Panic Attacks

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Hi, I am on Cilift since 3 days now. I can deal with the headaches every now and then. But I find, that my panic attacks got worse. I wake up in the morning with my heart racing and the evenings are even worse. I started with half a tablet for the first 4 days. The Dr. gave me Beta blocker and a tranquilizer now. When will the panic attack start to wear off? ## Hi Antje, I'm on Klonopin for anxiety and panick attacks. I've been on this medication for years now and it helps really well. It's a benzodiazepine. Those types of medications have always helped me. Sometimes you have to give the medication time to get into your system. It may take a couple of weeks . But, if you have no improvement or your panick attacks are not getting better, you should speak to your doctor about ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Klonopin

my wife underwent an op for ovarian cyst in month of apr.she then took medicine called Diva-L,basically a contraceptive for three was stopped by the doctor when she developed a problem of vomiting & dizziness.a week later she started having panic attacks and high anxiety .hears high noise in her ears & cries out of pain.feels that she might die.was put on a dose of clonotril(.25-.25-.5mg).has taken it for three days & is feeling better.but has headache when the dose is delayed.some one pl help.

Filed under Anxiety

What is the difference between anxiety and panic attacks? What is different between the two when it comes to depression? I was told they had the same characteristics. Could you identify them for me please? ## What is this tablet treated for orange in colour 30 mg mo and GOn other side ## I was taking nexito ten mg once daily for OCD and depression but I stopped it and today after a week I am restless and impatient I want to sleep and calm myself but can't what can I do now ## Anxiety Information Panic Attack/Disorder A simple summation is that anxiety is fretting, and worrying about things, while panic attacks involve full on freaking out, in various ways, due to something that has already happened, or may soon occur. The links I provided explain it more. Momo, why did you stop taki...

3 REPLIES Filed under Anxiety

Hello All, I was taking Lexapro for 3 days and on the third day, I was experiencing problems simular to a panic attack. I have not taken the medicine in 3-4 weeks but I am still having panic attack when I take vitamins. My family doctor has said that Lexapro is out of my system after a few days. Did I just rewire my brain to panic attack after feeling different from vitamins and other OTC meds? ## Hello, MonkeyBoy123! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having. No, it is very doubtful that just 3 days of Lexapro would have any type of permanent effect. According to the FDA, its normal side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. It is classified as an SSRI antidepressant. It is possible that you're just suffering from anxiet...

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

I have panic attacks after my mother died 2 weeks ago and insomnia.i've tried 1mg xanax before,but not xanax 1,2 or 3mg xr..Can you please let me try the xr's Thankyou ## I'm sorry, but this site does not manufacture, prescribe, nor sell any medications, this is an information only website. In addition, Xanax, which contains the active ingredient Alprazolam is a Benzodiazepine, this medications are controlled substances and always require a doctor's prescription. Have you tried consulting a doctor? This medication can be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more: Are there any other questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

I get panic attacks when having to fly , doc gave me some Xanax 250mcg to take before flying. Will I become addicted to this medication and will I get side effects or withdrawl symptoms from using Xanax for 2 days flying each way??? Maybe I should just cancel my flight.??? ## Using that low of a dosage, only when you fly, will not result in addiction or withdrawal symptoms. It takes much more frequent use to do that. Take them as directed and you'll be fine for your flight. You may experience some side effects, such as: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Read more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## that is a very small amount and i dont think you will have a problem with dependancy/addiction

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Has anyone experienced panic attacks or extreme anxiety while using tradjenta? My husband had an anxiety attack within 2 weeks of starting tradjenta. The months following his regular usage, he has had elevated anxiety and some close call panic attacks. Anyone experience anything like this? ## Tradjenta is known for causing the following side effects: joint, back, or muscle pain headache rash hives swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat difficulty breathing or swallowing hoarseness ongoing pain, that begins in the upper left or middle of the stomach but may spread to the back nausea vomiting loss of appetite Also, from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS), Anxiety has been reported to the FDA a total of 4 times for Tradjenta; although the severity of these cases are not c...

