Does Real Dose Really Work

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I am currently on a hundred and 80 milligrams of methadone and at 8 p.m. every night I start to feel icky and in little withdrawal by morning I am in full withdrawal! if I split my doses and take 90mgs in the morning and 90mgs in the late afternoon will that help my wds? also the main question is when I go to 90 milligrams in the morning will l get sick from only taking the 90 mgs instead of the 180mg? I've been at 180 for a year now and every morning wake up sick. I just really need some help because I am really getting confused and tempted to just get back on opiates and I really don't want to if anybody is educated on this or has experience please help me. l have a really good life now and I really don't want to resort back to that. ## Hello, Emily! How are you? Some peop...

38 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I have depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, and am currently taking Pristiq 50mg once daily, along with Buspar 10mg twice daily. I was taking 300mg Wellbutrin XL with that, but my psych dr thought it my be exacerbating my anxiety. A few weeks ago she decreased my Wellbutrin dosage to 150mg and changed it to the SR formula. Now she wants me to quit the Wellbutrin completely and up my Pristiq.. I I have been on 50mg Pristiq once daily for almost a year now, and I don't really think it's been working for me for some time. When I first started taking it, I switched from Zoloft 100mg and found my mood improved quickly. After a while I think I went more towards either being depressed or apathetic, but yet couldn't actually recognize until my husband told me that I...

3 REPLIES Filed under Pristiq

Hi, I've been on 30mg of oxycodone a day_-20 mg on waking and 2 sep. doses 5 mg through day. I have a severe neuropathic/nerve pain and an upregulated central nervous system which includes akathisia. The oxycodone had been a life saver. It also stopped the terrible depression and terror I had been feeling since a bad medication reaction brought on this whole syndrome. One more 5 mg a day would have been really needed, but at least I had started to feel I could survive and life was starting to improve. I was really staring to enjoy living again much of the time. Long story, govt. steps in, no more oxycodone. Saw lovely pain specialist, and he's put me on oxycontin 30 mg morning, 15 mg night. This was 6 days ago. Each time I've taken oxycontin, instead of the unagitating, untw...

2 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

that's pretty much it...I have tried almost all of them, now I find myself back in pain management and would like some feedback on what might REALLY work?? I've read TONS of things about the "new" oxycontins...I was just prescribed some a few weeks ago.. I don't know if its because of the small dose..( 15mg.. )or what, but they did absolutely nothing for my pain..thats why I am asking YOU ..I am thinking of getting opana's..or morphine, i'm not really sure..this is where you come in..if you too have been through the wringer with trying to find a good medication for your pain, please let me know what YOU found that helps you the best..especially if its something I have mentioned...i'm just trying to finally find a good med without having to go through 6+ m...

4 REPLIES Filed under OxyContins

How long does it take oxybutinin to work? I just started the pill form 5 mg today, supposed to take 2x daily and only took one so far and still going like crazy ## Hello, Sammy! How are you? There may be some slight effect when you first start taking it, but usually it can take awhile for it to reach a good efficacy level in your body. Really, having taken just one dose is too soon to expect it to do much. If you continue for a week or more and have no results, then you'll need to contact your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Is it safe for my friend to take oxybutin from chemist shes weeing none stop and wont go doctors but it is bad the worst ive seen its constant ## Good lord, NO! MUST first rule out UTI and diabetes

3 REPLIES Filed under Oxybutynin

I had my Tthyrod removed; know the Dortor has me on Levothyroxin 50cg tab. my question to you Is what happens when my plus gose up and my bloodpreasure gose Down? ## Have you asked your doctor these questions? They would be the best person to advise you on these types of things, as well as your other treatment options. They should also be monitoring you, regularly, to check for these types of problems. As to your pulse going up, when your blood pressure goes down, this is a normal occurrence, because if your blood pressure is going too low, your heart has to work harder to compensate and keep the blood pumping through your body. What you really need to discuss with your doctor are what readings are dangerous and when you should seek medical attention.

