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My 9 lb chihuahua ate one 25 mg pill of Hydrazaline. He acts like his stomach hurts and has had non severe diarrhea and is just laying around (not normal for him). Thank you, Cricket ## Please contact a veterinarian. The information we have for medications, as well as my own knowledge and experience are only relevant to their use and effects on humans. I do not have anything relevant to the effects they may have on animals. Has he improved?

1 REPLY Filed under Veterinary Medicine

I'm posting regarding my friend that got a script for 90 azir a month. How can a doctor prescribe so many and every know and then she takes to many and it makes her a zombie and she doesn't even realise that we can see it. When she is better she denies that she overdose. Please what can I do to help her.

Filed under Azor

Hi. My name is Renee. I took 3000mg of cipro at once. It's been two days and I feel nothing. But every time I think of pills I feel nauseous. What will happen? ## Hello, Renee! How are you? Cipro is classified as an antibiotic, you can't really overdose on it, the only real danger would be if you were allergic to it and, since it's been a few days, I think it's safe to say you aren't. Taking that high of a dose may cause you to experience more severe side effects than usual, which the FDA lists as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and diarrhea. Has there been any change? How are you feeling? I'm guessing that feeling nausea, when you think of pills is just due to your worrying about how much you took.

1 REPLY Filed under Ciprofloxacin

I was prescribed Fedac as a decongestant for a cold, and I am supposed to take 2 pills/day, one each time, but I misread the label and took 2 at once, right before sleep. I am worried I will not wake from my sleep because Fedac has a drowsy effect, and there was a time before when I had a cold and accidentally took two muscle relaxants too close together (which also make one drowsy) and felt like I would almost not wake from my sleep - very unsettling.....................@@ If anyone can let me know whether I should be worried about letting myself fall asleep after this overdose I would REALLY appreciate it!!! Thank you so much ## Any time that you are concerned that you or a loved one may be in life threatening danger, you should consult your local poison control or your nearest emerge...


my dad took 2 tablets of flamar-mx instead of one. now he is experiencing serious reaction, eyes are running, the mouth has shifted to the left side, and he is having difficult to see and speak properly ## In the event of a serious overdose reaction like this, I would strongly suggest taking your dad to an emergency room, like urgent care or calling poison control before waiting for a response online. No pun intended, but from the way you worded your post, I get the sense that it wasn't as urgent as the side effects made it sound? If you experience a serious side effect from any medication, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online [at fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch] or by phone [1-800-332-1088]. Has...


I was depressed I guess and took about 45-50 1 grams of Xanax (Alprazolam) at one time. I overdosed and the doctors told me its a miracle I survived and didn't have a seizure. ## The problem is Xanax is a psychological drug and this is not good to do. If you would have in fact taken 50 grams (not milligrams?) you couldn't have survived. I once was going through some problems and did something similar. I was tired of chasing Xanax every month and was not feeling to good. I now have a very large amount and will never let myself feel that bad again (I had nothing to live for or so I thought). I'm glad you are ok, and you might have to deal with the withdrawal effect now but hang in there! ## Yea, I meant milligrams. I'm ok now but I've been reading a lot about xanax. So...

7 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS FOR OVER DOS OF EPTOIN 100MG? ## I am taking anti seizers treatment since Jan 2001,starting with 3 Tab Eptoin 100 each daily (1-1-1)lateron 1 Tab of 300mg at night for treatment of the 3 very small episodes of epillepsy before treatment.Since treatment last 12 years I have no complains of seizers again but feel some increase in anger and nervousness with increase in blood sugar level since 4 years and being treated with Amyrl and metformine. Kindly advise that anti seizer treatment should be continue or stop after 12 years.


what are the symtoms after an overdose of lantis my mom had 6 life threatining low of 20 or less in 4 days rushed to hospital 2 times doctors not absolutly sure what caused lows but to much lantis is suspected what do you think? ## It is very hard to say, since none of us are doctors and do not know your mother's medical history, nor what other drugs she was taking. The Lantus may have caused it, even without an overdose, if she was very sensitive to it, on the other hand, it could have been caused by her not eating properly, being sick or many other possibilities. ## I usually take 23 units of lantis at night. I think I just gave myself double the dose. Should I go to the E.R.? Also, I take humalog throughout the day.


I have taken 8 valuims at once what could happen ## The most likely outcome is you would sleep for hours and hours then wake up groggy. I'm not a doctor but when I used to get migraines I'd take 5-6 sometimes (because it eliminated the migraine) and wake up groggy. Who know though? You could also suffer organ damage. Why do you take so many if you don't mind me asking? Tom.

