Please Help Me--i'm Addicted To Oxycodone And Can't Seek Professional Help (Top voted first)


4 years ago I finally gave in and starting taking pain medicine for my back. It turned out I have fibromyalgia, sciatica and stenosis. I was put on Vicoden, but after about a month, it did nothing. I though about going back to just bearing the pain, but my Doctor at the Pain Clinic wanted me to try Oxycodone. He started me on a low dose and now I am on 30 mgs. three times a day. Two years later after rarely taking it because I hardly took it because it make me fall asleep a lot and make me feel depressed. I read somewhere that it wouldn't make one tired if it was insufflated. Then I read not to insufflate the coated pills. So now I use 2 or 3 pills, scraping off the coating. I worked my way up to not feeling high. I have an extreme tolerance because I am on 8 psycotropic medications. Now I can go a day without it. I get crabby, nervous, panicky and don't want to interact with other people. My problem is, I need to know how to detox without my Sister who I live with. I was in recovery since 1990 and she took me in with one dead serious rule: if you drink one beer or do one drug, you are out of here. I know she is serious, you would have to know the woman to believe it. I am on disability, and can't afford my own place, yet I get too much money to be eligible for disabled housing. I am terrified to live alone anyway. I have a prescription for Lorazepam for panic attacks if someone thinks that will help me. PLEASE HELP ME, I AM AFRAID I AM GOING TO DIE!

11 Replies

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Don, Please read this and then Google Search Fibromyalgia. IT IS NOT a made up word! My Sister has it in its worst degree. Her pain is constant and all over her body. She can barely walk. I know I used the diagnosis as a crutch--the doctor was wrong to diagnose me as such, plus the Oxy helped my depression. However, my Sister's life could be miserable and she takes NO pain medication, but she keeps a positive attitude, even though she has been told by many professionals that she will be in a wheel chair by the time she is 50. She just prays everyday and her strength is incredible. I am so happy you don't have it.

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Don-You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and I think you might be suffering from ignorance. For someone who says Fibromyalgia is a made up word, you sure don't know how to spell and form sentences do yah? I know for a fact that ignorance is not a made up word, how do I know this you say? Because currently you are displaying signs and symptoms of this very unfortunate but common "disorder". I suggest you seek medical attention right away as you may want to consider admitting yourself to a facility where they can surround you with others that suffer from stupidity....I mean your condition, sorry about that. Please for your sake, your families sake and loved ones sake and most importantly anyone who comes into contact with you sake go get hell before it's too late.

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I posted my original post a week ago. I am still using the oxycodone like I was. I am getting palpitations and I also am starting not to care what it does to me. I need help and not one person on here has a single idea of what I can do besides seeking professional help. I will end up homeless if my Sister finds out--please read my original post. I have Ativan for Panic Attacks. Does anyone think that can help me wean myself off somehow. I am begging for someone to just answer me. If you can't help, just post that you can't. I feel so unwanted and like a loser that even a thread like this, no one has anything to say about my situation. I try reaching out to people who have problems when I have any input at all. PLEASE HELP ME. I'M HEADED TOWARDS SOMETHING TERRIBLE. I KNOW IT!

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tell the pain Dr that they aren't working and they might give you something strong, and no offence, but Lorazapam suck, ask if u can try temasapam for sleep, tell them u have had then a long time ago I am sure they would do it, and PS don't scrape anything off your pills unless your shooting them I am not accusing u. but the coating is on there for time release. Good Luck they know make a drug called oxycontin and you cant scrape the drug no matter how hard you try good luck!!

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Hi Candy! I'm sorry about your situation. The Ativan should help u with the anxiety, but, not much with the withdrawals. If u seriously want 2 get off the pain pills, u r either going 2 have 2 go cold turkey, or get help. There's clinics that treat u with methadone or suboxone. And, there's certain Dr that can prescribe suboxone. It's your choice. I was addicted really bad 2 Oxy 4 almost 10 years. I'm now on suboxone. And, believe me, I had BAD withdrawals b 4 I switched. My life is so much better and different now. Hope this info helps. Let us know how u make out. PS: if your sister finds out or asks ???, tell her your in pain and don't want 2 take pain pills, so, u r taking the other stuff.

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I think I mislead everyone about Ativan/Lorazepam. I meant for the shakes and to calm me down while I was going off the oxycodone. I am down to 2 pills twice a day, but still feel I have a long way to go. I think my family suspects something. Anyone that says or sees anything in this family tells everyone--even my family in Florida. I feel so alone and have no one.

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candy I have a sister like you yet I don't live with her. The only thing you can do is ask your Dr for more because these don't seem to work and if you wean off do it slowly take 1 less every 2 weeks till u don't need them? are you eating them faster then your Dr is writing them for? if so then there isn't much you can do, except take just the bare minimum that your body can handle, a hospital wont help, or call you dr and tell him that you ate more then you should and you will try to slow down and maybe he will give you another refill but the anxiety drug you are taking isn't going to help withdrawal pain it should help your palpations tou wont die I know I have been there and yes like that other lady wrote there are a lot of Dr that write for suboxine it will help the withdrawal and pain but you need to be in full withdrawal before any one can prescribe it or else it will put you in with drawls call your Dr that is your only hope.

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I am now free of my addiction. I weaned myself off 15 mgs. a week. I threw the rest down the toilet and stopped going to that doctor.

Thanks for all your support and for your criticism too. No need to post on here anymore.

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KRATOM! I used it to come off dilaudid 8mg 3xs a day...after 3 years and had NO withdrawals! Research your state first because some states have banned it because it's interfering with the methadone clinic profits. It helps chronic pain and depression and anxiety as well! I do NOT sell it so don't think that. I can say that joining a Kratom support group is a good start to find reputable vendors and strains. There are many types and it can get overwhelming at first. The support groups do NOT allow vendors so you get honest input on what is best for your particular issues. Hope this helps! Good luck!

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The reality, you have none of those things, fibromyalgia, is a made up word. You are depressed, period. Deal with that issue and stop medicating, get some real help , and not got to a pill pusher

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You could die taking all that s***. Also, dr's don't prescribe OXYCODONE for made up psych illnesses like "fibromyalgia", so you aren't getting it legally.

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