Sleeping Pill Bl 20

21 Topics Found

high blood pressure ## MY MOTHER 96 GETTING ALL THESE PILLS AND ONLY 97LBS WHAT ARE THEY FOR FUROSEMIDE TAB 20MG --METOPROLOL TAB 100 MG -- LISINOPRIL TAB 20MG ---HYDROCO/APAP TAB 5-325MG --LEVOTHYROXIN TAB 100MG==ARICEPT TAB 10MG --- RISPERIDONE TAB 0.25MG SHE IS NOT EATING MUCH AND SLEEPING TOOMUCH SHE HAS ALZHEIMERS BUT KNOWS WHO I AM AT ALL TIMES SHE IS GETTING FORGETFULL AND GOING INTO OTHER PEOPLES BEDS MY BIG PROBLYM IS HER NOT EATING THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP SHE IS IN A NURSEING HOME BUT MUCH INFORMATION IS NOT GIVEN ME ## Joan, I am going to make several posts here on these various medications, to help you as much as I can. Furosemide is a diuretic, it is used to help reduce the amount of water and sodium in the body, it can help treat conditions such as high blood pressure and c...

13 REPLIES Filed under Lisinopril

Cant sleep while on this medication! Can I take a sleeping aid? Tyenol PM or advil PM ## Can't sleep on prednisone what can I take yo)to. help me ## I would recommend staying away from the Advil/Ibuprofen, because it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and taking it with the Prednisone can seriously increase the risk of developing stomach problems, such as bleeding ulcers. There are, however, no interactions listed between taking the Prednisone, with the Tylenol PM, which contains Acetaminophen and Diphenhydramine, but you may want to double check that with your pharmacist to be certain. Are there any other questions or comments?

2 REPLIES Filed under Prednisone

Hi there, my doctor recently put me on Nuzak for depression however, i barely have an appetite and since I've been using it I struggle to focus and I have blurred visions and I cant handle been in crowded spaces. I was not like this before i was prescribed. I've also noticed that my sleeping patterns are not regular and when i do wake up, my heart is beating at a rather unusual rate. Any help on this one? ## It is possible that those are side effects of this medication, according to NIH reports. How long have you been taking it? You may also experience nausea, headache, dry mouth, and mood changes. Are you on any other medications? Has there been any change, yet? ## I am also using Nuzak and experiencing blurred vision and a very dry mouth. I use it together with urbanol 5mg.

2 REPLIES Filed under Antidepressant

crestor is anti cholestrol tablets iam taking daily 20mg but start to sputum stuck in my lungs and while sleeping sometimes i hav attack of cough for it takes around 15 min, iam not sure but i want exclude that ,also iam taking atticand 8mg tablets aday for blood pressure,please feed me back. ## The Crestor contains the active ingredient Rosuvastatin an it has been known to cause coughing, as a side effect, in some people, but the Candesartan in the Atacand can also cause it as a side effect. Learn more Rosuvastatin details here. Learn more Atacand details here. Have you talked to your doctor? You're probably going to need their assistance to figure out which one is doing it. Though, I have to admit that it is probably most likely the Crestor, because it has been well known to cause...

1 REPLY Filed under Crestor

it is almost like a supository shaped pill Dark green with a black liquid inside. no odor to liquid. ## It sounds like a placidyl - scientific name is - ethchlorvynol. Uses - This medication is used as a sleeping aid for short-term treatment of insomnia. It is usually not prescribed for longer than a one week period. - This medication is best taken 15 to 30 minutes before bedtime. Take this medication with food to prevent dizziness. it sounds like a 750mg Placidyl, But I thought the FDA pulled them from the pharmacy shelves back in 1999 / 2000. At any rate I would go on to a pill identifier website that has pictures to make sure.. Placidyl's are a very strong sedative.. Once that capsule exterior disolves ( approximately 15-30 minutes) it has a hell of kick/rush when it kicks in and...

2 REPLIES Filed under Placidyl

If a 20 months old kid takes by mistake an Apo Metoprolol 25 mgs pill, what are the side effects? ## Common side effects include dizziness, lightheadedness, drowsiness, tiredness, diarrhea, unusual dreams, ataxia, trouble sleeping, and vision problems. It may also reduce blood flow to the hands and feet, causing them to feel numb and cold; smoking may worsen this effect. I would double check with your physician about this situation. Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Thank you very much Crystal for the answer (Ref. Apo Metoprolol 25 mgs).

