Want To Fall Pregnant But Have Been Using Nur Isterate As Contraceptive. (Page 3) (Top voted first)


How long does it take for nur isterate wear off because i would really like to become pregnant soon. I have been using the injection since May 2011 to Nov 2011. should i take pills instead so that my cycle can return faster or what? i desperately need advise on this regard because i want to have a baby.

162 Replies (9 Pages)

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Hi m Sthe Matla I have been using Nur isterate injuction for 7years,m no longer going to my period since I left it nd t's been a year nw nd I want a child.Are there any chances?

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I have being using nurlsterate for 1year 7months.i quite last year October and I started to menstruate 18 January since that time I've never see my period until now. When i test pregnant is negative and I want to fall pregnant

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I used naresterate injection from June... Since then i never see any periods until now...

I and my boyfriend decided to have a baby.... but I Cannot get anything to clean the injection

I bought Bco tablets at the pharmacy and i asked if are there any other medication i can take to see my periods

I really want to get pregnant.

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Hi, I am a 35year old women. I was on the two months inj. for 8 years, I did not go for my next inj. which was due 10 March 2015, for the last 8 years while I was on the 2 month inj. I've never got periods. I did not go for my next inj. 10/03/2015 and have not got my periods yet, but I have gain weight, my belly was flat now I have a bump, in this 3weeks my size increased from wearing a small to medium, my breast is bigger and very sensitive, feel tired and sleepy all the time, I'm hungry the whole day,I have been drinking folic acid, multivitamin and biotin multivitamin tablets daily since the 10th of March. Can I be pregnant? Can I do a home pregnancy test or is it to early? I really want to be pregnant. I'm 35 years old and my husband is 42.

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I have been using Nur-Isterate for 3 years from 2013-2016 and I'm trying to fall pregnant. I need help please. What should I do?

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Ive used nur istrate from January 2016 i stopped using it on june 2016 im now planning to have a bby its been 4months trying but still no change

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what would happen if im still getting my nur isterate whilest im unknowingly pregnant?very urgent!!!!!!!

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Hi I'd like to know how long does the Nu-Isterate stay in your system ? I used it and stopped taking it in August 2014 could I fall pregnant in such a short time frame? I dont want to fall pregnant and the doctor wont give me the injection , because I didnt take it in Sept 2014 doctor said I must first get my period then I can start using the prevention again. What can I do please help?

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I've bin using a nurr frm 2009 til 2012 aug bt I ddnt c ma period n I'm desparetly lukin 4 a baby plz help

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I have been use nu-straite for five years , its been 2 years I stop it and I want to fall pregnant and its not happening what might be the problem

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Hi am N I have been using nuristerate for about 8 months but I stopped using it in 2012. I am trying for babe but no luck. What must I do.

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Hai I am 24 , I've been using nur isterate for 7 years co now I am planning to have a baby and stopped using it 2014 December till today, so what can I do? plz help

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I used nur istrate for 2years and now i plan to have a baby and I stopped it on february 2013 till now I havnt went back.my periods are back and normal,what would be advisable to do to speed up the process?

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I've been using nuristerate for 3 yrs and have stopped for 3 months, but still I have not seen my period how long will it take for my periodsto start again or return to normal, since I've started using iy I've never seen my periods.

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Hi I'm 32 I had the needle after my 8 year old daughter and I haven't had a period since than I want a baby please help

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am 21 year old an I have use nuristrate for 5 months and I was on periods for 2 weeks then o stopped and had unprotected sex right after I skipped mupy shot,now am getting tired and pee a lot daily and I feel slighty pains on my breast and I have abdominal pains if I slip facing up,should I be pregnant even if I haven't seen my normal period yet?

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Hi Goodness, i was on it for almost 3years and got pregnant after 18months with 1month of taking folic acide tables. So goodluck

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Hi,I have been on the two month injection for 6 years, how long will it take for me to conceive? ,I have been off it for two months now.

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I got my first inj. on 07/07/2016 and went for my last inj. on the 22/12/2016. I really want to fall pregnant. Can taking fertility pills help me fall pregnant or will drinking aloe vera help? I was suppose to go for the next inj. on 16/02/2017 but did not go as we are trying for a baby. Also I had a period on the 12th of february which was before the date of the inj. My period stopped on the 20/02/2017 and now again I have started bleeding on march 1st. Is this good? Does this mean my chances of falling pregnant is higher and the inj. is clearing out of my body?

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gal plz consult the doctor for treatment of HPV coz its dangerous to live with it untreated.

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