Dr. Who Can Prescribe Methadone (Page 5)
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I have just moved to Harrisburg, PA. I found a pain management clinic who will prescribe my methadone (I have been taking Methadone for pain management for 5-6 years), however they have asked that I find another doctor. I was told by pain management clinic that I am the only patient they prescribe methadone for. Does anyone know of a doctor in the Harrisburg, PA area that prescribes methadone for pain management?

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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the only reason to go every day is because you were taking other drugs. Within 12 months you get 1 week take homes so don't blame methadone for you're failure to continue the life of an addict

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i live in philadelphia and have been on methadone for pain for 4 years.lost doctor had to goto clinic but need new private doctor.can anyone point me to doctor to prescribe methadone for pain

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I need a dr who will script me methadone I have been prescribed it for chronic pain for over 3 years and both the 2 dr that scripted it to me left the state and the one who put me on it changed practices and no longer does pain management I am getting sicker by the day I live in the Boise area and do not want to go to the methadone clinic but I do not know what else to so help someone anyone from Idaho who can reccomend someone would be greatly appreciated

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I forgot to say I need Dr to prescribe for pain. I have fibromialgia and endomitriosis. In all my research I'm reading that may work best for me. I've tried many of medications. I can't seem to find one that helps. I want so badly to have my life back and not be confined to my house. My pain is affecting everyone around me. Including my 2 beautiful children.

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methadone is not 1/2 as harmful as the cancer eating you from the inside out. Don't believe me, your choice but get to a doctor.

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Does anyone know of a Dr that don't mind prescribing methadone in the Baltimore / Harford county area?

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mail me @ xxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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To MMT Counselor in Wisconsin: If you were able to take a step in an addicts shoes just for one day, possibly you would understand. All your post shows is how ignorant, uneducated and prejudice you really are. I assume you would also feel it would be necessary to remove chemotherapy and radiation treatment for cancer patients as well. That is identical to what you have stated actually. Whether it be Addiction, Cancer or Parkinson's, they are all diseases which make them identical in that sense and for you to actually think that removal of a treatment program for one of those diseases just disgusts me. You are a citizen who puts shame on our country. I suggest you attempt to gain an education of some sort, develop morals and ethics, and learn to look past ignorance and discrimination before you decide to form any sense of opinion toward's such a sensitive topic.

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You guys are all addicts. I hope you all suffer your drug withdrawls. I hope the republicans cut all those methadone programs. You guys got money for drugs but no money to feed your kids or pay the rent.
You all are what's wrong with America. Obama wants all of America to be like the methadone addicts. It controls all of your life. You would give up your right to vote and so on for your dose. Think long and hard about all of what you have done and where you are today.

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what a productive post.....
yes it is obvious some people on here are looking for it for the wrong reasons but some people actually use it the right way....IMAGINE THAT?!?!
i guess not everyone is as "strong" as you are mary!
way to go!

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Med first pain Managment Evansville ind if you have chronic pain.

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I live in MA and I am in need of a Dr, that will write for methadone. I have been in a clinic down in FL and now I have to drive to RI because the restrictions and rules in MA are redicuous. Anyone help?

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What is your reasoning for not wanting methadone for pain? I'll bet you dont know what you"re talking about, let's see??

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Go to a methadone clinic.I m in FL and they have places here just for methadone to help people kick heroine.wink wink:)IT was 10.00 a day ajd I think u have to go everyday and be evaluated and cheked for track mark.Although they Also perscribe it in the pain management offices here.Good luck.

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i cant beleave everyone is wanting methadone ..i am in pain everyday of my life ..and methadone along with some other drugs is something i would never take..

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I'be on methadone for 5yrs I went on suboxone for a year then back to methadone the last time I got in suboxone I ended up in the hospital arrayed for 3 days due to precipitated withdraws. Currently I'm on methadone but cannot afford $85 a week plus gas money I have two little girls to take care of. I have insurance and live around the Charleston area of south Carolina if anyone knows of a Dr in or around this area please let me know. Thank you so much.

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ive been a mthadone for 10 yrs. palmetto pain manage ment mt. pleasant sc. also dr. buncher chas. sc. but once you are flagged they only want to give reg. opiates which to me dont work as long or as well and i cosider to lead to abuse and more addictive behavoir

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I have been going to the methadone clinic for 7 years and now I have insurance that would pay for a script from a dr. if I could find a dr. that would prescribe it in Indiana please reply asap

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please help as I just moved to natrona hieght,Pennsyvania and live with sever cronic pain and have been taking methadone for about 4 years and I can not find a doc. you will help me and prescribe me my medication. I ran out and four 10 tens I feel like hell can not sleep,eat orbarely move,anyone please point me in the right direction.Thanks

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no the clinics in cleveland u have to go there every day, i did it for years and decided enuf was enuf, i actually kicked the methadone cold turkey, i felt s***ty for about a year, needless to say i returned to drugs and now im on the suboxone program,it saved my life and i recomend trying it, u dont get high but u feel normal

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