Gel Used For Pain

100+ Topics Found
Pain Gel Plus Menthol

.mw-parser-output .ib-chembox{border-collapse:collapse;text-align:left}.mw-parser-output .ib-chembox td,.mw-parser-output .ib-chembox th{border:1px solid #a2a9b1} Menthol Names Preferred IUPAC name 5-Methyl-2-(propan-2-yl)cyclohexan-1-ol Other names 2-Isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexan-1-ol2-Isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexanol3-p-MenthanolHexahydrothymolMenthomentholPeppermint camphor Identifiers CAS Number 2216-51-5 (levomenthol)Y89-78-1 (racement...

I have boils on the lower part of my stomach, do you think gelmicin will be good for that ## Hello, Traviesa! How are you? It really depends on what's causing them. Have you had them checked out? How big are they? How often do you get them? There is a steroid in Gelmicin, so it could actually make them worse, in some cases. ## Yes I have had them checked out my doctor says its because I dont have my diabetes controled, there like quarter size and sometimes ill get them about four times a month. And ill ask my doctor about this medication thank you very much for your response, I appreciate it, once again thank you and god bless you ## Hello . Well I had a boil right on my stomach too that wouldn’t go away for two months and it helping me a lot . It stopped the pain and it...

9 REPLIES Filed under Betamethasone

I'd like to know the ingredient of P-Spasm Pain Gel ## I"d like to know the P-Spasm-Pain Gel's ingridients ## I'm sorry, I can't find anything listed for a product under that name. Can you please double check the name and spelling and post back? What country is it from? Learn more analgesic details here.

2 REPLIES Filed under Pain Relief

I am looking to get some astrosilium gel, I find it really work to relieve pain in my joints . I was wondering do you have any , or do you know where I can get some , thanking you Doug ## Hello, Doug! How are you? I'm sorry, but this is an information only website, it does not manufacture, nor sell any products. Have you tried your local stores?


Can anyone tell me about Voveran tablets? I want to know the benefits, uses and side effects of using this tablet. I am suffering from back pain, so i would like to know if this tablet can be used for back pain or not? ## Vovaren contains the active ingredient Diclofenac, this is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, so yes, it is used to treat pain and swelling. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness headache and stomach irritation. You can read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Dear Sir I had heel pain for last two years. When I get up in the morning I could not place my foot on the ground but after some time it uased to become a dull ache. the doctor had given me a injection Kenacort 40 mg in the heel & Tablet Voveran plus to take & TANTUM gel...

21 REPLIES Filed under Diclofenac

Hi, I am a 23yrs old girl. I have pain in my back since past 3-4 weeks. I believe it is a muscle sprain and I got it when I bent incorrectly. Recently the pain has gone to an extreme level where I was unable to stand or sit and immediately that day I went to a doc and he prescribed me 3 tablets and a gel among which Cefoway-o is one. Can i know what is it for?

I was prescribed fentanyl patches in May of 2010. I never opened them, and want to know if they would still be good. ## What's the expiration date on them? Fentanyl is a narcotic and it doesn't become dangerous if it is old or expired, but it can lose effectiveness and since the patches are made with a type of gel, it might have started to solidify a little, which means you would absorb less of the medication. Common side effects to these may include: nausea, drowsiness, constipation and dizziness. Learn more: ## I have fentanyl 50 mcg. Patch That are 2 yrs expired and was wondering if they will still be as potent as intended ,they are not the gel btw.. ## I get 10 mcg/hour butrans patches from my dr. How many mg is that an hour?

3 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

Emansen D is prescribed by doctor after food as I have swelling and a small bone growing shown in the exray at the back of my ankle, which pains while walking squatting are there any side effects for this drug. He has also prescribed Chymaral before food and Ralcium DR on empty stomach for the main sysmptons alongwith DFO Gel

I have been having problems since they took me off of the duragesics made by jennsen, I am looking for a similar brand that helps my pain and does not fall off, I liked the sandoz but there is some back up on those i do not like the matrix because I get no relief, gell patches fall off ## Why did they take you off of it? Do you mean your pharmacy just switched which one they're providing? If that's the case, you can ask if they can order that one back in for you. You just may have to pay any price difference between it and their current one, because your insurance usually won't. As to the ones that fall off, there are also solutions available for that, there are some medical tapes and overlay patches that you can get to prevent them doing that. ## @vERWON PLEASE if you could...

