Effectiveness Of Effexor Xr


I began Effexor XR when it was first introduced to the US market. Prior to that I took just plain, old Effexor, which was more difficult to tolerate, and had to be taken several times a day.

Effexor XR has been the only antidepressant to have some effect on lessening my depressive symptons, which are treatment resistant.

It has by no means been ideal. i.e., it has not been able to crack the code of my depression, and free me of symptoms.

It's been adequate at best. And although it is not recommended for Bipolar Disorder (I have Bipolar II) because of its ability to propel some individuals into mania or hypomania, my doctor, in frustration, said he would rather see me hypomanic, than chronically depressed. And, I agree with that position.

I have also experienced it's menacing withdrawal symptoms—just a few times—when I ran out of medication and began showing shifts in mood, appetite, body aches, and crying spells (I am not the kind of person who cries easily.) So I always caution anybody who is considering taking this drug, to carefully consider the withdrawal symptoms.

I've been on Effexor XR for 10 years now... and currently am not on a mood stabilizer (we've been through all of them too. And they too were either too cumbersome because of the side-effects, or failure to produce any balance or stability of moods.)

So far, NOTHING has worked to crack this lifelong engagement with Depression...

Except for recently.

After adding up the number of failures over a period of 15 years, I decided—just for the heck of it—I mean, what did I have to lose, after all?—to try marijuana in conjunction with Effexor XR and Ropinirole, and to the amazement of ALL who have known me over the years, and to my amazement as well, my depression finally cracked, and I was free of depressive symptoms for the first time in my life.

Not only that, but the side-effects were non-existent for me. I have repeatedly argued my case with my doctor who feels uneasy about my use of marijuana. When I asked him what was his major objection to my use... the only thing he could say was its potential effect on my lungs. I practically laughed out-loud when I heard him say this.

I urged him to support the effort to study this drug more carefully, as it has shown positive effects on others who suffer from other diseases. But he said, if he were to do such a thing—or any other neuropsychiatrist—it would be the kiss of death, insofar as their medical career was concerned.

However, it is difficult for him to deny the testimony of a patient.
And that is his burden to carry, not mine.

2 Replies

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I'm glad you found something that works. Marijuana has a very low side-effect profile (the munchies and possibly some memory and sperm problems, the research is mixed) compared to pharmaceuticals, so if it works, good for you. In California you could petition for a medical marijuana card from your doctor. They are pretty easy to get. Best of luck!

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Thanks, Paula. It really has been quite amazing - the transformation. And I am so happy to be free of those awful side-effects that accompanied the Meds.

Strangely I have not experienced ANY side effects from the marijuana. No munchies. No memory deficits. etc.

I did, however, write a lengthy letter to Thomas Insel, director, NIMH, chronicling my experiences, and requesting an answer to this question:

Why are you not evaluating the medicinal properties of marijuana?

In July. I wrote it.
Still no answer.

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