M Torr Tablets
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I am 24 and have pcos, obese with irregular periods. TTC from 18 months, i am so stressed with waiting game. My doctor prescribed me m torr capsules, meta x capsules and ginette 35 for 3 months. She asked me to take m torr and meta x twice a day + ginette 35 once a day ( all 3 tablets for 30 days) can u please tell me the importance of each tablet and how they work? Can i get pregnant using these medicines and how long it may take? Thanks

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Hi doctor,
I am suffering with endometriosis cyst in my left ovary,i have undergone through laparoscopy as well but since it comes back,doctors are stating that it's appearance is seen again,can I be pregnant I wanted to be pregnant and I am very anxious to have baby,can any one help please please please.

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HI,Im usha i have PCOD problem i have consulted with doctor,and im using M-Torr tables but i am not getting my periords properly is that tablet use for PCOD (M-Torr)..Please help me

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Hello verwon..thanks for ur reply..the other medication dont have any information on package, it just says refer ur doctor or physician..another question i have is-- i am taking ginette for 30 days as prescribed and my period comes on the 10th day, doctor asked me to start medication again on 5th day of my period, so it is nearly becoming a 45 day cycle for me..is it fine to be that long cycle, i used to be 30-35 day cycle wen i had regular periods

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Hello, Anjali! How are you? I am sorry about the problem you're having.

No, you cannot get pregnant, while taking the Ginette, one of its other uses it to prevent pregnancy. They are often prescribed for women with PCOS and irregular periods to try to help them become more regulated, when that happens and the PCOS is under control, it increases your chances of becoming pregnant.

The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, spotting and PMS-like symptoms.

I am sorry, I don't have any information on the other medications your doctor has prescribed.

Were there any details included in the packaging?

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