Heart Disease

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CUMIDIN ## when you are taken off of cumidin blood tinner are there any side effect to worry about ? ## Coumadin contains the active ingredient Warfarin, it is used to help thin the blood to prevent possibly dangerous clots. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising. Lee, it really depends on your overall medical condition. If you have a condition requiring your blood be thinner, so the clotting is controlled, stopping it abruptly may create the risk of clots, which could result in a heart attack, or other dangerous issues. Did you doctor tell you to stop taking it? Was it replaced with a different medication?

2 REPLIES Filed under Coumadin

Hello, my sister is suffering from rheumatic heart disease. Her doctor advised her to take sumapen instead of penicillin injections coz its painful and my sister can't take it anymore. My question, is sumapen really an effective replacement for penicillin injection? and is rheumathoid arthritis connected also to RHD coz my sister is now experiencing rheumathoid arthritis and half of her body is paralized and her she can't speak anymore. Please help me Thank you

Filed under Penicillin

In 2009, I was diagnosed with minor heart disease with high cholesterol (203) and have been taking the following medications daily: Clopivas 75Mg, Storvas 20Mg and Seloken 50Mg. Over the past 5 years, my cholesterol has been around 110. Recently, my fatigue level and constant aches and pains have increased despite daily 3-4 mile walks. I am 74 years old and maintain a healthy diet too. Do I have to keep taking all 3 of these meds? At these dosage levels?

Filed under Heart (Cardiac)

is riconia g safe for people with high chloestrol ## Doctor prescribed Ramipres mg with ostocalcium and Riconia.why Ramipres 2mg prescribed with ostocalcium and Riconia? or simply it was prescibed with vitamin. ## Riconia G is just a nutritional supplement that contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are vital to your overall health. There is no harm in taking it, if you have high cholesterol, unless your physician instructs otherwise. The NIH does warn that it could cause nausea, and constipation, as side effects. Ramipres contains the active ingredient Ramipril, it is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased urination, hypotension, and headache. Is...

2 REPLIES Filed under Ramipril

My father is 45 and his doctor has prescribed him Ecosprin AV 75. He has a strong family history of heart disease. His cholesterol level is at borderline. He has normal BP. Can this ecosprin AV 75 help my father with his heart disease? ## Hello, Emerald! How are you? Ecosprin AV contains the active ingredients Aspirin and Atorvastatin, it is used for blood thinning and to help lower cholesterol levels, so yes, it can help prevent some cardiac issues. It will not cure, it can just help. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, joint/muscle aches and increased risk of bleeding. Is there anything else I can help with? ## what to do if double dose of ecosprin av 75 is taken ? what are risks? what to do

2 REPLIES Filed under Aspirin

Is Toprol XL 100 mg help heart disease? ## Possibly? Conjunctive Heart Failure as explained to me. Of course that sounded like my heart was failing? ## Troprol XL is a beta-blocker used to treat chest pain (angina), high blood pressure, and heart failure. By lowering your high blood pressure it helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems.

2 REPLIES Filed under Toprol

Insufficient potassium and vitamin B-1 (thiamin) can not damage the heart significantly when both are deficient. This has important safety implications when supplementing each during heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, beri-beri, or diabetes influenced by the deficiency of one of them. It is extremely important to know which kind of heart disease is involved. Copper is crucial for strength of arteries because of its role as part of lysil oxidase, which cross links elastin tissue. A deficiency is probably the main cause of aneurisms and therefore many strokes, hemorrhoids, and many bleeding problems, as well as high blood cholesterol. Sincerely, Charles

Filed under Copper

I was confined months ago with rheumatic fever and my doctor said it damage the pulmonic valve... I take sumapen 2 times a day. Is this really treating my Rhd? How long does sumapen take to work? ## This is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of infections. The NIH lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. Sometimes, people might need to take a medication for life. However, if you aren't sure, there is no harm in seeing another doctor for a second opinion. How are you doing? Has there been any change? ## Also used it because i was diagnosed with rhd too.. But i stopped usibg it because of side effects that makes me too weak.. I got better like i dont have rhd anymore but then, i took medicine...

2 REPLIES Filed under Prednisone

Metaspan has been prescribed once a week along with other medicines three years after angioplasty. What are the research results on whether metaspan softens the arteries in which stents have been put and whether there is any danger to the stents after taking metaspan?

Dear Sir, I am 65 years old and I have Diabetic, Anxiety, Hypertension, Acidity and Ischemic Heart disease. My doctor has prescribed me the following medicines 1. FLAVEDON MR 2. Monit 20(Isosorbide mononitrate) 3. Cardace 1.25 mg 4. ECOSPRIN 75 5. Aztor 10 6. Alzolam 0.25 7. Clotitab 75mg 8. Zoryl M2 9. PantocidHyper Pleas suggest me what medicine and dose should I take Thanks ## Your doctors prescription is just excellent and you should follow as it is.He has covered your problems entirely and suggested mild dosages Thats good.U do not require any change .Pl note that i am not a doctor but a patient like you. I had ischemiea 35 years back .

