Taking Cymbalta When You Are Not Depressed
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I'm taking Cymbalta for pain and just wanted to know if anyone knows how dangerous it is to take this medication when your not depressed? Is there some long term affect? I can't seem to find information on this. It makes me nervous that it will affect me down the line.

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I had a mini stroke last March, as best we can tell. It left me with extremely painful neuropathy in my left leg. Pain meds only masked the problem and made me semi-robotic. My Doc tried Lyrica first which is developed from anti-seisure drugs but specifically targets neuopathy. No luck with that. Then we tried Cymbalta, first 30mg then to 60mg. Cymbalta was developed from anti-depressant drugs but my understanding is that it is not specifically an anti-depressant and like lyrica, was developed for nerve pain and myalgia. My neuropathy was under control in 3 days. I was ecstatic. However, Cymbalta is not site specific. It is nerve specific - everywhere. My side effects are strange dreams at times, chills and sweats occasionally and no orgasm. The latter is most troubling to me. Luckily my girlfriend is most understanding. Everything else works fine. I had this conversation with my Doc and she prescribed Wellbutrin to try and counter this most personal side affect. Wellbutrin replaces the epinephrine Cymbalta reduces. To date no luck. I am thinking about stopping the Cymbalta to regain that part of my life. Maybe TMI, but I thought this should be shared. I mentioned this in my last stroke association meeting and found many participants are experiencing the same. Good luck to all.

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I have been taking it for pain as well. I started with the lowest dose and I felt great! A couple of weeks or so later I found myself slipping back into pain. The doc upped it and then it happened again. I have yet to feel the relief this time. I found it a wonder drug that lasted a few months and I have to say, I am depressed about that! I had no side effects. I am still taking it till I talk to my doc as it's probably not a good idea to just quit. Gradual reduction may be warranted. I am here at the site looking for answers to why my mouth tastes so bad...

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Thanks for the information I will take a look at the link. Yes, I did give my concerns to my doctor but he said to wait until I see him to discuss and to continue on taking the medication. I really want an answer now so I am doing my own research. Thanks again for responding.

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The risks/dangers would be the same, regardless of what you are taking it for and it may cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and weight changes.

You can learn more here:


Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor?

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