Any Positive Testimonials For Pristiq?
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Hi. This is my sixth day in Pristiq 50 mg. If anyone has had a positive experience with this drug, could you please let me know? Does there ever come a time when there is that “ah-ha” day, when you feel great? So far just the simple side effects for me with fatigue, nausea, etc. The side effects alone are making disappointed so far. How long before my optimism gets better? Share your “positive” with me please! Thank you!

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Just my 7th day.Still laying absolutely helpless with fatigue.I take a low dose of blood pressure medicine every evening. I’m hoping I don’t have to miss work due to fatigue. I’m going to give it 4 weeks like most people suggest.But in 6 weeks if I feel like a zombie,I’m going to have to get off of it.Still hoping someone with a positive testimony will give me hope.Thanks!

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Improvement usually comes gradually, as the side effects start to taper off, and everything improves, but that may take 4 to 6 weeks.

According to FDA reports, along with the fatigue, and nausea, you may also experience dizziness, dry mouth, and mood changes.

How are you doing, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications?

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