How Long Does Heroin Stay Your Urine (Page 2)
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If I take 100mg of methadone &used monday about 1gm. Will I come out positive for heroin Thur? Also on meds that say it knocks out heroin Will I still come out positive.

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Not true it can depending on your health and how long u have been using. You absolutely can die from withdrawl from opiates especially methadone and heroin.

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I am on 85mg of methadone daily, and used last Thursday. Had a urine screen the next Wed., and tested positive for opiates ( Had used heroin iv )! 6 days after use. Shocked me. At least I didn't lose my takehomes, have to write a ten pg paper on why I relapsed. Anyway; I have hep c , have had it for 15 yrs, have genotype 3, have been taking new med for hep c- Epcusla- for just under a month now. I say all that about my hep c because I don't know if damage to my liver or taking this new med have anything to do w a positive test 6 days after using heroin. But hey- everybody, especially my fellow addicts- have a great day!!!

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You need more testing pain all over can be from a auto immune disorder as well I know this cause I have hoshimotos and low thyroid function and abnormal spine and epilepsy now I'm getting better sleep too thanks to lyrica so my days are not as hard either before lyricia I was up still tired not so much since starting that now I can ride my bike and do other sports as before I could not Healthy fats are also needed to help the brain and spine both healthy fats keep the spine oily so not so much stiffness either I take krill oil every am it helps too I also take probiotics and alive for women and mega food for women all this fills in for the things I can't get from meals cause all are whole food vitamins

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It will be a close one I need six or seven to be sure and I'm on metadone to...but I've come up clean on five to...lots of water is the of luck

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While opiate withdrawal cannot kill u itself, it can weaken the body to the extent that it can't fight off other preexisting health conditions. This has killed many older addicts ( Jerry Garcia's heart attack triggered by withdrawal comes to mind ), so saying opiate withdrawal doesn't kill addicts is technically correct while being the same debate as potato vs. potatoe. When those other preexisting conditions would kill an addict anyway is, clearly, an unknown variable.

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If they are testing you for opiates I am sure that is all they are looking for. With the Vivitrol shot they test for opiates and cocaine, marijuana, etc but they only care if opiates are in your system.

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Will i pass my test for h if I gave it 5 days I used last Wed did a rinse Thursday n nothing since

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O hell that scary good luck maybe cuting it to close

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I was going to a methadone clinic as well & I tested positive for xanax almost 2 weeks after a 1 X use! I had read that it s/b 5-7days, but after that happened I read up on it more, & indeed found a article that confirmed that depending on ones metabolism it can stay up to 2weeks. Of course at this point I knew that, I just wanted to see if it had happened to others. I also tested positive for opiates 7 days after using oxycodone. Not sure about H but it's possible, even tho most say it's 3-5days. I just don't bother anymore, it's just not worth it. I am slowly weaning off the methadone too, I look in the mirror & i've aged 20 years since being on it (7 years).

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Yes am on methadone myself,if swabed 50/50,if urined you will come far i know for fact urine will show up to 12days.did for me maybe longer and methadone does not trump any drug screens.the only thing that wnt show is clonazepam and adderall!.fact

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You will come up positive for h it takes up to 5 days depending on how much used

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Taylor- I e been on Methadone for chronic pain for sixteen years now. I love reading that someone "gets" that there is NO HIGH with Methadone! BUT- that tve WITHDRAWALS ARE PURE HELL. I'm SO READY to just be OFF OF METHADONE, although it DID SAVE MY LIFE AND GET ME FUNCTIONING AND OUT OF PAIN FINALLY! I have a disease in my leg that has caused 17 nerve tumors to grow in that leg. I will be forever grateful that Methadone got me out of pain and up and functioning again, but I want to "feel normal" again...and try to "just deal" with the pain as long as I can. BUT- there is NO WAY IN HELL that I am putting myself through Methadone withdrawal ON PURPOSE- without help. I had no idea about Suboxone until right now. I thank you- and I'm planning to ask my pain doctor about it. He is going to think I'm crazy- but I am so sick of being "under the thumb" of this damn medication. My drug treatment for my disease involves nerve Meds too- which are great, but non-narcotic, and I'd like to just see if I can make it on those Meds alone. Thank you for sharing your story- ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE WITHDRAWAL!! Nobody seems to understand the PURE FEAR associated with Methadone withdrawals. THANK YOU!!

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Does anyone know info regarding the way methadone clinics test urine? How 7days after use of H did I come up dirty on "confirmation" screen? Also how long are Xanax detectable for a urine screen at a methadone clinic? I can have benzo's in my system as I am prescribed but I know they now screen for what exact benzo is in your system and Xanax is not what I am prescribed. A nurse told me 3-7days but I want to be sure. ANY help greatly appreciated!

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I also had a knightmare coming off methadone 85ml 10 days of pure hell followed by 2 more weeks of withdrawals but it's worth it

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I am at a methadone clinic and 7 days after using H I had a urine screen with confirmation.It was positive for the metabolites H breaks down to. I don't understand how it was in my system 7days later!

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You can take suboxone the day after opiates but you have to make sure you have 8-16 hours in between or it can throw you into SEVERE withdrawals. If you have any questions about suboxone or methadone maintenance programs you can write me back. {edited for privacy}

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Someone that was in macomb county jail died recently from detoxing cold turkey from methadone. So I wouldn't say that it won't kill you because everyone's body is different. But I do agree that it is unlikely to die from withdrawal from herion or methadone.

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Opiate withdrawal CANNOT kill you. You're thinking benzos or alcohol. Methadone, Heroin, Oxy, etc. withdrawal is probably the most miserable withdrawal, but it cannot and will not kill anybody.

I'm a neurophysiologist as well as a former addict, I know what I'm talking about.

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How much did you use H though? Heavy user? Light user?

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No you probably won't come out with a clan lol

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