Round White Pill Teva On One Side And The 834 Other (Page 3)
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Has anybody ever seen a 2mg klonopin with the word TEVA on one side and the numbers 834 on the other?

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what is teva used for

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Jesus Christ is great but AA is for alcoholics ..... She may need NA.... Read before posting I'm in the medical field and things like this are serious and need serious attention. I love my God but sometimes we need more. Remember it's NA

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I'm in a situation I can't get my tramadol 50 mg til Monday or Tuesday been feeling like s***...I'm prescribed 8 a day ... Any suggestions for withdrawal symptoms?

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many ppl think it takes more of the teva ones then the Xanax to reaction even similar... this is what ive heard many times over and over again... sorry cant be of more help

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Ur a good human Paul!

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I think that all of us just need to sit back, take a breather and look at the beautiful world around you.. I am a 27 year old cancer survivor and became addicted to opiates and benzos after Kaiser was giving me 400 norcos and 200, 2mg xanax a month when i was on chemo.. We all have angels and demons inside of us and all we can do is wake up everyday and have faith in ourselves that we will be ok regardless of the choices WE choose to make. Tomorrow is not promised to any one of us.. Live everyday like it is your last, leave nothing unsaid... - Adam

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Yes its a klonopin

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My 26 year old son just died from taking Klonopin mixed with Hydrocodone. He only took 1 Hydrocodone according to the Coroner report but the combination of these two drugs killed him. We had NO idea these two drugs were lethal. Taking Klonopin for anxiety alone is okay and taking pain meds AS PRESCRIBED is okay but you can never take them together. I don't think people out there really realize this or think "this will never happen to them". It does. After doing much research we have discovered that prescription drugs when taken incorrectly kills someone every 19 minutes in the US. If you do not believe me, check out the article on CNN by Dr. Sanjay Gupta. "Gupta: Let's End the Prescription Drug Death Epidemic". Since our son's death a little over a year ago we have started a foundation in his name to help make others aware of this. Had we known this could happen we would have shared that with him. We knew he was taking Klonopin and we knew he liked to take Hydrocodone when he could find it. What we did NOT know was these two medications taken together could kill him. We can't bring our son back but maybe you might think twice about taking these together after reading this. It can happen and it does....every 19 minutes.

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You don't have to take methadone foe the rest of your life if you don't want to. If you decrease the dose slowly you won't even notice and before you know it you'll be clean. Instead of taking 10mg 4 times a day take 9mg for a week then go down to 8 for a week and keep decreasing a milligram a week and before you know it you'll be clean. You'll probably have to break the pills or get a pill cutter but you're smart so this will be easy!

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I was just prescribed these 2mg klonopins today, as an alternative to the 1mg Ativan I've been on for nearly 3 years. In addition to the klonopin my dr also wants me to start Paxil. As this drug doesn't start taking effect immediately, he thought starting both and gradually tapering of the benzodiazepines(klonopin) would be the easiest way to get me off them while still taking the Paxil once I am off the klonopin. I took one today for the first time ever and literally passed out for about 3 hours. Even as I write this I am groggy as hell and decided to just take a half tomorrow. I am an Iraq vet an have ha major anxiety ever since I've been out and back in the states. Paxil is a non narcotic and I'm counting the days when I will only need them an nothing else to curb my anxiety. Benzodiazepines in general are meant for short term use and not to be used as long term solution. Trying to come off Ativan was a miserable experience, hence the klonopin were prescribed so I wouldn't have major withdrawals. Regardless these things are bad news and I highly recommend never getting on them in the first place. However if that's your only option, hopefully you have a reputable doctor who isn't just handing out the "fix me now" pills, as they will never do just that. Anyhow, whatever you decide just take it one day at a time an no matter what DO NOT ABUSE THEM. You will only build a tolerance and then you'll really be in the lurch.

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Paul, you're not a scum-bag teenager. You have a genetic pre-disposition to addiction, which was listed as a disorder in 1976 at the Center for Disease Control.
I started smoking cannabis when I was 13 and went on to valium and vicodin at 16 to heroin at 17 while living overseas (France).
I'm now detoxed off of Methadone which I was on for 13 yrs, and can't believe I'm off everything. It's a one day at a time thing. Don't be so hard on yourself and good luck.

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You need to address the problem but dont get on her case about it and start yelling at her.
Yelling at her wont do her any good...if anything itll make her worst.
If anything ask her if there is anything you can do to help her and state that you know about her addiction and express how dangerous and life threatening it is to be an addict. It will either ruin your life to where you will be left with nothing or eventually lead to death.
If she acts like she doesnt care about death then you need to take her to a therapist or psych .

Im very familiar with addiction because I was an addict myself for 8 years

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Your Daughter is 40. Don't destroy these pills as that could make her very sick. She should have a prescription for this medicine or not have it in her possession. It could be a Felony if these are not her pills.

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My daughter has been on methadone for about 3 years. She looks pretty normal until she mixes it with kolopin. Her whole personality changes. She lies to me all the time saying that she is not taking anything but the methadone. But I can tell the difference. I just found her kolopin, About 15 pills, I want to destroy them, but I am afraid she will get sick. She lives with me and I am at my wits end. Any advice. Oh by the way she just turned 40.

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It is a klonopin 2mg. My husband has taken these and became a whole different person. Took one pill and can't remember what happened for 24 hours after taking it. The best thing is not to even start. My family is broken all because of a pill!! If your daughter is taking these, as much as it hurts, please get her help!!!

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You said you had been on Methadone for 24 years. I have been on it for not quite a year. I tried to come off of it by mself and it was a week from hell. I really thought I would die. I could not even walk to the bathroom. I had no air or energy. Didn't eat and felt worse than when I had pneumonia or had my leg amputated. Sickest I have ever been -period! It was that bad, so I went back to doc, didn't tell him, but got another prescription. I have resolved that I will just take them the rest of my life. I am 57, female. Have you, in those 49 yrs., tried to come off of them? Do you plan on taking them your entire life? I am on 10 mg. 4 times a day.

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Very well spoken scumbag teenager. That was pretty good advice. Like he said angry dad, patience is the only thing that will help your daughter. Do not yell at her and mistreat her because she has a problem.she may want to reach out but can't you have to be patient. addiction is a very strong thing that will change people forever but if you work with her you can bring her back.

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Why are you recommending Jesus Christ over AA/NA, neither one of them work. I have tried AA/NA, REHAB, DETOX both in-patient and out-patient and I was able to get through 15 months clean. It ALL comes down to WILL POWER and the ability to JUST SAY NO, I know, its cliche but it's the truth. After 15 months of clean time I ran into frields and said, “hey, one won’t kill me, f*** it!†and next thing I know I was calling him over and over. Once you stop (just which is the hardest part) understand you will run into your dealer(s) again and again, all it takes is eye contact to remind you how much “fun†it was to get f***ed and you’re right back to square one. After my 15 months I lost my entire life: Wife left me, lost my beautiful house, my truck, my daughter, my 50K a year job, and much much more including family. It isn’t worth it folks!!!

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From what I understand, if a person is not prescribed drugs like Valium, Xanax, Klonopin ( Clonazepam ) (in other words they don't need the drug, and use them recreationally or whatever, then the effect of the drug will not be the same on that person as it would be for someone using it for anxiety. For example, I sometimes use Xanax as a sleeping pill when I travel. Half or 3/4 of a "bar" knocks me out cold for the 5 to 10 hour plane ride. Should the effect of the Teva 834 pill be the same for me?

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