Weight Gain Taking Trepiline

12 Topics Found

Why is trepiline prescribed, what should it do to your body? I feel no difference since been on 25g a night, other than sleeping better I take it with a sleeping pill as well. ## Are you referring to Amitriptyline? This is an antidepressant. It can cause drowsiness, nausea, weight gain and dry mouth. You can read more about it here: You may be a fortunate person who doesn't experience most of the side effects, this does happen for some people. Do you have any other questions? ## Trepiline has caused severe migraine as well as vomiting, am I right in thinking it was the trepiline? I am taking it with an anti depressant, a high blood pressure tablet as well as half a sleeping tablet at night ## I am a 46 year old female. Have suffered lower back (more so inside the left hip/side) pain...

5 REPLIES Filed under Amitriptyline

Hi. I've been on trepiline for past 2 years. 10mg at night, for the reason that I suffer with migraines. I can't seem to lose weight since ihave gained over 20 kg since starting it, not even weight loss supplements help. I've lost my libido and my hair falls out constantly. Theses are only tabs I'm on except for my vitamins. Is there a way to get my weigt and life back? Alternative tab that side effect could be weight loss instead? Any help be welcome. ## Hello, Sam! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the problems that you're having. Yes the weight gain, lack of libido and hair loss can all be side effects of this medication. However, I'm not sure what else is available for you that might help with your migraines. Have you consulted your doctor? ## I have jus...

2 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

My GP has prescribed one tablet per night for my daughter for bed wetting. Can someone provide me with more information about this drug? ## The active ingredient in this is Amitriptyline, most commonly prescribed for depression, but also used to help treat bed wetting. Some of the most common side effects include: dry mouth, extreme weight gain, nausea and dizziness. ## Thanks for your info. My concern now is that my daugher is only 5 & secondly I am worried about the weight gain and addiction probabilities. Should I be giving her the medication? ## Well, this site is not medical professionals here, so I cannot advise you what you should and should not give your daughter. What I can suggest, though, is that you talk to your doctor about your concerns. ## Thank You for your advice. I...

24 REPLIES Filed under Amitriptyline

I have been taking Lexamil 20mg for 4months, I realize weight gain can be a side effect. However ive picked up 9kg in such a short space of time. I also take trepiline at night? Is this normal. Dont want to run to the doctor for a silly side effect as I am not on a medical aid yet. All my other symptoms have improved and I am not depressed anymore. ## Hello, Bronny! How are you? Yes, both of these medication can cause weight gain, actually. Thus, what you're experiencing is a normal side effect. For most people, it levels out and doesn't continue. If that happens, then you may need to switch medications. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Antidepressant

I'm diagnosed as having Bipolar 2. I take Lamictin 25 - 1x tablet twice a day, Trepiline - 2x tablet @night, Dopaquel - 1x @night, Escitalopram - 1.5 in the morning, Urbanol - 2x tablets a day. I'm trying to loose about 5kg. I'm watching my eating habits & I use my Orbitrack 3x a day for 30 minutes. I have not lost 1kg in 2weeks. Does that make sense? I have been told that the problem could be the Lamictin. I'm not sure if it could be that or a combination of the tablets. Please let me know what you think? ## Hi Betty, Sorry to hear about your challenges with weight while taking this medication. From what I could gather, weight gain isn't something that's generally associated with Lamictin (lamotrigine). The Lamotrigine Details drug article actually shows ...

1 REPLY Filed under Escitalopram

in all the articles above it says trepiline and citraz are both antidepressents.what are the similarities and differences?my girlfriend uses trepiline and I use citraz.we go to the same doctor why different meds? ## Different medications work for different people, that is why there are usually several choices available in any given therapeutic category. The NIH lists the typical side effects of most antibiotic as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood changes, and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

a nerve trapped in a wound ## Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant and these have sometimes been shown to help with nerve pain. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, weight gain and headache. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## I take one pill at night the 10mg (blue ones)... is it a train smash to take two? Or take them during the day...iv taken leave from work so gettin drowsy is not a problem for me...

2 REPLIES Filed under Amitriptyline

I am currently taking 10mg of Trepeline at night and 300mg of Epleptin 3 times a day due to severe pain in my back and spasms in through out my body. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about 7 years ago but it is now in remission. Do these tablets cause weight gain? ## Trepeline contains the active ingredient Amitryptiline, which is a tricyclic antidepressant that the Epleptin contains the active ingredient Gabapentin, which is an anticonvulsant, though both of these have been shown to help with various types of nerve pain, such as yours. And yes, they can both cause weight gain as side effects. Learn more Trepeline details here. Learn more Epleptin details here. Have you gained a lot, or just a small amount? ## I started Trepeline (25g) 6 weeks ago for migraines. I gained 3kg! Sto...

5 REPLIES Filed under Gabapentin

I was prescribed trepiline many years ago for back ache. I now find that they do not help any longer. I have tried over a period of 3 months to gradually stop taking these tablets. Then the migraines began. They were coming one after another all day. Fortunately I do not get the severe headache. My GP said that I must go back on them immediately. I do not see why it is necessary to take a tablet that does not help any longer and also made me gain 10kg weight.Please give me your advise. It would be appreciated. ## Tripelene contains Amitriptyline, which is a tricyclic antidepressant that is also used to help with some forms of nerve pain. Since it is an antidepressant, it works on brain chemicals, so experiencing such symptoms if you stop taking it can be normal. Learn more Amitriptyline...

4 REPLIES Filed under Amitriptyline

Hi. I got trepiline for my depression I cant sleep mood swings I remember that I got this tablet with my sleeping pills about an year ago it helped me sleep at night and not thinking about everything. Im on duromine 30mg to loose weight don't want to gain again is it true that you gain wight with trepiline?

Filed under Antidepressant

what is is,and what is it used for ## Amitriptyline is a generic for Elavil, this is an antidepressant. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness and weight gain. ## I am enquiring about a pill trepiline 25 mg which my husband uses. I do not know for what. it seems there is confusion about this medication! ## i use this for migraine prevention, it works but since then i have been having sleep paralysis almost 4 times a week. i used to have sleep paralysis only 4 times a year.

3 REPLIES Filed under Amitriptyline

Trepiline tabs are the pills dangerous and what are the side effects. I am using them to help me with sleep. Thanks liz ## Amitriptyline is a Tricyclic antidepressant, with drowsiness as a side effect, which is how it can help with sleep. On some people it may also have a calming effect. The normal side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight gain. Read more: Are there any questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Amitriptyline

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