Taking Contrave (Top voted first)


I'm on 2nd week of Contrave 1 pill Am 1 pill pm. I have had a minor procedure which requires Norco 325/7.5. Is it's ok to take. (ER prescribed) yes I told them what medicine I was taking. I also was on Vyvanse 40mg and Kolopin(as needed), when my Dr perscribed Contrave ?

2 Replies

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I stopped the Vyvanse due to me seeing it had a major side effect risk. The started the contrave 3 days later to be safe.

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The Naltrexone in the Contrave will most likely prevent the Hydrocodone in the Norco in working, so it isn't likely that it will help with pain, if you are still taking Contrave.

The FDA warns that Hydrocodone carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, constipation, dry mouth, and headache.

Have you taken any, yet? If so, what has been the outcome?

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