White Watson 10mg 325 #853 (Page 19) (Top voted first)


I just recieved a new prescription of norco 853 10/325. The last script was yellow and the new ones are white. The pharmacist said that Watson changed the color but the pill is the same, does anyone know if this is accurate?

384 Replies (20 Pages)

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You strike me as a b****. Tom upset me and it is over; You two must be about 12. Anyway, best of luck Tracey....And I chose to come back because I want to research different aspects of pain management, etc. You wouldn't understand. And as for being happy! I have a wonderful husband, three beautiful grown daughters, a great career and I am so very blessed. But we all get outside ourselves at times. Please don't keep this going because no one cares anymore but you two children....

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I agree. Got the Norco 10 whites. I only take half two to three times a day for pain and the white one feels noticeably stronger to me.

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Hi. I have been off Norco and on suboxone for over three years, thank God! But my husband takes Norco for arthritis for a long tine (4-6) pills a day. Watson is Watson. They did not lower their quality of medication, they simply took out the dye. I will say, when this type of discussion starts will "weaker/stronger", I see dependency starting in some. Not good. Again, Watson is Watson and they are not trying to lose patients. Dye your norcos yellow, would that help???

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Oh, my Master's is more than paid off, and if you're not angry, you're something. Again, I said it is mental for SOME! What part of that don't u understand? Move on, pop a Norco, do something, but for god sake's move on already. If there is anyone here that need info, I am happy to help in any way I can. Blessings.

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As I said, I did not go back and reread my first post and if I implied or wrote Norco was the same for all, my apologies. Yes, I went to a wonderful college. Let me see, what college did you go to? Oh yeah, I heard of it, Clown College. You must of fit right in! Congrats!! And to everyone else, I do so enjoy reading your posts. Peace.

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No, "we are not" what Amanda? I am in agreement with those who need Norco and take it responsibly. Look, those other posts were between Tom and I . Please don't get involved, this topic has moved on so do not start it up. You don't know abusive sweetheart. I am not abusive. Ugh! As for those of you in pain, I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless.

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First off Amanda, I only gave abuse when it was thrown at me. And I know plenty about abuse myself. I don't care what you think of me. I will not allow someone to post what Tom did without lashing back. Look, I can pray for whoever I want. Get off your high horse, because I can assure you I am laughing at you. This is my last post as I am not replying to you or anyone anymore. Post all you want, it will go unread. Your vibe sucks. I did nothing to you, this was between me and Tom. So mind your own.

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Talk to Amanda, Ugh!! Amanda, you are the one name calling to me. My last post was nice and respectful. You replied with insults. I am on this forum taking notes on people views...you don't like it tough. I was going to deactivate and thought this forum is perfect. Remember, YOU kept this going. I ended it and you replied to me very nasty insults. Take a look at your own behavior before judging mine. You are the only one to comment on mine and Tom's posts, it is over and I have chosen this site among many to study. Yes, what happened between Tom and I was childish, but it was ended and YOU had to stick your nose in it and keep it going. This is over and I will post when I want. Do not reply to me ever! Leave me the hell alone. Reread your nasty post....mine was not nasty. Good bye to YOU. As for everyone else, I am reading and interested in your thoughts. Tom and I got off to a bad childish start, it is over and don't let this woman replying to me to get in your head. Off to do paperwork. Be strong all, it gets better eventually. I spoke with a colleague tonight that had heard about the problem for some with Watson, looks like there could be a change. Fingers crossed for those of you upset at this change. Seems this is becoming huge for Watson. Take care and good night. :)

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Your the troll and I am sick of getting messages like this. I did post about Norco and everytime I do, someone like YOU comes on starts up....I do not need this from you. I am taking notes on this site for research at my practice. Please, move on or get help. Thank you.

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By the way, Rosey Rose. I have reported your post as inappropriate. This drama has been over for some time and you started it up. Why? If your read ALL the posts you would have seen we are all fine now. I think you need to get help and analyze why you would start chaos on a forum that was resolved.

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Watson has change a few different medications and the colors are different. But the Norco you're referring to is the same medication that you were prescribed prior. It is just as effective as the script you had filled before this one and it's a good thing that you ask the pharmacist, the pharmacist is correct.

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Nope, don't think so. I take a half a pill a day, don't get "high" from it at all, if anyone on here is getting high from Norco, u know who you are. :) The suboxone helps with my pain and I have been on it for three years, and started at 2.5 pills a day, now on .5 a day. Can anyone here lower their Norco intake. . I am on a suboxone forum and the # of people who taper and get off is astounding. Also, there is no chasing pills, which I am not saying you do, but I bet the bank there are those who are buying Norco on the street. I just wanted to mention about the white pills is all. Suboxone has nothing to do with this. I am fine if someone is taking Norco, I am just saying there is no difference between the white and yellow Watson. It is all mental. Again, my taking suboxone is of no consequence here, and I did not trade one for another. I don't get high. Thanks.

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I am not just a college grad, I have a Master's in Psychology. And I only mentioned that due to telling about myself and suboxone. Ugh, get off your soap box man. I only found this site when researching about white Norco. I did not say it is all in everyone's head, I said it mental for some. You are awfully defensive for no reason. And why is everyone online a college grad? Jealous?? Hmm??? I don't lie. You don't know me, sound like you need some real Freudian therapy. Must have some repressed anger. For what reason I sure don't know.

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My memory is fine Tom. I have not gone back to my first post. If I implied it is mental for all, I do apologize, but not to you. Norco does wonders for many people and for others the dependence that happens is devastating. You really don't understand much, but I do understand that you are an angry, bitter person. To everyone else, I pray that whatever you need, it happens for you. Just remember, if you are having a problem with Norco, there is help out there. Now Tom, please allow me to reply to others, and as you have already read, there a some on here that do agree with my husband. And some don't. This is not a debate, it is a discussion. Only a grown up can see that. Are you a grown up, or a grown up child? Blessing to all.

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And btw Amanda, did you even read my last two posts about Norco. Apparently not, as your post is out in left field. Good luck.

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Never said it was ALL IN YOU HEAD. I said it is psychological for some. I am sure the more complaints Watson gets, the more they might be inclined to go back to the original Norco. This is not unusual to happen to some people...the squeaky wheel gets greased. Good luck everyone.

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I would appreciate not hearing your one cent advise. I was going to sign off, but decided to check back periodically, I only read the most recent post which is unfortunately yours. Ugh! Who's being childish now? Hmm. I can read what I want, post when I want and I am not giving you advise any way....go back to the ER and worry about those people, not me little girl. Good day.

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Now your involved....ugh. This is ended between Tom and I and don't start it up. How old are you? 12.

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No difference but FOOD COLORING! To many junkies out here seeking EUPHORIA! Been shot 3 times, 3 back Surgeries, Arthritis, ect ect ect. Some blame Politician's or Doctor's or? It's the same chemical make up. Get a grip & live life instead of discuss this issue!

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Yes I am talking about the white Watsons. And gee Tom, what's wrong. Aren't you a college grad. Don't hate on me. I don't lie, and my Master's in Psychology was only brought up because you began to tell me about myself and suboxone. Look, get help for that anger you got going on and stop twisting my words. Good luck to you, I think I will tell a couple clients about this board so they can see first hand some of the anger issues going on.

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