2 REPLIES Filed under Tradjenta

o I've been on lexapro since end of November till now.. still having panic attacks that won't stop.. it's happening like every 5 days there so severe I almost end up in the hospital.. I do take .5mgs of klonopin as well. And they are still breaking thru out of the blue no reason for them.. a while back I had a bad experience with trying to get on prozac. I was hospitalized 2x n had to get off.. I was in a real bad spot .. the doctor is now suggesting I start paxil.. n I'm extremely scared to change meds n deal with all the start up side effects.. anybody out there can please give me so advice or some positive would be greatly appreciated.. thank u ## Hello, Renee! How are you doing? Have you start the Paxil, yet? My ex-husband took it for years for depres...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

I have been on carvedilol 12.5 mg twice a day for about 2 months and am wondering if it might be the cause of what i would describe as mild to major panic attacks as soon as i wake up. They are scary. I am filled with a sense of doom. I am tired but get up ,drink some coffee and toast and start moving. This helps. I am also being treated with wellbutrin for depression (low dose as well as lorazepam. This all scares me and i need help figuring what is triggering these attacks. I recently had a ICD biventricular pace maker put in because of CHF which was diagnosed some 6 months ago. Prior to carvedilol my DR. had me taking metoprolol which gave me nightmares and disturbed sleep. So he switched me to carvedilol. I also high hypothyroidism and take levothyroxine for that. I most always feel...

4 REPLIES Filed under Coreg

Yesterday, I was prescribed hydroxyzine/Atarax, a drug sometimes used as an anticholinergergic (antihistamine) medicine but can also used for fast-acting relief of panic attacks. I am on currently prescribed Klonopin 2mg 3x a day for generalized anxiety and debilitating panic attacks, along with Fetzima, a SNRI that I recently started a week and 3 days ago. Prior to that, I was on Pristiq for 3 months and that did nothing for my depression but make it worse, and before that I was on Effexor XR, which for a decade because it was the only anti-depressant that didn't cause terrible side-effects and weight gain. However, over the last two year, Effexor started making me worse than better in terms of my depression. These meds are prescribed by Psychiatric NP, for major depression and Sea...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydroxyzine

I started taking dexilant 60mg two days ago and today i had what i consider a anxiety attack.I don't know if it is that or a side effect.It was like i was hot one minute and cold the next.I also had a fast heart rate. ## Have you tried self-therapy program aside from the medication? have a good comparison about Panic Away method and The Linden method, you can take a look and see if it fits with your condition. Hope it help, goodluck and keep us posted about your progress. ## Dexilant contains the active ingredient Dexlansoprazole, it is a proton pump inhibitor that's used to help reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. And no, those aren't normal side effects for this class of medications. Learn more Dexlansopr...

2 REPLIES Filed under Dexilant

I have been taking 1 mg Xanax a day for panic attacks and anxiety for over 20 years. New doctor won't refill. Told me I am too old to have a panic attack! How do I manage until I can find a new doctor? Any suggestions on a doctor in Phoenix az that believes you can have problems at 61? ## I use Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy ## Any Doctor who tells you that you are too old to have panic attacks should be reported to the State Board and you should consider filing a legal suit against him or her if that was actually said? My Doctor is really old, like 71 and I am really old, 56, and would lunge for their throat if that was said to me. It is true that older people should take less Alprazolam than youngsters however! ## @Joni, Just wanted to offer a few other suggestions pertaining ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

i have been taking brintellix for 6 days now and every day i get a panic attack are anti depressants supposed to cure a panic disorder if so, how long until the effect of brintellix kicks in? will it cure my panic attacks at some point how many weeks ? i need some help on this because im planning to get a room at the hospital i cant stay alone through these situations any information would be very useful cheers! ## It can take 4 to 5 weeks for this medication to reach its full level of efficacy in your body. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Go to a WholeFoods like store and buy a good brand if Magnesium glycinate and take twice the recommended dose until the...

2 REPLIES Filed under Brintellix

I am severely depressed and suffer from anxiety as well. I have started to see a psygologist and he recommended I ask my GP for medication. Which I did. He prescribed Lorien and Alzam. I thought it was working but then my panic attacks intensified. They are so severe that I have to go get an injection to stop it. It is so embarasing, as it makes me vomit, lets me faint and also give me pins and needles in my arms and my throught feels like I want to cry, but I don't. I cannot control myself and need help to get to the doctor for the injection. He has now prescribed Tranqipam for when I feel a panic attack come. This is very difficult for me, as I don't know it's comming until it is too late. I don't understand what triggers it, as I will get them at different times of th...

