Where Can You Buy Drixoral Cold And Allergy? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I would like to find out about the availability of Drixoral Cold and Allergy pills. They are round little green pills.

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Re: Duane (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Great!!! Do you know where it's available for purchase?

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Where can I buy Drixoral cold and allergy?

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Actually I began using (advice from a co-worker) Dee Cee Labs Phytofed natural decongestant. For me, it COMPLETELY cleared up my sinuses when they decide to go into stupid mode. For most people, they always think you can only order Dee Cee products through your doctor or specialist, but you can get any of their products through earthturns.com and they are much cheaper than through a physician. Dee Cee is also known as dc in red lettering on their bottles and I have purchased their products for over 20 years with not a single problem yet.. just never knew they had a natural allergy/sinus remedy that WORKS. And for under $10 for a 45 count, its pretty dang affordable too!

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Psuedophed has the 120 mg of decongestant but no antihistamine. Hope that helps. Can be purchased behind the counter in US.

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Found substitute for Drixoral and it WORKS. Tried all the rest they don't work! Allegra-D in 12 hour or 24 hour. I am in Canada. I hope it is available to you. I suffered for months, couldn’t sleep either and nothing else worked.

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Where did you order the drixoral from? Can it be ordered from Victoria?

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The old formula for the 12 hour Drixoral that I hoarded till last year was the 12 hour 120 mg Pseudoephedrine and Chlorpheniramine Maleate. You can get both 12 hour ingredients at Walgreens. The 12 hour version of Chlorpheniramine Maleate is called Chloraphen-12. Hope that gives you all more relief.

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Yes, Where please. I am looking as well. Without having to go to Canada.

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In the 1990's I took Drixoral. At that time I was healthy (except for a cold) but I had a side effect. A year later, I tried it again; I had forgotten what the side effect was but WOW, I remembered when it happened again! I felt really weird and my heart was pounding; my heart rate dropped to 40! I thought I was going to die! Needless to say, I never took that medication again and was happy to see it was off the market! In 2005 I had a heart attack; if it was damage from this pill I will never know. Pharmaceuticals like making money; if there is a drug that is discontinued, there has to be a good reason! I never reported this but maybe others did!

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