How To Get Off Methadone

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There are two of us males, early thirties. One of us underwent major back surgery three years ago and has been addicted to pain medication for a total of five years. I have been addicted for about three years just from simply being his main caretaker and dipping into the cookie jar a few to many times like an idiot. We went back to our general doctor (same guy) and explained that we are both full fledged addicts. We told him we have been obtaining Methadone off the street as is seems to be the only thing that works. He asked us what we where getting off the street and we told him Methadone. His response was, "Well that's the smartest thing you have done so far, because of its extremely long effect on the body". We told him we need his help, that we just have no money left an...

184 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I would like to get off the methadone. Im sick of the clinic rules, the police watching people go in and out and the expense. I know chasing drugs is expensive but I want to switch to subs. I am on a 90 mg dose right now and want to go down quickly. If anyone has done this please inform me The clinic will lower me 5 mgs a month ## What medicine are the best to use when quitting subutex? So I can get some sleep some ouers each night, and dont lie in bed for a long time and feel like I have aunts in my bones crawling around my body for a mounth. Anyone know what I meen and can help me? Thanks ## Dear Shells Bells, I use 2 b on methadone b 4 I switched 2 suboxone. I was on 110mg and tapered down to 24mg. At the point of getting down to 24mg, I was withdrawing SO BAD that I ended up at my D...

3 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I need help getting this medication. Where i can get off Methdone? I'm in despression, please help if you can. ## I'd like to know more about this medication, I've been on more than enough pain meds in my time, I'm tired of them & I'd like to get off of them I'd like to find away to get off of pain meds & get my life back & I'd like to find to find a resalution or help in finding out how to. Thank you. ## I also was addicted to pain meds. and I've now been on the Suboxone Strips for about 3 months, what you may no know is that Suboxone is an opiate inhibitor, with means, while you are on the Suboxone, you will not want a pain pill. After you have been on it for a while, you can make the decision that you want to try to get off of the Suboxone,...

6 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

hi, im 1 month and 3 weeks , cold turkey off methodone,,,, and all so come down with bells porsey,,,, probbley with stress,,,, I just feel ,, slugisish, tied, reslesness, fed up, and finding it hard to motervaite, my self, how long dose it last for,,,, any light at the end of the tunnel ## Dear Ieaf13, I use 2 b on methadone. I was on 110 then tapered down to 24. At that point, I couldn't take the withdrawals. I ended up going on suboxone. Thank God I felt better. As far as your situation, it takes awhile to stop withdrawing from methadone. It has a half life and lasts longer. U r probably still feeling some withdrawals. Sounds like it 2 me. And, u have your medical problem, too. Everybody is different, so, some people take longer than others 2 heal. I hope u feel better. Believe me...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I'm on 35mg of methadone at a clinic, I was on 175mg and got down to 10mg and it was terrible!! I went very slow, but I went back up. Does anyone have any advice on how to get off this crap?? I have been on it for 3 1/2 years and I want to get off so bad but I just can't even think about withdrawal. So please any advice or success stories would be great! Thanks so much. ## Pour all your carries into a non clear container and start only taking a sip when you start to find your not feeling well, and only a lil sip. Wait half hour to one hour and if you still feel like s*** take another sip and i mean small sips. You would be suprized how little you really need to not feel sick, way less than you get fact if you need to take less but your dose is higher than it should be you ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have been on Methadone for about 5 years. I had an addiction to oxycontin and the went on methadone to quit. My highest dose was 120mg and I have managed to wean myself down to 17mg. The problem is I am having a really hard time getting off of it. Doing some reading I have learned that methadone is one of the worst for trying to quit. I have a perscription for 12mcg/h fentanyl for back pain which I havent been using but was thinking about quiting the methadone and using the patch instead so when I eventually drop it the withdraws won't be as bad. Has anyone tried this? is 12mcg enough? Any other thoughts or advice? ## I'm sending only a suggestion for you and that is...... If I were you the 12mcg. will be way way too low of a dose when coming off of oxycontin!!!! You should be...

46 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

Been on 20 mg of methadone for six years. How long will it take to get out of my system? Thanks in advance. ## This is only intended to be an estimate, but most medications are usually out of your system within about 5 days after your last dose. And usually for drugs like this, the safest way to stop taking them is to taper off them under a doctor's supervision, if possible. So if you end up tapering, (which may be appropriate based on your description), then it will probably take a while longer before you can have your 'last dose' of methadone. Cold-turkeying just doesn't sound feasible after six years on any medication. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, staying hydrated throughout the day, and getting plenty of rest each night, will significantly aid your b...