1 REPLY Filed under Valium

can 4 x etomine 40mg taken with 4 x serez 100mg cause serious damage? patient also on epilizene cr 300 1 x 3 times per day and olexar 5mg 1 x per day and adco mitteron 15 mg 1 x per day ( last 2 taken 24 hrs before) patient is male 23yrs and weighs about a20 kg

hello this morning i woke up and took my medication of urbanol 10mg atleast thats what i think. i have been suffering from memory loss since young and so forgot if i took it so 3 hours later i took another one just incase i didn't i suffer from a lot of mood swings depression and many other things so if i skip on dose it can mess my whole day up but now i am currently feeling very weird cannot explain it so now if i did take this med twice even if not remembering what am i supposed to do and what side effects am i going to get

Filed under Antidepressant

Yesterday I took 3 zanaflex at about 4:30pm then at about 5am I took a vyvanse. It 3:35 where I'm at. I'm experiencing severe stomach pain. It hurts when I move even when I talk I can't eat anything I can barely drink water. Am I going to be ok. I'm 13 years old I weigh 106 pounds and I'm 5,6 ## The vyvanse was a full 70mg plz let me know if I will be ok ## How are you doing? Did you suffer any other adverse effects? Are these medications prescribed for you? Any time this happens and you fear that you may be in danger, you should contact poison control or go to your nearest emergency care facility. By combining muscle relaxants, which is essentially a downer, with the stimulant, you give you body conflicting messages and it's not sure what to do/which message to ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Vyvanse

I took xarelto 20 milligrams and then 3 hours later I was suppose tobtake a xansx and I took another xarelto. What should I do ## Hello, Lucy! How are you? Did you experience any adverse effects? In the future, if such a situation occurs, you should contact your nearest poison control center, or emergency services, and follow their instructions as directed. As reported by the FDA, taking too much of this medication could result in your experiencing more intense side effects, which may include headache, nausea and dizziness. It could also increase the risk of experiencing a dangerous bleeding event. You should also make sure to inform your doctor.

1 REPLY Filed under Xarelto

I was just prescribed 2mg dilaudid & i took 20 of themhand still feel nothing? Wtf. ## Why did you take so many at once? Dilaudid contains the active ingredient Hydromorphone, which is a very potent narcotic and by taking so many there is a very serious risk of overdose, which could be fatal. Learn more Dilaudid details here.

1 REPLY Filed under Dilaudid

what happens when we take 30 tablets of okacet, 1 tablet of chymonac and 2 tablets of azee250 at once ## What happens when we take 4 okacet tablets at a time ## Overdose of okacet. My frnd has taken 10 okacet tablet.is There any danger effect for him


My friend has overdosed on restyl 0.5mg...she was facing depression from her financial problem and has locked herself away. We don't have any idea where is she...so wanted to know what will happen to her? Could she go into a coma or die? Please do answer. ## What happened? Is your friend okay? Learn more Restyl details here. In the future, if you fear that someone's life is in danger, then please contact your nearest emergency services or police department. Give them their last known location and let them handle it, they are trained to do so. While there are people on this site that are happy to help, when we can, there is really nothing we can do to assist in such a situation and yes, such medications may lead to a fatal overdose in some people. I really can't stress this e...


My fiancé took 4 30mg tablets adderall then took 4 more 30mg tablets of adderall less then 1hr later why did he not overdose or die? He will do this like once a week that I know of. Answers please... ## Hello, Raquel! How are you and your fiance? He may be tolerant to them, if he's been taking high doses for a long period of time. However. this is a stimulant that carries the risk of being habit forming and he is risking overdose, since it can cause elevated heart rate and blood pressure, which may lead to a heart attack or stroke. Thus, he should really get help with this problem. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Adderall

Has anyone experienced, long term side effects from Coricidin. ## Hello, David! How are you? Coricidin is an over the counter product that's used to treat cold symptoms, so no one should be taking so much of it or taking it so often that they need to worry about long-term side effects. If you are suffering that frequently from cold symptoms, then you most likely do not have a cold and should see your doctor. Which Coricidin formulation did you take?

1 REPLY Filed under Coricidin

I happened to give 10 ML of cyclopam as against 5 ML prescribed to him and that too for 3 times. 2 times yesterday and one dose today. I am very much worried . Pleae advice ## My child is 4.5 years old. His weight is 13.5 kg. Doctor prescribed him 5 ml thrice a day.but By mistake he take 40 ml cyclopam syrup at a time. What can I do? Is there any side effects? Please reply soon.


My brother takes Dilantin for epilepsy and was hospitalized and in the process he was perscribed 600 units when he normally takes 260 to 300 units? What can happen to him with the level being 38.7? ## TALK TO THE DOCTOR! Was the usual dose your brother took preventing seizures? If not, that may be why his dosage was increased. If that was not the case, be sure the professionals in charge of his care are keenly aware of the proper dose he should be taking! Balance is very important. I am also epileptic, occassionally I forgt to take my daily dose. When that happens, I have to take the meds I missed in addition to the meds needing to be taken. The extra dosage will cause your brother to sleep deep! He may be drunk the following day or so after this unusually high dose of meds. Starting a ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Dilantin

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