1 REPLY Filed under Blood Pressure

My boyfriend was prescribed to take (2) 25 mg tabs of hydroxyzine at night but it doesn't work that well and when he takes (1) of my 50 mg tabs it's more effective and works better. Does the higher dosage of the same medication absorb differently or quicker than the lower dosage? ## No, there should not be any significant difference. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, hypotension, and dehydration. What issues is he experiencing that makes him feel that taking 2 of the 25mg tablets isn't working as well? Has he consulted his doctor about prescribing the 50mg dose? ## He was originally prescribed it when he had hives last year and i think he started taking 2 because 1 tab wasnt really working for the i...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydroxyzine

I had an allergic reaction to the Dermabond used as glue after my surgery. I was prescribed a Medrol 4mg dose pack. I have been on it for 2 days now and no improvement. How long does it usually take to see improvement? I am still red, swollen and itching badly. ## Hello, Debbie! How are you? It may take several days, before you start to see improvement. Has there been any change, yet? The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, acne and insomnia. How is the itching? You may want to ask your doctor what you can take to help relieve it. ## I just had the same thing happen in response to Dermabond. It's awful!!! Doctor just prescribed the Medrol pack. How long did it take for the itching and rash to subside for you? ## I get really bad hayf...

5 REPLIES Filed under Medrol

I was just given this med Oxycontin10mg twice a day by my dr for pain but I don't know how long until it starts working. I have Vicodin but I don't really know how much of it I should take to help with the pain. I have only taken one dose of the oxy ## Oxycontin is a time released formulation of Oxycodone and it will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes, after you take it, to start working. Then it is slowly released for approximately 12 hours. As to the Vicodin, you shouldn't take more of that than what your doctor, or pharmacist has instructed. It is generally one, every 4 to 6 hours, as needed. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My experience is that after 1 hour, the beginning effects are noticed. ## Yeah you won't get immediately relief and in my opinion much...

5 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Should my friend go to the emergency room? Between yesterday and the day before my friend ingested 280mg and about 140mg of vyvanse. she hasn't been to sleep for two days now, she isn't prescribed them so she doesn't take them on the daily. She still couldn't sleep last night so ita two full days shes been awake and can't really eat. So far today (its ten in the morning) she hasn't taken anymore the last time she took one (it was a full 70mg by mouth) was about six p.m. yesterday. The question is, since yesterday has passed does she need to go to the emergency room, like have to because she works tonight and if she does will they baker act her? We are in Florida ## Hello, Flowerchild! How is she doing? She needs to be checked out by a doctor. Taking such high amo...

2 REPLIES Filed under Vyvanse

I Have one of the worst severest cases of fibromyligia and something else going on but ii have quacks I have been dealuinf with for over 2 years I cray every day I cant walk I fall I bruse ease I live in severe pain and have been giin loratab Percocet vicoden and I have found the onlky thing that had even eased the pain was fetinal patches 100 and opana and morphoine patches and I am at point to pay out of pocket cause no one wants to help me cause they have has me on lyrica for 3 years and muscle relaxers dosent work at all I hurt to touch I cant walk I need help bad ## I am in so much pain I can't walk with out a walker and all ther have given me is lyricists and some muscle relaxer I fall I can't go any thing I need done thing my mother in law before she passed was on 100 fet...

35 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

I was recently started on neurontin and even before discharge I advised the psychiatrist that I was having reactions. He felt they were occurring from starting Geodon and stopped that one. I was having discharge on Friday April 27th. Symptoms worsen and I read more on neurontin and really am concerned. I called the BSU as I wanted guidance and was told to discontinue it. I am unable to remember the start date but thinking it was possibly the Tues or Wed of last week. I REALLY am very concerned about permanent damage... It is a low dose 100 mg TID. I see my primary tomorrow for hospital follow up. HOWEVER, I could use reassurance as I am clearly very anxious and VERY fearful, especially about my memory... Could I have some more guidance and perhaps reassurance?? I am very very concerned ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Neurontin

