause symptoms - it was a nightmare before bio-identicals?
Thanks for your response

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