Oxybutynin And Numerous Side Effects


I have really bad side effects taking Oxybutynin medications for overactive bladder and diurnal enuresis (since childhood). I have tried 3 types of oral (pill) medications of which all caused eye lid swelling, dry mouth skin rash etc. after using for 6 weeks. So I was prescribed trans dermal patches (at great reluctance from my doctor as they are not approved on the NHS list due to cost) and have been using it for several months. Now I have started experiencing blurred vision & 'halos' around lights with slight eye lid swelling and finding it hard to think clearly. I took the patch off! Are there any other medications or other treatments I could try?

2 Replies

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Sorry to hear about your experience with Oxybutynin. It sounds like the side effects are really taking their toll with each medication. I do wonder though if it could simply be an allergy to one of the inactive ingredients, since swelling and skin rashes are usually related to allergic reactions of some kind.

Do you have any allergies to gluten, sulfa, corn starch, or other things of that nature?

Regarding other medications and treatments, in my opinion, something more natural would be a good option if you're trying to avoid another onslaught of side effects. This is not to say that you won't ever experience side effects on natural meds, but the likelihood and number of potential reactions does "tend" to be less severe with most natural alternatives. I'm also aware that certain foods and beverages have a significant impact on the overall health and function of your bladder and urination. Perhaps a Naturopathic physician would be able to point you in the right direction with that.

I hope this helps!

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am experiencing some problems after taking Tre-en-en, ie headaches,nausea,pain inthe joints and muscles. and can tre-en-en help in adding weight? please advice

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