oxycodone 5 mg imm rel tablets oxycodone/apap 5mg-325mg tablets ## My doctor gave me oxycodone 5 MG IMM REL capsules. My question is what dose IMM REL mean ## I spoke to a pharmacist, Oxycodone immediate release goes in to the blood stream at once. The immediate release works faster but will not last as long. ## this is my first time useing this pill call o xycodone 5mg a lil. white pill. but what i really need to know is how fast do this pill works and do it really work on a 305 pound 6\2 man. or what kind of pian pills you know not that will really work for me if this one dont? please answer me asap. thanks for listening. ## I've never had the imm rel perscribed to me before,didn't realize until i got script filled,why would my doctor perscribe these instead of the other that ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I was just prescribed 15mg of Meloxicam to start taking. I had been taking 600-800mg of Ibuprofen & was told it was safer, along with a low dose of oxycodeine which I'm really trying to do without. I'm recovering from a shoulder replacement & also have arthritis in other shoulder. I'm very much the nervous type when it comes to drugs. How often should I request blood work? ## There is no set schedule, but if you're taking it regularly, most doctors will check your liver levels every 3 to 4 months to be careful. The typical side effects of Meloxicam, as reported by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Meloxicam

I'm taking 1800mgs 4 times a day and there's really no high but it keeps me off the booze. I'm tapering down 200mgs a day so in a bit it will all work out. ## Hello, Delance! How are you? No, there wouldn't be a high from this. Though many people misunderstand because it can help with some types of pain, it is not an actual analgesic. It is an anticonvulsant. Tapering down by that much a day could cause some withdrawal and rebound symptoms, such as dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, pain and headaches, so please be careful. Do you have any questions or concerns? ## Valentin is a drug for many disorders you will not feel high on it.

2 REPLIES Filed under Gabapentin

I just switch from 225mg of Effexor to trintellix 10mg & I am used to taking my meds in the morning when I get to work but am having really bad nausea for most of the day. I want to switch to taking it before bed but I don't want to mess up the rhythm. Any thoughts? ## Unless your doctor, or pharmacist instructs otherwise, you can usually make a clean switch, as long as it is within about 24 hours of the prior dosage. The FDA warns that this medication may cause nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood swings, and weight changes. Are you on any other medications? Some people do take it at night, to avoid experience the nausea, drowsiness, and dizziness during the day.

1 REPLY Filed under Brintellix

I am 65 years old, and fit. I have some Maxifort zimax 50mg. Has anyone taken more that 100mg ? They don't work that well for me, and I have a hot date tonight ## Do you also make a generic for Cialis? ## I Adam younger then 65 and I took 100ng for my hot date and it didn't really work lol she next to me and I can't perform lol I am trying to find out if I can take more then one 100mg maxifort ## I use 100 mg. They seem to work better than othe Ed meds I’ve tried

3 REPLIES Filed under Cialis

How fast will this work for facial swelling? I'm on day two and see no difference. ## It really depends on what has caused the swelling. This is a steroid, so it may take several days to see improvement, since it can take awhile to reach its therapeutic effects in your body. Learn more Medrol details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, rapid heart rate and fluid retention. Are there any other questions or comments? ## Did you get better? After how many days?

2 REPLIES Filed under Medrol

I Suffer from chronic pain that's so severe i'm in tears most of the time. My family doctor had me on hydrocodone 10-325 4x daily. After 2 yrs it stopped working now I go to a pain center and have been put on morphine 30 er x 2 daily. This also does not seem to be helping the pain. I was wondering if this is a small dose of morphine. Thanks. ## Hello, David! How are you? No, that's not really a small dose, though it isn't huge either, it's rather moderate. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Have you informed your doctor? You may need a slightly higher dose, or something prescribed to use for breakthrough p...

3 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

I am currently on a Mylan Fentanyl patch 50mcg/hr. I was on 75mcg patch which worked well with my pain but the patches dont last 48 hours. After about 30-36 hours I start having major withdrawel symptoms and pain. I had these withdrawels with both doses of the fentanyl patches. My dr dropped my down to 50mcg to see if it would help but it does'nt. I have some Dilaudid for breakthrough pain but it does'nt work at all for pain or withdrawel syptoms. The dilaudid is basically useless to me. Has anyone had a Mylan Fentanyl patch thats doing this?? I saw my dr today and he's considering taking me off the patches and back to the pills again. This really sucks. The patches have worked well for about 10 months now. ## Very sorry for what you are going through. It is possible that yo...

10 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

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