Greenville Sc

18 Topics Found

Try Manos in Taylors SC, he is very compassionate ## Do you have a number or name of his practice by chance? ## Hi everyone. This suggestion is for everyone who is looking for pain management in SC. Get on Google and look up prescribers for narcotics in Greenville, or where ever. It will give you a list. Find which ever one fits your needs. You can check them on healthgrades. 4 to 5 stars are best. Good luck everyone and God bless.

2 REPLIES Filed under Pain Relief

I have small fiber neuropathy with extreme chronic pain. I have had many evaluations and biopsies. Each doc I have seen is scared to death to prescribed pain meds. I went to a few pain management docs and passed every U/A but they always start weaning me then taking me off the meds. Are there any physicians in greenville sc who prescribe pain meds for neuropathy?

Filed under Pain Relief

used to be prescribed lortab 7.5 120 count.. moved now in search for doctor that will write them. self pay ## It isn't very likely that you will find someone to prescribe Lortab or any of the other names it's available under that contain Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen due to the new stricter laws that were put in place on January 1st. Under them, except for a few exceptions, general practitioners and surgeons will not be allowed to prescribe opiate narcotics for long-term pain management anymore. They will have to refer their patients to a pain management specialist. Instead, they will be mostly restricted to prescribing them for only a short period of time, such as for a few weeks after someone has had surgery or been in an accident and is recovering. Learn more Lortab details h...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lortab

I was going to a family doctor in anderson, sc but i have moved back in with my husband in greenville, sc and need a doctor closer. I have a perscription for adderal i was getting monthly from my family doctor. Need names of family doctors in greenville,sc that will continue this medication for me with out going to a psychiatrist. ## Hello, Ashley! How are you? I'm sorry, but due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, you will need to see a specialist. Is there some reason you're against doing so?? ## Ashley, did you ever find someone? ## She doesn't have to go to a shrink that wants $300.00 an hour , family doctors will handle it , just transfer your medical records to new MD.

3 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

I am looking for the ingredients of BGO made by Calotabs Co of Greenville, SC years ago. My jar has long been worn smooth and can't read it. ## This product is no longer available, but from another user on our site that was asking about it, the ingredients listed on the packaging were as follows: Salicylic Acid, Sulphur, Zinc Oxid, Phenol Calamine, Menthol, Petrolatum, Lanolin and mineral oil. The only thing I can suggest is trying to find a similar product that contains the same ingredients. Have you tried asking your pharmacist if they can recommend something? ## if you have the ingredients and even a small sample a compound pharmacy can remake it for you! ## I don't know how old your jar of BGO (Beeman's Greaseless Ointment) is, but my father owned the company from the mi...

42 REPLIES Filed under Salicylic Acid

I need a doctor that is liberal in prescribing pain meds cause i have been on pain meds for over 10 yrs and small amouts or less effective drugs like lortab dont work for me anymore... I have legitimate problems but im self pay so it would be better for me ic a family doc could see me for everything... If u know anyone please reply... Please!!!! I need help!! ## Hi Elisabeth, I'm sorry to hear about your situation, unfortunately, no one can really know ahead of time what a doctor is or is not willing to prescribe. That is based on the doctor's discretion and not just on someone else's previous appointment (especially since many doctor's are now worried about losing their licensing for prescribing too many narcotics). Some advice I can give you is to not specifically ask ...

1 REPLY Filed under Lortab

Where can I get my morphine pump filled and maintained in Greenville SC. Also prescribe 30 mg morphine tablets. I'm moving to Greenville SC area from Indiana at the end of June and I'm frantic about finding a doctor that can do this. Thank you, Sharon ## HI, Sharon! How are you? If your current doctor can't refer you to someone, then the best thing I can think of is to call the pump manufacturer and ask them about doctors in that area. They usually know which doctors use their products and maintain them, so they should be able to help. Many people don't realize it, but such avenues can actually be great sources of information. Many people that are interested in trying specially compounded natural treatment options have discovered doctors that prescribe them by asking at ...

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

I have been suffering chronnicaly since 2008. Its has gotten tremenduosly worst over the years. It first started after being a passenger in a terrible carwreck. That's when I found ou I have Fibroymyalgia,Myofasciak Syndome,and extremely middle and lower back pain that radiates into my right hip,front ot bothl legs,I get Tenion headaces and Migraains too. I was also rear ended by a truck three days before Chistmas 2011. Instead of getting better, its getting worst. I live close to COlumbia,SC,Greenville,SC,and Augusta,GA. I have tried several time to call my former PM doctor so they will please send my records to a more competent, compassionate PM doctor. Anyone know of any great,caring,compassionate doctoors that are happy to accept new patients that are wililling to prescribe narc...


