Epleptin Side Effects (Top voted first)


I take 300mg of Epleptin per day - have a condition called motor and sensory neuropathy. Still experience a lot of pain in my feet and legs. I suffer from severe memory lapses? Can this be attributed to me taking this medication?

4 Replies

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Hello, Koos! How are you?

Yes, this medication can cause memory issues in some people that take it.

However, if it isn't helping your pain, you should make sure to let your doctor know, you may need a dosage adjustment or to try a different medication.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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Thank you for your response Verwon. Made a mistake in my original message. Actually taking Epleptin 300mg twice a day. Still have pain but a lot more severe without the medication. Neurologist suggested ordinary pain tablets over and above the Epleptin. Kind regards

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I have been prescribed epleptin by my doctor for the relief of Neuropathy symptoms, but I am worried because so many of these meds cause impotence. What is the case with epleptin?

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Hi. I am a diabetic & have been suffering with nerve pain & the doctor gave me Epleptin 300mg. I have taken it & every morning since taking it my sugar levels are much higher in the morning. Can this tablet do this? Thanks.

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