2 REPLIES Filed under Metoprolol

If you are asking questions about blood pressure etc, ask your doctor. I am on week 4 of the pills and haven't smoked for two weeks. Champix (as they are known in the UK) seemto be working. Have smoked for about 15 years, and in those have only managed one or two days without before. Am not into my third week not smoking. Is very strange, you simply don't want a cigarette. But I do suffer from sleep disruption, either several vivid dreams (and waking after each) or not sleeping at all. The nausea doesn't last longer than 20 min, I always take with a pint of room temp water. Will knock you out for the first few days, I am lucky enough to work from home so could take frequent naps. But ask your doctor and if you are feeling depressed or too strange, go back to your doctor and ...

1 REPLY Filed under Chantix

My partner has been taking two 200mg Ibuprofen every morning for about 3 years. He has become quite lethargic, lost his appetite and is sleeping 12 hours per night. Is it the tablets? ## It is really hard to say, those aren't typical side effects for that dosage. The NIH lists them as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and stomach irritation. Is he on any other medications that you know of? When was the last time he consulted a doctor? ## I was in a car accident when i was 17, i am now 57. My head went in the back of the drivers seat and broke my nose. There were 5 of us in a little Pinto and we hit the curb on our side of the road and spun went airborne and hit a tree head on. They never checked my spine after that and when i got to be abt 3...

2 REPLIES Filed under Ibuprofen

Hi, my mother had undergorn a brain surgery where her one of the blood vessel was coiled as it starting blowing in the brain in 2005. She is now receiving pain in her teeth in lower and uper jaws especialy during the sleeping time. Is Gabapin ME the rightful medicine for her. Till when she has to take this medicine and are there any serious side effects. ## Gabapin-ME contains the active ingredients Gabapentin and Methylcobalamin. The Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. The Methylcobalamin is a nutritional supplement that is also believed to help with neuropathic pain. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, weight gain and dry mouth. More details: As to how long she has to take it, that is something that only she and h...

1 REPLY Filed under Gabapentin

I was prescribe alprazolam 1mg, by my doctor. I always been taking 0.5 mg peach pill made by Sandoz, always feel good on them. I moved and doctor was over hour away, he advise me to split the pill in half to make it 0.5 mg, this way I will have supply for longer period of time. Also I change pharmacy, when I fill my prescription, I recived blue pills made by Dava, I was splitting them up to 2016, I feel good on them to some time, and after few months they start to have wierd effect on me, I was more deppresed, start having some difficulty breathing, anxiety, panick attacks, I stop sleeping at night, they did help little but not much any more, and now I run from them, and have to find new doctor in town. The new doctor prescribe 0.5 mg alprazolam, so I don't have to split. Went to ph...

14 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

My Doctor prescribed 50k units of vitamin D as he said my count was extreemely low last year and I took them with no problems. On my recent physical its still low so he gave me another prescription. I am unemployed with no insurance and cannot afford them. So I took the old container which had three left which expired 5/30/2011. I felt like all my bones were sore, I was dizzy and I had two days of sleeping all the time. I was eating healthy, skim milk, organic soy milk, eating yogurt for breakfast and taking tums when I have issues with stomach due to eating spicy foods. I was taking calcium pills and taking my blood pressure and everything seemed ok. Should I take Calcium when taking this high dosage. I cannot call doctor as its too expensive to see him. Please let me know if I would b...

1 REPLY Filed under Tums

sir, in 2011 i had Angio plasty at india, my doctor given presicription daily one plaviz 75 mg,Egosprin 150 mg, (for B/P) Amlodine, pantoprazolet tab 40 mg, nebicard 5 mg and night Crestor, Repace for(B/P) and Ativan 2 mg(for Sleeping). The above medicines till today I am taking. now i am living at united states, but i am gettin the above medicine from india. please advice me any problums for me above medicine. ## Do you have a doctor here in the U.S. that you are seeing? Have you been checking your blood pressure and heart regularly? Not all medications and dosages will continue to work for you forever. In most cases your body eventually gets used to the dose that you've been taking for awhile or becomes too used to a medication for it to be effective anymore. Thu...

