How To Get Loose Motion (Top voted first)


i want to have loss motions in one day.please reply

12 Replies

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I am 21years old girl with 5'4 height and weighing about 65kgs. I was overweight before 1year and gradually my weight got down itself making me flexible enough without any effort made and i was happy. My happiness didnt last longer, I started having constipation problem and these days i dont get much of faeces. I sit in the bathroom but end up with little stool. This make me feel my stomach uneasy and burdainsome. Please tell me if there is any medicine available to get loose motions to free my stomache and continue having good motions from then on. I can't afford much on costly medicines or remedies but please give any suggestion for my problem

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i want to have loose motion in one day. please reply

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I have just undergone opertaion removing my Utrus and left overy. I had severe constipation before the operation and in fact the operation was performed on diagonizing that I have Multiple Fibroyid and that also at least 24 months old.

After the operation I was having severe pain and was almost involuntry bowel m ovements. Since then I have this constipation back once gain. I am taking enough food, fiber content, still do not have motion. And I am finding it difficult as the constipation results in painful motion as well as no appetitae.

Please suggest.

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Use castor oil, early morning on empty stomach 20 ml.
This can be done on week ends, once every
3 months.
You will have 3_4 flushes, take light meal on that day.

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Re: uju (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

have jamaal gota. It really works.
Ek din me saaf.

pet safa, harr rog daffa.
better option is, have lunch at my home kabhi.

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Have 1 table spoon of castor oil. Gooseberry juice can also be helpful

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Hi you can take edoper tablet to stop loose motion. But u should take any masala added food for 3 day.n the tablet cost only 4 RS each tablet

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What food and fruit to eat while not having motion?

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I got loose motion on last week and i ate imodium tablet to cure it.since then,i have got constipation for past 6 days.i took lactulose solution usp syrup to cure it also.but no use.kindly advice to get rid of this constipation

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Hi pls say me how to get loose motion with in 3 to 5 hrs I has constipation from yesterday onwards with mild stomach ache pls help me, with ur valuable ideas..

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U must eat fenugreek seeds two times in a day that is after bed n before bed. Just sock that in water for 8hrs n drink that water n eat them

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Take a tea spoon of olice oil before sleeping... It will help nd will not create any problem for you...

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