7 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Hello I'm trying to go get off opiates but I'm supposed to be on pain meds until further notice from my spine doc at UVA but I fill them and seems like I'm out in 2weeks and I'm tired of my pain is so bad them run out cause I stoke extra a few days so I got a doctor's appt Friday and I go get seen they said I dunno hoe they no but lady said you'll get Subutex An Methadone for pain I'm ready for it long as it can get .mh life back cause seems like all I got on my mind is pills they are taking over my life I think going to get help and want to get the help not denying I got a problem for sure for anyone that has done this pls let me no if it works good as they say I need to hear from ppl that's doing what I'm getting ready to do plz let me no thanks Ken...

7 REPLIES Filed under Subutex

I am at a methadone clinic on 70mlg. but cannot afford the 410.00 a month I'm on Medicare and they won't take that insurance. I have tried cold turkey twice Mostly It's the pain I need it for back and nerve pain. ## I live in Spokane Wa. need to be free from this burden also need help with pain control. ## Hello, Steve! How are you? I'm sorry, but if you've been going to an addiction clinic, even if it was for pain, then a regular doctor will not be able to prescribe Methadone and help you. It is against the law for them to do so. You'd be better served to stay at the clinic and ask them to assist you with tapering off of it. The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, s...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I've been on the methadone program for abit longer then a yr and I want to get off now, I can say for sure that I'm hooked on it.. Is it possible I can quit dry turkey? Without moving down milligram at a time or could I hurt myself by doing such a thing? ## Hi Jessika! I would suggest tapering down SLOWLY or you could go through some bad withdrawals. I was on methadone and tapered down slowly and still went through withdrawals. I ended up going on Suboxone. ## You should definitely NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY, especially since you've been on Methadone for over one year! Most people take the dose down by10mg until they reach 100 mg and then 5 mg per day. I went from 160 mg all the way down to 5 mg. Believe it or not, the 5mg worked and I didn't have bad withdrawals. If you taper...

6 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Hi everyone! I was wondering if suboxone is as hard 2 get off as methadone? I was on 110 of methadone 4 almost 5 years, after many years of Oxy abuse. Got down 2 (24) and the withdrawals were so bad, and, the cravings came back. Dr put me on suboxone, which works great. I've been on 3 (8 mg) a day 4 almost 8 years now. I'm scared 2 death 2 get off. I suffer with a lot of pain, too. The suboxone helps some. What with it. I'm also afraid of the bad withdrawals, and returning back 2 pain pills. Any advise will b helpful. ## Hi Cats, You definately can get off subs it just takes time. Why not cut down just a couple of mgs and see how it goes. Instead of 8 three times a day you could try 8 than 6 than 8. If you feel allright after a week or so try dropping another 2. Theres no se...

4 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I take about 150mgs of percocet 30mgs a day and I want to know if I take methadone will it help with the withdrawal & shakes of the stopping the percocet dose every day? I have used methadone to come off of percocets before, but it was at a way lower dose.. I know suboxone's what is recommended but from what I'm told at my dose methadone is stronger if I use it right. ## In my honest opinion I don't think that Methadone will be of the best help, seeing as there is a possibly unsafe interaction between Methadone and the Oxycodone found in Percocet. The interaction between these two drugs states the following: "Central nervous system- and/or respiratory-depressant effects may be additively or synergistically increased in patients taking multiple drugs that cause these ...

31 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

Hi. I need to find help. I am addicted to pain pills and would really like to get off of them. I have tried methadone and it works, i just need help finding a doctor to prescribe it for me. I live in Michigan. If anyone knows could you please help me? I cant go to a clinic because i dont live near one. I live in the upper penninsula but would drive downstate to get a doctor..... ## I need a doctor who prescribes methadone or methadose in Brooklyn NY. ASAP ## Hey NeedHelp, I use to live in MI too and I lived in Northern Michigan and had the same trouble as you. You have to to ask your self first, how bad do you want to get off the pain killers. Methadone is a great way to stop craving the other drugs you use and saves you a lot of money while keeping you off the street drugs. You are goi...