Buldging disk in lower back and also broke my L2 vertebrae in 2006 pain is intolerable ## Hello, Tamtam! How are you? Due to the new regulations set forth by the DEA last year, you'll need to see a specialist to have pain medications prescribed. A general practitioner won't prescribe there for you. However, do you currently have a PCP that could refer you to someone? If so, that might be the quickest and easiest way to find the help you need. Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area? ## I've tried Piedmont Comprehensive Pain Management in Greenville and the dr I'm seeing cut my pain meds in half at my first visit and is threatening to not prescribe "one single pill". Despite saying they would monitor my pain levels closely over time I barely see the dr as ...

34 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

lookin for doctor to prescribe me roxi 30mgs, i live in greenville sc, if anyone knows any docs or lookin to sell anythin hit me up ## ROGER MORGAN PHILLIPS 755 THIMBLE SHOALS BLVD. NEWPORT NEWS,VIRGINIA 757-873-2229 ## Hi buster, I may not have a doctor I can refer you to, but I can provide you with a couple links that may be of service to you in locating pain management doctors within your general area. All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results: {link removed because site no longer exists} You can give this other page a try too if you come up with different results for some reason or another: Many of the results you find (in one or both of the links above) also list a phone number for that specific doctor; I...

5 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

Does anyone know a Dr. In the greenville sc area that will prescribe lortab? I am in severe pain and no one will help because of so many addicts. ## I am sorry that you are suffering and having such problems. Unfortunately, there are several issues going on here. The first is due to the changes that were made to the laws at the beginning of the year. Medications containing the combination of Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone are now being phased out for long-term use. Doctor's are only allowed to prescribe them for short periods of time, such as for a few weeks after someone has had surgery or been in an accident. Learn more Lortab details here. The next issue is that general practitioners and surgeons are no longer going to be allowed to prescribe pain medications for long-term use, ex...

1 REPLY Filed under Lortab

BGO ointment last distributed by Calotabs Co. in Greenville, SC. Company has apparently closed...not further info. Ointment is an antiseptic, antifungal cream for relief of th athlete's foot, ringworm, hemorrhoids, externally caused blemishes, cracked lips, minor cuts, burn and bruises, corns, itching from burning skin due to sunburn and non venomous insect bites. Contains salicylic acid, sulphur, zinc oxide, phenol calamine, menthol, petrolatum lanolin and mineral oil. Have used this product for over 50 years and it works great. Would be so happy to find a new distributor if one exists. ## This stuff is great. I still have one new bottle since i bought all the local drug store had a few years ago. I too have researched and not found anything on where we might get some more. It is g...

69 REPLIES Filed under Phenol

Need Help Finding A Doctor In Greenville SC That Would Write For Somas And Pain medication. I Have 4 Buldging Discs T1 T2 T11 T12 Also Degenerative Bone Disease Which T3 is totally degenerated, causing Scoliosis. I am in severe pain 24/7. Could someone please help me. All and any info would be greatly e appreciated. Thanks! ## Hi Kevin, I may not have a doctor I can refer you to, but I can provide you with a couple links that may be of service to you in so far as finding pain management doctors within your general area. Just input your city or zip code for narrowed results: {link removed because site no longer exists} I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if they are accepting new patients. I hope this info helps and wish yo...

3 REPLIES Filed under Soma

Hello, I just started a new page in life and want to enjoy without Adderall. I take 40mg XR once daily. I've been taking it approximately 3 years now and want to walk off of it. Life's too busy for cold turkey. Is the anyone in Greenville, SC that can help me? ## I am not from SC but I am also prescribed adderall, only I am prescribed 40mg of IR instead of XR, and it is a medication that is suppose to calm you from ADHD symptoms, which also unfortunately most fund anxiety coming into play also, they come hand in hand with each other. Where you are prescribed XR, you can taper your dosage by redusing the beads in the capsules. If you slowly taper off that way the affects will not be so uncomfortable. A doctor once told me that this was a medication that you can stop cold turkey, ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Im paralyzed at t-11/12.I have rods in my back from t-9-L-2.Ive still got feeling below the waist b/c Im incomplete.the pain is shooting,stabbing,burning& throbbing.I have stage 4 pressure sores&osteomilytis.My muscle spasms are continueous.I need painmanagement for 3/80mg oxys a day.I live in greenville,AL.& the DR."s around here think if your paralyzed,you cant feel pain.-WRONG I need a gd DR. in AL. to take me serious & write me scripts every month.Illl drive anywhere for help-Thannx ## The biggest issue you may be running into is if you are going to a doctor, or calling to see about setting up an appointment as a new patient and asking specifically if they'll prescribe Oxycodone. Most doctors and their staff are trained to view that as drug seeking behavior. ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Where can I get my morphine pump filled in Greenville SC as well as my morphine pills 30mg?zpgqm

Filed under Morphine

Where can I get my morphine pump filled in Greenville SC as well as my morphine pills 30mg?zpgqm

Filed under Morphine

Need to find doctor who will prescribe narcotics for long term use I have disability and cannot work stay in pain 24/7 need help ## Need percs broke my foot and Dr won't give me anything


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