Fentanyl Patch 150 Mg

15 Topics Found

Iv been on the Fentanyl patch 50 mg for about two yrs, use to be be on 150 mg, but didn't want to be on such a high dose , also on percoset10-325. My question is , I wear the patch on my upper arm, sometimes the sight itches, well about 20 mins ago ,the site itched and I guessed I itched it to hard, before I knew it the liquid was all over my arm and hands. I know how serious this medication can be , I'm worried about and over dose. It can sink in the skin and is a strong medication. I did wash my arm and hands with soap and water right after, just scared about an over dose. Anyone have this happen to them ??? ## Hello, Cookie! How are you doing? Please be careful scratching in the future, to prevent it happening, again. However, it isn't like that you absorbed much to put y...

1 REPLY Filed under Fentanyl

My brother has Stage IV lung/bone cancer and the new pain cocktail is 8 mg. dilaudid and 150 fetanyl patch plus IV dilaudid every 2 hours. He will probably be released from the hospital today or tomorrow so they have been easing off the injectable dosage and administering it oralls. The increased dosage of the oral dilaudid is causing him to vomit, which will lead to dehydration etc. What is the next best solution to solving this insidious problem of keeping his pain under control without these side effects? Thank you. ## Hello, Law! How is he doing? There is really no way to avoid the side effects, if they're going to happen, they're going to happen. Sometimes, taking the medication with food can help to minimize the nausea. The doctors may also be able to prescribe a medicatio...

2 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

I am now down from 12 mg Fentanyl patch to half, 6 mg. As I suffer from anxiety, I'd like to know if that can be one of the withdrawal symptoms? What are the other withdrawal symptoms? ## Yes, that can be a withdrawal symptoms, others may include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, chills and fever. Learn more: Are you working with your doctor? They may be able to help you with some ideas on how to alleviate some of the symptoms. ## I've been on 150 mcg of fentenyl, yes that means two patches at the same time. I also take 15 mg. of oxy 4X a day for over 2 years. This is for 39 years of Rheumatoid Arthritis, since I was a senior in highschool. Two days ago my Rheumatologist informed me he couldn't write scripts for narcotics. I have no where to go. It's cold turkey! HELP! ## Also...

12 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

Can a patient who's already been on the 37 mcg patch of Fentanyl also take a 150 mg or 75 mg Nuvigil and still be ok? ## Has they both been prescribed for the patient in question? The FDA does warn that both of these medications carry the risk of being habit forming and taking them both could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and drowsiness.

1 REPLY Filed under Nuvigil

I am converting a pt from Fentanyl 150mcg to oxycontin 60mg. Should I leave the patch on for a few hours before removing it: ## Dear Cheri: I am not a Dr, nor am I in the medical field. All I have to offer is my experience. Going from 150mcg of Fentynal to 60 mgs of Oxy seems like a Huge Decrease! I am presently tritrating very slowly off of Fentynal, via my Drs help. May I ask why the switch? Is it not possible to ween down off patch then onto the other med? I say this because there are Many of us tritrating from Patch and if the Drs and Nurses only Knew what we, the patients go through, then and Only then would they Fully Understand. The big pharmaceutical companies Lie! I am not trying to be mean, nor am I a know it all. I am trying to help the person who is going from fentynal to Ox...

3 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

I was given 150 mg of fentany patches I change every three days also the doctor gave me Hydromophone 8mg six three times a day. This medication was given to me over ten years ago for fibromyalgia. I have been taken a very powerful and deadly dose of narcotics and other medications for years. Now the doctors wont to take the medications away from me. I have wing myself off half of what was persubscribe to me at the doctors office. My body is in so much pain everday no doctor want to help me. The doctor that prescribed this medication to me will not accept me back as a patient. What can I do ? ## Dear Rose, Sorry to hear about your situation with pain management. Unfortunately I don't know of anything a doctor could prescribe that is as strong or stronger than Fentanyl. But seeing how...

15 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

and fentanyl 150 mcg for spinal stenosis. Cronic pain for years but the last 2 is are finally getting to me. 8 surgeries, 4 major cancer and more, and 4 for hernias and so on. Always wear patch but sometimes 3,4 days mostly pain free don't take deludide.Then the pain hits. 16mg every 4 hrs bearly touches it. You would think not taking for days I would get knocked for a loop. This moring woke up from pain, it was like I woke up in recovery room. Took 24 mg dl and didn't touch it. Whats going on. How long can a person put up with the pain without going loony. Having pain like I have for the past 2 years is really mentally fatiguing ## You are building a very strong tolerance to opioids you have to go on a long acting pain killer like methadone. If you continue to increase your dos...

3 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

I am on both of these meds do to severe medical issues. I take 40 Mg of opana 4 x daily and 30 Mg of oxycodone 5 x daily as well as Nortriptyline 150 Mg twice daily and neurontin 600 Mg 3 x daily. Needless to say a few different stomach medication due to chronic nausea. Oh and also phenergan pills and injectable. My question is has anyone found anything other than multiple medications to relieve severe chronic pain. ## I also have severe medical problems and nothing works. For two years was on 3Mg iv dilaudid every three hours and 120 percocet 10/325 every month. Zofran for nausea. Overdosed a couple months ago (imagine that) and been dropped four 5/325 percocet a day and now in constant pain... Not sure how to adjust. ## Have either of you ever tried the Fentanyl patch? It's a very...