19 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

Can anyone tell me what this is? Someone sent these pills home with my husband stating they help with menstrual pain... I'm not a big advocate of pain meds - especially when I don't know what they are. These pills have TB 200 marked on them and they are blue/green, oblong gel pill . Any ideas? Thanks! ## The marking is actually intended to be IB 200, the bottom of the capital I just doesn't stamp very well on the gel substance. This is a generic or store brand of Motrin and contains 200mgs of Ibuprofen, so it is nothing dangerous. It is a NSAID that is commonly used to treat pain, fever and swelling. You can purchase them in almost any store. The gel capsules are meant to allow it t dissolve and work faster. Common side effects may include; nausea, drowsiness, headache and s...

1 REPLY Filed under Motrin

I have been on Morphine ER, Oxycodone 20 mg x 4 daily for breakthrough! At the same time I took 120 mg of OxyContin in England, so it’s not the gel hysingla, I’ve used fentanyl patch! Everything from tylox, Norco, Vicodin etc! My doctor put me on 80mg hysingla with NO breakthrough medication! This does NOT last 24 hrs as it says and I need something for the breakthrough to function! ## How long have you been taking it? What were you taking before the Hyslinga? More details would enable people to provide you with more details. You might not be on a comparable dosage. The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache.

1 REPLY Filed under Hysingla Er

I'm looking for a red pill about the size of a Sudafed pill for constipation. I was given this pill when my first child was born to have a bowel movement after the nurse put me through other painful procedures, I'm expecting my 2nd child in May & I refuse to do those procedures again & would like to know what that pill is & how to get it. Thank you. ## It was most likely just a stool softener, they are commonly given to women after birth, because after labor, many women don't pass stool for a few days, and when they finally do, it can be very hard, so a softener makes it easier. Many of them can be purchased over the counter in most drug stores, and pharmacies, but they may not want you take them, while in the hospital. Ref: Medline Plus Stool Softeners What proc...

1 REPLY Filed under Sudafed

I have cramps. Can I takes these for pain? ## The red gel over the counter products with the P 51 marking contain 100mgs of Docusate, which is a stool softener and will not help with pain, or cramping. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Docusate

gel or cream for muscle and joint pain ## There are several on the market, both prescription and over the counter products. You can easily go to any drugstore and find quite a few choices, such as Icy Hot. They often contains products such as Capsaicin or Menthol, to help cool and sooth the ache in the muscle or joints. What specifically are you looking for?

1 REPLY Filed under Capsaicin

Hello! I sustained a brachial plexus injury following an auto collision 4 years ago. I currently take Lyrica, Norco, and Gabapentin, and apply this gel three times daily to my left wrist and hand. My current medication is not adequately combating my chronic pain. Please offer any suggestions so I may finally beat this debilitating chronic pain!!!

Filed under Lyrica

What purpose does this medication serve ## Gelmicin - Can you please provide me with some information on what this cream is used for and how it should be used and not used for. Thank you Oscar Flores ## Sorry, this is not available in the US and as such, it is not regulated like US meds are, and I am unable to find any information on it. I would recommend asking your doctor or pharmacist for more information. ## WHAT IS ISOSORB MONO ER 30 MG USED TO TREAT ## ive itching and small amount of white discharge from my genitalia, flucess200mg was given as treatment, is it good to treat such condition? ## My girlfriend has something that feels like a pimple, i don't exactly how to describe it but its inside her vagina i can feel it when we making love she says is not painful. I want to kno...

5 REPLIES Filed under Travoprost

I saw an ad for Volteran gel as topical treatment. I would like to know where I can get it. The TV ad gave this web page. Thank you ## I have Ra for which am getting treatment/I also have three herinated discs and lower back pain,also hip and knee on right side for several years.Seeking alternative to surjury


ainti-inflammatory ## Voltaren Gel contains the active ingredient Dilcofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory. In this case, it's used topically to relieve pain, so the side effects are usually minimal and include skin irritation or burning. Learn more Voltaren details here. Are there any comments or questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Voltaren

small red oval gel cap with P51 written on it. ## Docusate sodium 100mg- used as a stool softener or laxative ## Just to confirm, I have also identified the Red Gel Cap with imprint P51 as Docusate sodium (100 mg). Docusate belongs to the drug class laxatives and is used in the treatment of acute constipation. Possible side effects are typically mild and may include: stomach pain, diarrhea, or cramping. Serious allergic reactions can occur with the drug. The most severe side effect of docusate, although very rare, is rectal bleeding. Manufacturer: Akyma Pharmaceuticals National Drug Code (NDC): 65162-0614 You can learn more about this drug on the page for Docusate Details I hope this info helps! ## I was wondering, i have the red oval docusate 100mg for constipation, i have 2 questions,...

3 REPLIES Filed under Docusate

my mother is a suger patient. and suffering from arthritis and suffering severe knee pain. she is recently given a mild shock treatment in the knees. and after that as a effect she is having a sore knee and experiencing severe pain. now is it safe and pain reliever to use ibuprofen gel for her?

Filed under Ibuprofen

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