Adderall Drug Test Small Dosages (Page 3)
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I took adderall 30mg XR once in june and will take one more in sept (just one time in sept). It helps me focus when i take practice exams for my career (exam days are about 8 hours). I have read that after 5 days it will be pretty much gone - is this true? Will the quantity i have taken show up on a hair drug test? Will the small amount i have taken show up on a drug test (urine) if i have waited 5 or more days after taking it to take the urine test?

Thanks all!

110 Replies (6 Pages)

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Sorry but that is not correct. I take adderall daily and it shows up everytime I take a drug test as an amphetamine. This is not the same as methanphetamines which is totally different. If you take adderall dont think you can use meth and get away with it because you will fail.

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Adderall shows up as amphetamine. Trust me, I got busted for it 3½ weeks ago.

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This is false. I know for fact amphetamine will test positive for people who are taking Adderall. If you are in a pain clinic and they are not prescribing the Adderall, they may not test for its detection. Typically in pain clinics they are looking for other narcotics or illegal substances such as marijuana, cocaine, etc. Your doctor might also need a more reliable lab running his screening tests.

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I have taken 20mg I break in half take half in morning and other half in evening I've only done it for last four days last time I took a half was about 2am fri morning which is this morning I got call to start a job I'm supose to go in tuesday to do drug test and paper work I need to know if I will pass or is there anything I can do to make it leave my system faster

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sorry but yes it does went to my pain doctor today and yes it showed i had been taking adderall IT ALWAYS SHOWS UP

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I took one-two tablets of adderall back in the middle of February. It is the first and only time I have ever taken it. I was going on a long drive and had little sleep the night before so my brother gave me two tablets so I would stay up. I don't know the dosage but I believe he told me it was a low dose since I had never taken it. I didn't think about it until now but I have a hair follicle test for the NYPD in 2 weeks. Will that show up? It will be 75+ days by this point. Also, I did get a haircut and my hair is probably about 1.5 inches or less now.

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I took half an adderall 30mg at 4pm yesterday ,will it show up in a urine test today at 1:30??

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I took 2.5 mg at 9 am. Will 30 hours be enough time for the drug to be completely out of my body? Will it show in my urine? I have never taken this before and have a random drug test.

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I took one adderall 15 mg today Sunday I have to pee on Thursday will it show?

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Wow It is crazy how answers vary. I was worried because I took I half a 20 tablet 13 days ago and had. UA at pain/ doc today. Everyone incl. Mayo clinic says 5 days max -however reason for concern is couple years ago adderal showed at doc 12 days after taking only one and nothing else. Also had suboxone in UA before 10 days after taking one over couple day span got me kicked out. So not sure anyone can know for sure but will let you know next month if adderal was out or not. 13 days should be enough but 12 wasn't before so i really hope so

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HI. How long was it from the time you last took the adderall until your drug tests? can you recall?

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how long was it from the last time that you took adderall to the day of your drug test?

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did you pass the test?

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Adderal is very water soluble and acidic food and drinks also help accelerate it leaving the body by her drinking tea and water she is basically flushing it out of her system.

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if I took addrell on Monday then took a drug test thrusday will it come back postivie?

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An addendum: If you're taking a prescribed dose of Adderall or other amphetamine and you fail urinalysis or other drug screen, present the tester AND the employer with a photocopy of your most recent prescription. So long as the script is CURRENT they have to make an allowance.

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OK. I've noticed a lot of these answers are from people who apparently mis-read the initial question. YES: Adderall, being amphetamine, will trigger the same positive that meth or any other amphetamine drug will on a standard test because they have the same metabolytes.
To answer this question, if you take ONE Adderall 30mg, you should be clear for urinalysis within 5 days. It might be more or less depending on your metabolism. Saliva test probably clear within 3 days. Since a hair test doesn't depend on your body metabolizing the drug and getting rid of it, it will be in your hair indefinitely, until that section grows out and is cut. Being such a small amount, I'm not sure if it would register on a hair follicle test, though.

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Absolutely wrong there.... Ive taken Adderall daily for 3 years and I have failed every single urine drug test Ive taken in the last 3 years the pink line is always faint but the pink line does appear AND I AM NOT A METH USER NEVER HAVE BEEN I think as far as if Adderall will appear all depends on the person and there metabolics in which no one persons metabolic system works exactly the same further more clearly its been proven by many in the medical field that Adderal will cause a positive ua otherwise the world wouldnt be asking this ? And for me alls Ive done once my ua test positive is give them my doctors script and a personal note my doctor wrote up for me to have for drug test purposes .... So learn your facts before running your mouth ....

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That's absolutly 100% incorrect. Adderall is a mix of amphetamine salts and will pop + on any standard screen for amphetamine or amphetamine derivatives. I'm a medical doctor.

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My sister is on Adderall 30mg, she's in the army and they gave her a drug test to get her new job... Sure enough it tested positive for meth! She is definitely NOT taking meth!

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