Oxycodone 80mg And Aspirin (Top voted first)


Does oxycodone 80mg have aspirin in it? I do not have prescription insurance but I used to and I am fighting to get it back. I need to know. I take oxycontin; but oxycodone is cheaper. Please reply asap. I suffer from chronic pain.

2 Replies

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No, if it is prescribed as just Oxycodone, or Oxycontin, it doesn't contain Aspirin, or any other active ingredient.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

However, Oxycontin is the only time released formulation that is available.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Stop taking s*** for pain. This will eventually give you more problems in life like addiction to painkillers where you ruin your life and the lives around you. Also, you'll have liver, kidney and heart problems if you keep taking painkillers. There are natural painkillers like Yuca that work even better than painkillers and won't harm your life. Cheers...

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