Do I Still Need A Root Canal Done?


I have been taken amoxicillin for my bottom molar for a week now.. Just got finish with the antibiotic... The pain are gone but when I bite down it feel a little funny... My question is do I still need a root canal done ?

4 Replies

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Hello, Nary! How are you?

Yes, you still need to see your dentist and have this problem corrected. Otherwise, the infection will just keep returning, because the roots of the tooth are still exposed and it's very easy for bacteria to get in, which will cause another infection and more pain.

An antibiotic only treats the bacteria that cause the infection, it doesn't correct the underlying problem with the tooth that allowed the infection to occur. Typical side effects to antibiotics, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Have you consulted your dentist?

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hi Verwon ,
I have seen them already,.. that's when they prescribedme the antibotic... I going to see this Friday to extract the teeth. As much i don't want to take it have to be done. I gladly appreciate your advice... Thank you

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You are very welcome and I wish you the best with the extraction.

Please post back and let me know how you're doing!

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Omg i thought my appointment was today but i have mistaken it... So now i have another week until my appointment.... Smh my teeth feel like its about to fall off or something... It feel fake and when i bit down it sgoot a sharp pain but it not as painful .... I think it might have been infected again... anyway i do have a question i have insurance but do they cover root canal??

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