199 REPLIES Filed under Methadose

I'm in agony! I can't keep taking adderall and methadone, it's starting to make me feel irritated. I hate having to be on something. I just want to feel normal again without relying on pills. I'm terrified of coming off of these pills. Please if you or anyone has any advice or help for making it easier, anything I'd be very grateful. ## Hello, Nicole! How are you? What doses are you taking and how often? Both of these medications are listed by the FDA as having the possibility of being habit forming, which means that too rapid of a withdrawal could cause some miserable withdrawal effects, such as nausea, fever/chills, diarrhea, rebound pain, insomnia and irritability. Thus, a slow taper would be best. Have you spoken to your doctor about getting off of them? Having m...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

My regular doctor left the clinic I have been at since 2010. New doctor at same clinic wants to wean me off my daily 280mg of methadone in just 4 weeks time. Have been on this dose for 25+ years... Mayo clinic, and my original doctor from Hawaii and clearance from two cardiologist have said no reason to stop at this point and no risk. Mistake was to not check this new doctor out first who I have since discovered is notorious for pulling this on patients for no reason. This happened conveniently for this doctor on a Friday..... can't even try to see another doctor until Monday...will also contact a health attorney.... ## Unfortunately, a health attorney will not likely do much good. No doctor is obligated to prescribe you anything, or treat you, at all, unless you're in life thre...

6 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Hi I've been on Methadone for about 7 months and am completely over it. I have weaned down from 65mgs to 30mgs without too much hassle. I've now been told I can switch to Suboxone but isn't it just changing from one to another, so what's the point? I'm so over taking this crap. I've gone from a size 6 to a size 12 during this time and hate it. I hate everything about it, it's just horrible. It started after a Doctor had put me on Endone for headaches, without telling me they were extremely addictive. I was happy to cold turkey off Endone but got convinced to go on Methadone, which is obviously the worst option ever. Is Suboxone easier to get off? What should I do? I need some advice. Cheers guys and sorry for the bad mood. I'm just so over it all, I just ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I am trying to help my father find a doctor in northern Kentucky, zip code 41016. He has been on methadone for twelve years for drug addiction. He is now trying to get off of the methadone because he can no longer afford the clinic he was going to. He is trying to find a doctor to help him get off methadone. Please, any help in any direction would be greatly appreciated. ## Hello, Lindsay! How are you? I'm sorry, but if he's been taking it for addiction treatment, or maintenance, then a clinic is his only option. Private doctors are not allowed to prescribe it for that, even if he's just wanting to taper off. I'm sorry, I wish I had better news for you, but I don't. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

cybrox a pill used to get off methadone dont know how to spell or say it but i know its out there please help ## I heard about a new drug to detox off of methadone without withdraw. Only certain doctors can give it. It's taken in a shot every 2 weeks. Anyone tried this or know the name. I've been clean for 7 years on methadone but how do I get off it without using other drugs ??? Help. ## I KNOW WHERE SOMEONE ABOUT 19 YEARS AGO GOT ON METHADONE AND GO OFF OF IT AND NOW ABOUT 2 MONTHS AGO THEY GOT BACK ON IT AND I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT THE MEDICINE CALLED METHADONE WILL HELP YOU ## I think you're looking for suboxone. It's different from methadone but you still need to take it daily. ## I've been on 10mg of methadone for 10 days from an off and on dilaudid habit. I...

8 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

Have been on methadone for 15yrs down to 40mg a day live in huntsville,AL area can't find a dr mine left I suffer with chronic pain from different health problems would like to come on off of it but very scared I just need to know how to taper on off as easy as possible I also have and rarely ever take opana,klonopin,neurotin will these help? And does anyone know of dr in this area who treat chronic pain.

Filed under Methadone

I'm on 75 mg methadone and I want to stop on my own because it seems my counselor wants me on forever. Can I do it myself being on an anxiety med? ## T Chang, it is very difficult 4 a lot of people 2 taper off of methadone on their own. It should b done slowly and under supervision. I was on (110) of methadone and got down to (24). I was in such bad withdrawals, I thought I was going 2 die. I ended up at my Doctors in tears. He put me on suboxone that day and I felt so much better. Anyway, I REALY WOULDNT recommend u doing it your self. ## P.S. U have the right 2 get off the methadone if u want. Just let you're Doctor or counselor know when u r ready. They will taper u down the right way. So, u won't go through bad withdrawals. ## Are you on methadone or have you come off it...

12 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

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