Opioid Withdrawal
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I'm confused!!! In this thread, Gabapentin and Pregabapentin are said to be the same drug then someone else says no, they're difference. I CANNOT take Gabapentin as it makes me crazy and angry. Is Pregabapentin going to do the same??? Also is there ANYTHING else anyone can think of to get off of Oxycodone??? I've been addicted for 15 years and a heavy user due to true pain. The last time I ran out I almost died. Can someone please help me with any suggestion other than rehab or Suboxone to get off of this??? Thank you!!!

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I am weaning off of opioids and I have experienced full body tremors and twitching; and it happens without me having to do anything. It is an autonomous body reflex and it is very disturbing.

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I am in agreement with Verwon here; PREGABALIN is a drug which Pfizer developed from GABPENTIN, it is rpughly 2.5 x potency but my personal experience (some damn fool doctor titrated me up from 75mg bd to 300mg bd as a supposed replacement for the wiIhdrawn carisoprodol - either she can not read, the indications are so different as is mode of action and the receptors which 'deal' with each drug; being unable to use ANY of the remaining dedicated Skeletomuscular relaxants in the Formulary due to either side effects or drug interactions, I now think I should go to pharmacies in the very few countries remaining which still dispense carisoprodol (India being most accessible) and stick with the devil I know, which is the most effective and side effect free drug which helps my muscular lumbar pain.
Pregabalin, which I was dispensed as Pdizer LYRICA, did absolutely nothing to help that pain. What it DID do was cause such severe ataxia and amnesia that it turned me into a virtual zombie for several months before I told the doc how it affected me. was waking up every morning with shins and other body parts bruised and painful with no idea how I managed to get into such a state. I have to say that this was probably the worst incidence of wrongful prescribing and the most horrible drug I have EVER been prescribed. I have no doubt it would not be approved if it was not useful in a high percentage of patients suffering certain conditions but I'm afraid that in my case they could not have got it any more wrong!

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Hello, Diva! How are you?

I believe you have the names mixed up. They are Gabapentin and Pregabalin, they are both in the same drug class, but are different medications.

Both are classified by the FDA as anticonvulsants that have been proven to help with certain types of nerve pain and some mood disorders. Their typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings and weight gain.

You may be able to take Pregabalin, but there is a chance that it could cause you to experience the same types of issues.

As to stopping Oxycodone, a slow taper might help you, though getting medical assistance would be the best thing to do.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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