2 REPLIES Filed under Fluoxetine

I have had 2 panic attack episodes after taking prescription drugs. The first was after taking the second pill of erythromyacin and the most recent was after taking protonix. My anxiety lasts for very long periods of time. I would like to know if anyone else has had a problem with panic attacks or anxiety attacks while taking prescription medication. ## YES, I HAVE SUFFERED FROM ANXIETY & PANIC ATTACKS FOR YEARS.& I JUST LIKE YOU, IF I START A NEW MEDICATION I GET STRONG ANXIETY ATTACKS- THE REASON WHY- IN 1989 WHEN I WAS 3 MONTHS PREGNANT THE DOCTOR KNEW I WAS ALLERGIC TO 1 MEDICINE FOR NAUSEA & I GOT A SHOT OF ANOTHER MED HOWEVER IT WAS IN THE SAME FAMILY AS THE 1 I WAS ALLERGIC TO. I WAS ALREADY A PATIENT IN THE HOSPITAL DUE TO THE SEVERE MORNING SICKNESS, VERY DEHYDRATED...

9 REPLIES Filed under Protonix

First day (morning) after taking Viibryd. Took my first 10 mg last night before bed. Slept ok. No weird nightmares. Regular 6/7 hours of sleep. But I do take Ambien. Did not take with food and was OK. Woke up with tummy hurting and had to go to the bathroom twice. (they're right on that part). But... best of all- I def. feel so much happier after just one dose. Not sure yet how it will work on my panic attacks/anxiety but so far I am hopeful. After trying just about all the other SSRI's that always did not work for one reason or another... I am hoping this one just keeps getting better. Worked fast. I usually wake up very lack luster. Today... I woke up happy. Big difference!!! And that was just the first dose. I will check back after a week to update. I was def nervous taking t...

4 REPLIES Filed under Viibryd

I live in Wilmington NC. I am moving shortly to TN. My anxiety and stress is causing me to shut down. I need to pack and move and am having problems with all of it. I need a doctor to prescribe me some xanaz for the attacks so I can get going. ## I am on the same boat as you, I have been battling anxiety and panic attacks since I was about 14, so almost 10 years! Sometimes I think it would be best to just give up and die but I know its not the correct answer. It has been almost a month since my last panic attack and I used to have them almost every day! There are a few exercises you can research and use to help control the panic and anxiety, they have helped out tremendously for me. They do not cure you by any means but it does help. :) hope I was helpful and remember that you are not a...

1 REPLY Filed under Anxiety

I have been switching from lexapro to prozac.. started with 5mg. Lexapro n 10 mg.. I have panic attacks and anxiety all day.. for someone that hates taking xanax because I'm afraid to be addicted.. it has made me even more panicy just taking the xanax to bring it down.. this has been going on for a good week now.. I can't be alone.. always wanna go to the er for some help. I was prescribed. 25 mg 2x a day of xanax.. it absolutely does nothing it's only 1130am and I've already taken 1mg n .50mg to get thru it.. please help I feel like I'm going nuts.. does this ever end.. is it just a phase to get thru until the prozac actually starts working.. scared this will never end.. my mind races of all the horrible things going on.. ## Get a book called "Self Help for Your...

9 REPLIES Filed under Prozac

I've had muscle and nerve pain with intestinal spasms since my last (3rd) peritonitis in 93. This last one caused by a surgical mistake. Took 12 yrs to recover only to then be misdiagnosed and given a very high dose of radioactive iodine which has put me into a slow steady decline and no Dr can help the myriad problems caused by that poison. I since learned it is illegal in all of Europe and Japan and considered to be "barbaric, inhumane and outdated". I've been on 30 mg daily methadone for 8 yrs now. Because of some heavy losses and a total loss of all I had materially and healthwise, I've gone thru an emotional meltdown and panic attacks that are indescribably frightening. I take Effexor which really got rid of the panic attacks for years until lately. I feel the m...

9 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I started taking Buspar 3 years ago for panic attacks. For me it works to prevent the panic attacks in the first place mostly. Great for me. I was getting pretty bad ones 3 to 5 times a week and it went down to about 1 every month or so. With xanax it helps to slow down the panic attacks but once it has started it is kind of too late. I now take latuda for bipolar sever depression and schizophrenia and after 3 months i rarely think about suicide any more and am awake and active much more. Also i have not had a panic attack since starting the Latuda. ## Awesome, Nickoly! I am so happy that you've found medications that work so well for you. Have you experienced any of the typical Latuda side effects that the FDA lists, such as drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain or diarrhea? ...

2 REPLIES Filed under BuSpar

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