1 REPLY Filed under Isosorbide Mononitrate

Hi, I’m Herb... My question is, why is addiction considered a disease & not a choice?! I can & have quit addiction but I don’t know anybody that has “quit” cancer, heart disease or diabetes... I’m convinced that addiction is a choice, not a disease! ## Hello Herb! How are you? It is often considered a disease, since some people can inherit a genetic propensity for addiction, just like cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, according to NIH studies. If their parents, grandparents, or others in their lineage were addicts, it could make them more prone to becoming addicted to any given substance, such as drugs, or alcohol. That does not apply to everyone that experiences an addiction, of course, but it has been found to apply in the prevalence of cases. T...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cancer

Dear Sir, I an based in India. My doctor has prescribed me the following medince as I have Diabetic, Anxiety, Hypertension, Acidity and Ischemic Heart disease. 1. FLAVEDON MR 2. Monit 20 (Isosorbide mononitrate) 3. Cardace 1.25 mg 4. ECOSPRIN 75 5. Aztor 10 6. Alzolam 0.25 7. Clotitab 75mg 8. Zoryl M2 9. PantocidHyper Please suggest me proper medicine and dose. Thanks

Filed under Isosorbide Mononitrate

I have been having high cholesterol level reported now and having fluctuation lipid profile report every three months and i was taking finehart tabs on docs advise as a single dose till now, my doctor have now prescribed me to take finehart tablets of double dose every day.Does it harm in anyways to my other body functions, and what would be the side effects of this medicine. I do not have any other diseases. ## Finehart is listed as containing Fenofibrate and Atorvastatin, both of which are used to help lower cholesterol levels. Taking a higher dosage may cause you to experience more side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and joint/muscle aches. You can learn more Fenofibrate details here and there are more Atovastatin details here. You would be in much greater danger if you...

1 REPLY Filed under Fenofibrate

PAIN UPPER ABDOMEN when I drink or eat Ifeel like vomitting and when vomit acoid like liquid /salaiva comes out. dr advised me to take 1 tab cinesta befor 1 hr before meal and took injection pantacid last evening ## I'm sorry, there was another post recently about Cinesta, I couldn't find information on it then and I still can't locate any details on a medication under this name or anything similar. I've tried everything I can think of, including spelling variations. Can you provide any more details? What country is it from? Can you double check the name and spelling? Pantocid contains the active ingredient Pantropazole, it is a proton pump inhibitor that is used to reduce the amount of acid produce by the stomach. It is helpful in treating conditions, such as heartburn,...

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

Dr. Francisco Contreas speaks about these meds on the Benny Hinn tv ministries. 9th Dec. in relation to Holistic medicine. he indicated that these along with garlic, grape seed extract in combination can help significantly in reversing heart desiease and High blood pressure. Also where can I purchase these meds.

Filed under Heart (Cardiac)

my husband is dealing with reoccurring bouts of vertigo, and the only medication that seems to help was prescribed when we lived in Canada: novo benehistine. Is this medication available in the U.S.? I can't seem to find it. ## Hello, Sarah! How are you? First, I want to let you know that the U.S. does not distribute and name medications like Canada does, so anytime you are looking for something here, leave off the Novo, Apo, or etc. Those denote the manufacturers, but aren't part of the drug names here. And no, it is not available here on the regular market. However, if you speak to a doctor about it, they can prescribe it and it can be made for him by a compounding pharmacy. The FDA lists the typical side effects for tis medication as possibly including headache, nausea, heart...

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

My brother has been told he has High Output Heart Rate. He now has a feeding tube and only weights 121 lbs. He is on oxygen and struggles to breathe. Drs at UNC and DUKE hospital can not find out what causes the HOHR. He has no problems or diseases with his heart other than the HOHR. All his blood work looks fine. My brother is dying and no one knows why. Is is only 42 years old with a wife and two little boys. HELP!!! ## donna have they not tried to cardiovert his rhythm? they can do this with iv medication or with a lite electrical shock. a heart cannot beat at a high rate for long periods of time. no wonder he's so weak. there has to be some underlying diagnosis, or other medical problem, diabetes liver kidneys. there are a lot of things that can cause a high heart rate but can u...

5 REPLIES Filed under Heart (Cardiac)
Heart Burn / Indigestion Drug Category

Heartburn, also known as pyrosis,[1] cardialgia, or acid indigestion[2] is a burning sensation[3] in the chest, just behind the breastbone or in the epigastrium, the upper central abdomen.[4] The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw. Heartburn is usually associated with regurgitation of gastric acid (gastric reflux) which is the major symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).[5] It may also be a symptom of ischemic heart disease, thou...

in my chest xray results hearts are within normal limits in size nodular infiltrates are noted in the right upper lobe. rest of the lung are clear. impression : chronic inflammatory lung disease compatible with ptb my doctor suggested to undergo sputum test which is acid fast bacilli but the result is negative.. Does i have an active ptb? ## In my previous xray result the finding is Left lobe minimal fibrosis. Then, i go to pulmo specialist and advice me for another xray. The result is chronic inflammatory lung disease compatible with ptb. But i do not undergo for sputum test, is it really 100% that i have TB even without sputum test? Is it xray is enough to say that i have TB?


My mother was dx in March 2015 with congestive heart failure. She originally had a double heart valve replacement (May 2011) for her mitral and aortic valves. It seemed ever since she was sick (before the endocarditis dx) that her immune system was compromised greatly. My mom was taken to a regular dr appt. August 6th and my dad and her found out coumadin levels were off the charts. They rushed my mom to the hospital 25 miles away and immediately put her on the Medical ICU floor. When they came into her room to start running diagnostics and everything one of the infectious disease doctors told my dad and I that Metformin has been known to cause death. (My mom was still with us at this time, but we found that she was in septic shock and multiple organ failure!) She passed just 24 hours a...

Filed under Metformin

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