2 REPLIES Filed under Crestor

Dr gave me Vimpac and said I was having seizures but I have never had one. Been on it for 6 months and now I have headaches, a rash on the side of my neck, balance is off and vision is blurry. I also have trouble sleeping at night but also trouble keeping myself awake during the day. I'm more depressed and my anger has stepped up times 20. What should i do cause the dr won't do anything right now. & no I have not had any blood work since I have been on the drug. 6 months going on 7. ## There are different types of seizures, so sometimes people don't realize that they are experiencing a seizure. For example, my husband has been diagnosed with epilepsy, after experience weird moments where he'd get a feeling of deja vu and kind of space out for a few minutes, then expe...

2 REPLIES Filed under Vimpat

I have not stopped sleeping. Now I feel so angry and violent. Easily agitated. Frustrated. This drug does nothing theraputic except sleep and good dreams. I just want to beat my Dr.s head in for prescribing this crap!!! It sounds like others have a trip on it. I have read it was prescribed for anxiety to pyschosis. Is this the new valium? All I have is a case of seasonal blues! Does this mean I need a prescription for a med. given to schitz patients? I can not get full on this stuff. EAT<EAT<EAT.. talk about adding to depression! ## hello. yes i take 200mg at night,helps me sleep.i do not take ,the one the Dr, wants me too take in the morning, it makes me feel, weak all over. sometimes i take just half of 1. hey, seems too work for me. tell your Dr openly how it makes you feel a...

1 REPLY Filed under Seroquel

Had DTV a little over a month ago, which was confused with a pulled muscle for more then 10 days (the massages i did... When i wasnt even supposed to be walking) , finally went to doctors who also confirmed serious PE on both lungs. Was taking normal dosage 15mg 2 x day for 21 days and 20mg daily after that. My first period was normal while in my hospital stay levonox most of the time, my second started 3 days ago and it been one crime scene after another!!!!! bleeding seems to get worse in the hrs right after i take my daily dose. Should i split the pill and take it twice a day? I read online it has helped with other side effects, please help... Barely sleeping anymore... ## You are not the only one to have reported such an occurrence. Many other women have experienced the same thing a...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xarelto

I have been taking Gabapentin 600 mg, 4x per day for a total dosage of 2400 mg per day to help keep the nerve endings on my bladder calm for the past two years. I have IC [interstitial cystitis]. I'm noticing now that I'm having great difficulty with my memory and just simply recalling words to use in conversation. I'm also having right, low back pain extending into the hip, thigh and lower leg with leg pain when sleeping. This pain is making it difficult for me to walk or sit upright. I stay extremely fatigued. I'm 42 and my uro took me out of work in Oct of 2011 and I don't see myself returning to work. I just wonder if the Gabapentin is helping or worsening my condition [since IC can lead to the above complaints] and if anyone else is having any similar problems. ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Gabapentin

I've gone 4 days cold turkey with no alcohol at all ..previous to this I cut down to one drink a day for 3 days so pretty much in my world that's a week off drink..I've drank heavy for over 20 years anywhere anytime always a drink in my hand.. Apart from work I don't drink at work .. So a drink problem I'd say denial of actually being alcoholic.. Functional parent and holding it all together also always up for a good time with friends and always a fridge full of booze!! My sudden detox is for health reasons I feel my liver is crying out to me and I've just been struck down with Raynaud's phenomenon an it's chronic !! I'm goin for blood tests this week to see just what is goin on with the liver.. I'm guessing ALD .. Anyway apart from sleeping between

Filed under Doxy

I was previously diagnosed with anxiety and depression, after many years of antidepressant mess I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. They started me on 50mcg it was good for a year then had to be increased to 100mcg and I feel loads better, no more anxiety attacks and my mood is a lot better. If I miss my med doses I can tell I become moody. I have slowly lost weight over the years I have been on it. I'd say about 50lbs. But I also eat healthier and exercise more, before I couldn't do it much due to lack of energy. Constantly tired sleeping all day and had stomach pain a lot. Before my doctor said my body was functioning to 20-30% what it should be functioning. So that makes a huge difference. Also I have borderline high blood pressure so I am on a sodium restricted diet. And al...

2 REPLIES Filed under Levothyroxine



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