5 REPLIES Filed under Opana

Can I take 40mg belsomra with 150mcg fentanyl transdermal patch? And with that pain med I also take 8mg hydromorphone two times daily....I've suffered from insomnia forever since my mid twenties and just dealt with it until my mid thirties...I'm on klonopin but since I'm very ill and bc of being on 80mg oxycontin from only being on 10 mg vicodin I blame pharma company's for aiding in having a high tolerance and being medically addicted. I have lupus and lupus blood clotting disease (world's biggest blood clot survivor), interstitial cystitis, ulcerative colitis with throat to rectum yeast infection, regurgitating, stage 3 kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis, & also took out my large colon - all of it with no bag :). ANYWAY I beg of you to let me know if I can ta...

3 REPLIES Filed under Belsomra

I am currently on 54 ml. of Ordine 10, 150 mg Fentanyl patch, and 80 mg Targin, equivalent to about 1,200 mg of morphine a day. My pain specialist wants me to change to methadone or suboxone. What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance. ## Hello, Allan! How are you? Most people have said that Suboxone didn't do much for their pain, so if you need pain relief, you might be better off with the Methadone. I've never taken either one myself, I am just stating what I've learned from other posters on this site. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Does anyone else have any advice to offer? ## I really strongly suggest having nothing to do with Methadone...

4 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

I have just started Suboxone 8/2, since the Fentanyl patches (150 mg) were not making a difference in the severe pain that I was experiencing. I was told there was nothing else they (Dr.s) could do for me. They said they could not go up on the Fentanyl. I saw 9 specialists at Emory University. Eight of the docs said there was nothing left to do and I would have to live with it. Only 1 doctor, a surgeon, said he could take out a portion of my brain so that I could not feel pain anymore. I opted for the Suboxone trial. It worked better for me than the Fentanyl patches. I divide my doses so that I can take the med every 4 hours around the clock. I don't know about the rest of you all but my pain doesn't stop until around 9 pm. The only thing I have noticed is that when the doctors ...

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

I've been on 150mg methadone for the last 10 yrs or so. NOW bc of new federal REGS, they have me on 30 mg methadone per day plus two 10mg oxymoron for breakthrough pain. Can someone suggest a medicine that might work around the clock and meet federal mme limits? Thank you so much... In pain in Alabama.... HELP IS APPRECIATED! ## Hello, Ferrell! How are you? One possible option you could discuss with your doctor is the Fentanyl patch, they are time released and usually last from 48 to 71 hours, it is an opiate that is over 80 times stronger than Morphine. The FDA classifies it as narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions? ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have suffered chronic pain from miserably failed back surgery and also have fibromyalgia. I have been in PM since 1994 and had to scratch my way through the medicine cabinet along with submitting to a kazillion different tests, therapy, the works. I wear 100mcg fentanyl patches, take 10/325 Norco for breakthrough pain, 6 mg tizanidine four times a day, 100mg trazadone at bed and bupropion 150 SR twice a day. I also suffer depression when my pain goes uncontrolled. I cannot take Cymbalta, Lyrics, gabapentin, desipramine, and SSRIs do NOTHING for me. I have had an rx for Lorazepam three times a day for as long as I can remember, but hate them! Have a script for 90 I filled in January and it's barely touched. I only take one when I am about to burst or my last nerve is standing on en...

4 REPLIES Filed under Depakote

Please advice or help!!! My wife just was approved for medicaid. she has a primary doc, gynecologist and is seeing a rheumatologist soon. No problems except her primary doesnt think she should be seeing pain management, even with several disc problems, lupus, fibermyalgia and other problems. She has amerigroup. hewr pain doc is licensed and shes been going to the same one for 5yrs. her current pain doc doesnt accept medicaid or insurance. She gets prescribed fentanyl patches, oxycodone 30 mg. and neurontin and xanax. It doesnt seem any pharmacies accept her medicaid, we live in clearwater fl , can someone please guide me in the right direction on how to get all this covered under her amerigroup medicaid? what docs? what pharmacies etc. we cannot afford paying 1,500 a month anymore!!!! i...

5 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

Nothing on other side what is this pill Ah 511 other side small white pill ## Hello, Christine! How are you? I think the marking you're looking at is actually AN 511, I have a bottle of these that I just picked up from my pharmacy. These tablets are manufactured by Amneal Pharmaceuticals and they list them as containing 25mgs of Spironolactone, which is a potassium sparing diuretic used to remove excess fluid from the body. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and dehydration. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thanks, yes I'm very disabled in my neck,back, was on 150 mg fentinyal duragesic patch,I lost pain Dr over something none medical related, how do I get my fentiyal again? ?? ## Fentanyl is a ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Spironolactone

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