Oxycontin Affects Organs?
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I just want to know how Oxycontin affects the organs? Give me more details about that, because I can't quit of this pill because my pain is very strong.

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I think you have good reason to worry but your poor sister, she's got it VERY tough. I agree with Ivette that untreated pain can make people do thinks they would never ordinarily do to just make it stop but w/o knowing what she discusses with her physician it's a tough call. I have had such bad dental infections that I considered pulling out my own teeth! With that said, I have NEVER had a doctor (and I have a host of problems, have had to take pain medications in the past...) prescribe Oxycontin for dental pain - they even hesitate to use it in the hospital setting. You need to make sure what exactly she says is hurting and more importantly, why are they not treating the underlying cause of the pain? Maybe a very liberal doctor would give her a few low dose pills until a dentist or oral surgeon can get to the cause of the pain but that's a big maybe. Just remember, she clearly needs your support and you don't want to embarrass or hurt her in anyway b/c if she indeed has a pain issue and you aren't correct she will be labeled an abuser forever and will not be given pain medication regardless of her need, which may force her to street drugs w/o appropriate supervision. It is a very dark mark to carry, I think you should talk to her in a very non-confrontational way and tell her you don't want to put her in a bad position with her doctor and children but you are very worried that she is treating her stress and just like the tooth analogy, it's not the underlying cause of her pain and in the end her pain and problems will be there when the medication wears off but she will have the addiction and it's resulting problems. My heart goes out to you and your sister, autism is SO difficult on its own, add the husband thing, my word! Maybe she can tell her doctor about the other things going on in her life and he can help her with the anxiety she is understandably dealing with. I have a son with autism and ongoing medical conditions and it causes a lot of anxiety, fear and isolation, particularly without the support of a spouse. Clearly you care to write in the way you did, I think you should do everything you can to make this confrontational or judgmental b/c she can't lose you too right now and she may be so overwhelmed she doesn't realize what she is doing, she's just getting by hour by hour. Good luck and God Bless and I will look for your posts. Lilly

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I'm concern about the opinion of Kristie, let me tell you that Iam not drug abuser, my pain management doctor prescribe that oxycontin to me and I use 1 pill twice a day I dont take any more than that and either user drugs from the street because I no need because I have a very good medical plan that pay for my prescriptions.

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i thinks she is taking them whenever she is down and needs a pick up wat should i do yes her doctor is prescribing them but she is not following the directions. she use to use other drugs off the street but i think she uses this stuff because its cheaper ..

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Kristy, you are correct to be concerned. If she has a legitimate prescription and is not abusing the medication, then her body will adjust to the side effects that it causes, such as drowsiness and etc.

However, if she is abusing them, so the amounts she takes are unpredictable, then her body will not have a chance to adjust and this could be very dangerous.

I am not sure what to tell you, do you know if she has a prescription for them?

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hi i am asking because my sister is taking oxcyotton and its starting to worry me she says its for her tooth aches but i am sure she is addicted. she drives on this with my 4 nieces and nephews and i dont think she is any state she is also stick thin and they cant be helping . i would really like to know how this can affect her in the long run my sister has a crap life husband has just gone to jail for ten years and she has 4 kids under the age of 6 and two of them are autistic.. will she be able to keep a clear mind and be alert enough to take proper care of them i really think she is lying about her pain and takes them to get through her day please can you help me do the right thing for these children ???

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