Depression, Anxiety, Agitation - It's Unbearable (Top voted first)


For over 50 years I struggled with this condition. I stuck it out with hard work and faking it. Now that I'm nearly 77, I cant go on anymore, but don't want to traumatize family that I see (not often)! In three years I lost my wife (2015), sister (2016), & both young nieces (2017- 2018). I had supported them all until death basically! I have been on psychotropic prescription drugs for 50 years, presently on three 1mg Xanax and two Effexor 150 mg. It's hell on earth!

3 Replies

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Are those the only medications you are currently on?

I could be that you need to try a different medication, or a combination of them. Have you informed your doctor that this current combination just isn't working?

You've been through a lot, so it is not surprising that you are feeling this way, you may just need some help to get over the hump, so to speak. I strongly encourage you not to give up on life, because as you said, you would traumatize a lot of people, and you'd miss out on so much.

Both of these medications can also cause depression and mood changes as side effects, along with nausea, headache, and dizziness. The Xanax also carries the risk of being habit forming, according to NIH reports.

I am so very sorry for your losses, it is never easy to lose those we love.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, dizziness is a major problem. My GP is a nice Bloke, but just had enough. Also at my age I have soldered on far too long! After my wife passed away I coped reasonably well and a female from her prayer-group turned up after not bothering to see us for eight years and saw an opportunity to get into my finances. I lived a hard and frugal life, it was totally out of character for me, but gone is gone!

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Things are not getting better, I am sticking to the same medication and try to keep a bit active, but I am seriously considering throwing in the towel!

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