How To Inject 30 Mg Op Oxycontin (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been taking oxycontin oc with different mgs. and now I just recieved these new oxycontins that are 30 mgs. op and I cant get them to break down so that I can inject them I'm really going through some terrible withdraws. can some one please give me some advice so that I can? Thank you

190 Replies (10 Pages)

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and its jerks like u who sell ur f---kn meds wich keeps us junkies!

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Sorry, but you are lying, sweetlady. These new OP pills that people use the microwave trick for didn't even exist in 2009. They just came out in the latter half of 2010.

Shame on you. Lying about someones death like that.

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wtarin1 :

Your ignorance and intolerance only makes the situation worse. What do YOU think the Internet is used for? This website hopefully educates and prevents negative attitudes, such as yours. Addiction is a disease! If you don't know this by now, after all of your family issues, you had better educate yourself, rather than slinging name-calling and making yourself believe you are better than anybody else, living on this planet.

Obviously you have access to the Internet, so I would suggest you learn more about addiction and and how to help, rather than contribute to the problem!

By the way, what medications do YOU have to lock up? Do you consider yourself Dependent, or an Addict? If you have narcotics that NEED to be locked up, you must be on some sort of medication, that your body depends on.

So, when you get off of your soap-box, take a few hours and learn about these individuals who have nobody to turn to and get help. That is why we have the Internet and forums such as this one.

With all of the resources available to YOU, there is no excuse for IGNORANCE! Also, learn how to use the word "too", versus "to". Am I any better than you are, by knowing how to use grammar correctly? That answer would be NO!

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That worked like a charm.
It's really pathetic how people pass judgement like the flu on here.
If people want to use, let them. If they don't that's fine too.
"Let it be." This "war on drugs" will never be won, drugs will exist as long as man inhabits the earth.

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Let's please keep in mind WHY this forum exists. It is not for anybody to debate, or interject their religious philosophies. I recommend that you read the original posting and stick to that subject. If you do not have anything helpful to add, then I would probably not write anything more.

It is very apparent that you really need to seek some kind of psychological help (this is not a negative criticism), but your hatred and your irrationality is so apparent to all in this forum.

Again, I will not bother the rest of these members with your nonsense. Everyone here is to educate themselves, not to get into any kind of a religious debate, or how "educated" you are.

I would be happy to debate you, or discuss anything you'd like, but just not here. This is reserved for those people who have the courage to reach out and ask the difficult questions and find the appropriate answers.

As far as your last post, you absolutely do not "bother" me, as I consider the source and your level of knowledge on this subject. From the very little you have written, you know nothing about addiction, or how it is treated all over the world. Maybe you should open your mind and do some research before you post anything else.

May YOUR God bless you!

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Why don't you stick to minding your OWN business and maybe, just perhaps stay the hell OFF of injecting sites if they offend you and ur purse so much. Always some a*hole preaching some s***. Why dont you to SPELL before u start preaching to the chior... How dare u even assume to know what people's situations are are begin to preach to them, no less? For shame on you .. Oh, and another 'preacher' checking out sites for injecting drugs.. What a hypocrite.

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Actually, my Gods' name is not Jesus. I worship coming from the word (worthy) Jehovah God who is Jesus' Father. My work is to preach the Good News of the Kingdom which is the Messianic Kingdom or Government that will soon be ruling over this earth. See Daniel 2:44 and Matthew 24:14. Gods' Kingdom will come and Gods' will will be done on the earth and in the heavens. I didn't realize I was even preaching. All these problems will soon be solved... Take care of you. I'm opting out. This is not my business. You can call any Kingdom Hall & there are many of us that will be happy to teach you "What the Bible Really Teaches". You can also go to our website Take care!!! :)

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Sometimes (4 myself anyway), It's difficult to understand exactly who some comments are directed 'at' or 'for'-unless U directly name them in UR post. Stop with the cryptic BS and just call it as it is.

I probably don't 'belong' under the topic line of the postings; yet this is what I came across in my search and screw it, some people have seen that I have never passed judgement on HOW a person uses the drug or by what means, or to what end~ I don't know their situation, and have not walked their walk. It has helped me(I should say other posters), and I am grateful for that.

The only thing I can't tolerate is people making blanket statements; ie..."You're all junkies or all not so you don't belong here". If that is your agenda, go someplace else; if not, let us talk about a good drug that was made crappy and how best to get what we need from what we had, regardless of INTENT. Don't judge, take what you need, leave the rest.

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what ever happened to simpathy?youre not perfect,now are you,hell no!

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You're pretty much a douchebag. I would go on some tirade about how you should just stay the s***e out of forums like this, but it would be almost entirely useless, because your vain, hypercritical, selfrighteous, probably fat and acne covered, lonely, miserable, sad, ass, who has too much time on his hands, obviously, would find someway to justify how you were still right. You suck. As a person. As a human. As an entity. Mind your own bloody business.

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I admire your conviction. I wish I possessed it like I do now, 4-5 years mostly clean. I do it probably 4-8 times a year. Some years less, sometimes a little more.

I wish I knew what you know or saw ur post 10 years ago... I'd give a very low figure with 4 zeros, my entire savings, to read your post 10 years ago...

However, I don't look at the past with regret, and am very thankful to be clean now and been clean for a long time (4-5 years)

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Can u please email me? I am in a very similar situation and want desperately to be drug free after 12 years. I think u can help me. Please email me at {edited for privacy}

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iTs very simple my friend does it all the time Wink wink
Grade the pill with a cheese grader but on the small grading part then put it in a spoon then on the stove on med. to med-high and heat up the powder (not all of it will be fine powder and that's okay) now heat it up till it gets to be a golden brown then put it in the freezer to cool down when its cooled not frozen about 2 min. the then fill your syringe put it in the spoon then back on the stove take a butter knife to mix it all together and it will all dissolve (well not all of it) then take a cotton off Q-tip the draw it up and there you go. done it a million times(;

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for people like me, and may i speak for many, this site has been a real help for me. Thank you all for your honest, safe responses, but i would also like to add that many on here complaining and calling names and to get help, hello, that's what we are doing, and be thankful we are doing it the safe way. So please, if you are only on here to judge, what goes around comes around. I and i speak again for some others, do not appreciate you haters coming on a site like this. this site is to give us a better understanding, and what we choice is our choice,so instead of coming on here and downing all of us, walk in our shoes, or walk the hell out of our lives. again thank you all for your support and help, it has really helped me out more than most will ever understand.

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Hey. Ok keep it simple. I use this method every time I get some. 1. Get oxy {edited for safety} There, its that simple. Some people say to use heat but there us no need. I read somewhere about a study was done on weather heating it gave better results or not heating it did. No heat was the winner

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what is a yellow pill wit exp on it

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I refuse to describe myself

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I tried letting it soften in water with no heat and that didn't work. Then I tried heating with no water and that didn't work. In both cases I had the pill in tiny little pieces. I ended up just swallowing the pill so I didn't waste it... such a bummer...

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I tried this and it does not work

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Did that cooking dry in a spoon thing work?

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