Need Help To Get My Pain Medications From An Online Pharmacy (Page 3)
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I have been under pain management for over 14 years. I never had an issue until the last few months of course I live in Florida. If you do not live in FL you will not understand what is happening. Due to the lovely pill mills and abusers we are unable to get some medications that we need. Most pain mgrs. will not write certain scripts because of the DEA. What most people may not be aware is that to control the amount of pills prescribed in Florida the DEA will only ship so much to each pharmacy. Once they are out they can not reorder they have to wait until the next month before the next shipment comes in this not only creates a problem when trying to fill a prescription but it can be viewed as pharmacy jumping. A pharmacy can refuse to fill our prescription if you are from another city say you live a mile from Orlando and you are trying to find your meds. Your pharmacy can not call around to others to help you fill or to order a store to send. I mean if you go to one CVS they are out you can go 2 miles from our home and now the city is different and they can refuse to fill it even though they have it because you may be considered a pharmacy jumper. Most people may not know this if you go to Walgreens due to the fines they have paid to the DEA if you give them a narcotic pain med they have to call your doctor now to verify that yes indeed he was the one who filled out the script. Pain In the butt. I do not abuse my medications, I take them for pain relief. I hate to even be doing this but I feel like I am getting trapped if I could move I would but I really need an online pharmacy that will ship hate to say it must be overseas because even my insurance companies pharmacy who once did ship them to me can not ship a narcotic into our state please need help

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I live in al and have been in pain management. our government over the last year has had to go from 180 oxy 30 to 90 and looks to go to 60. Since 2006 I have had cancer radiation. Anyway I have had 16 surgeries and need help.

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Hi, i too have been on pain meds for just a little longer. My Doc. says that our Gov. is the reason he has to cut back. I could use marijuana but in the state of Illinois; they have seven reasons to use marijuana. And would u know chronic pain is not one of the seven reasons so i could buy it. Good luck too you.

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It really wouldn't do you any good too move this is worse than ever everywhere . Did you ever get help? I am in same position you are. I think it's terrible when people need pain meds and can't get due to DEA and government. Sure don't hear much about all the illegal drugs just help herion addicts get free needles. Very sad

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I have had a number of back surgeries as well and have been on major meds actually I was on the exact meds you were on but I was also taking Neurontin which helped a lot with the severe nerve pain (but not good to take works on you mentally). The thing about narcotics is yes you may feel pain from your scar tissue that formed after each surgery but its also the addiction to the meds you may need to come off for a while to and you will see the pain is not what you thought your body has reached its limit and you think you need more meds but you don't its the addiction really people listen to your body clean your mind and body and you will realize the meds has an affect on your entire body and mind these drugs are dangerous LISTEN TO YOUR BODY AND MIND THE MEDS ARE DAMAGING SO MANY people .....I am thankful for the small group of people that did listen and have taken control over all mind, body and meds.....Blessing I pray you have the strength to do so as well

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Well, don't think health care in Canada is free! What you get for 'free' is minimal, at best. In Ontario, they are also using private insurance, as gov't coverage stinks. You can wait for a specialist for years and STILL not get help. They've basically cut off all prescription pain meds, due to the jerks that abused it and those same jerks are now onto heroin. Duh...meanwhile, legit pain sufferers continue to suffer and are left behind. For the size of our country, our gov't is so bloated, yet no one complains. We've very few doctors in Ontario and to try and get a family dr is a joke. Their patient list is usually between 26-30,000 pts per year. Free health care? Sure, if nothing is wrong with you! Do NOT come here for it! It's as bad as any third world country, believe me!!!

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Small, local, non-chain pharmacies are much more likely to help the customer better. And your money stays local...

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If anyone has received help from an online pharmacy, they are not talking. Due to fear! We all are afraid that we will get a knock on our door from the DEA with a warrant for our arrest for trying to purchase meds online! That is why you see no answers! I have been looking for a long time and get no responses. There are a lot of people trying to find a means to purchase pain medications for 'horrible pains' -- especially if it radiates down from the lower back into the legs resulting in nerve pain. There is no pain like nerve pain! It will put you down to the floor with pain and at the same time numb your skin as though it has been scalded. I know -- I've been there for over 10 years with no quality of life. I actually feel sorry for myself. How sad is that?

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Here's the thing see the f***ing dea and customs watch sites like this where people rightfully so b**** and complain and ask for sources they don't want our s*** government to block access to those sites which is why no one will openly post them. Our government is owned by corporations. There has been several cancer cures over the years even dating back to the Vietnam war and it is Cannabis and medical marijuana. The government is making money off of our loved ones who get sick and die from these diseases. It's twisted and its CAPITALISM. Our planet is burning up but the government refuses to acknowledge it or do anything because hey they're paid millions of dollars by oil giants to keep their mouths shut and look the other way. The government doesn't care if John Smith overdoses on oxycodone. People are in legitimate pain pay out the ass for insurance and pay out the ass for pain meds and who is reeling in the dough? THE GOVERNMENT!!! The only reason alcohol and cigarettes are legal is because the government A. makes money off of taxes. B. Makes money when people get lung and liver cancer and have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for chemo, radiation and hospitalizations. Almost every country in Europe and Canada has free health care why not us? Because the government thrives and profits off of sick, dying and homeless people. It makes me sick no wonder so many people hate our country. We have NO freedom everything is controlled by the government. Now even if I said hey email me and I'll give you a source that would be enough probable cause for the dea, homeland security or who the f*** ever to open my emails. Hell they've probably already done so just because of this post......SO MUCH FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!

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I hope your doing better!please let me know,your not in this alone.

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Hey how are you?
You can try going to pintrest very cool sit I will be using it very soon
all the best to you

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Hi Everyone, I also have been taken advantage of by those freaking India places and reported them to the money order transfer people as all Im looking for is an honest pharmacy to get my pain meds for a damn legit reason.

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Please beware of online pharmacy Beckman (scam) and legal online pharm (selling fakes). Learn from my lessons.

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Yes I strongly agree for the madness is also blown out of control here in Canada

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I know tx here I broke my leg a while back and they screwed it up more putting it back together along with fusing my anckle. I'm so desprate I'm going to consult a neurologist about cutting my nerves to my leg so all the f###ing pharmacist can kiss my ass. My wife and mom are against it but the Hassel I have to go to to find pain meds is making me unstable I believe.

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Could someone inform me what to do. My dr retired I have no one and I can't walk five stops without my sciatica sending horrible pains down my leg.

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So has ANYONE actually received pain meds from one of the web-based pharmacies? Simple direct question that NO ONE seems to answer!!!

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The simple answer is NO.,Why do people go on about their pain when that is not the question

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In 2005 DX with Multiple Sclerosis, after head trauma, plus have herniated disks, fractured back, Spinal Stenosis, well the MRI's are so long silly to write, my back is a mess, no chance to survive surgery. MY PROBLEM: I am ALLERGIC to pain meds such as Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, etc. The ingredient that makes people "high" is THEABAINE-which is what I am allergic too. ALSO cannot metabolize it (feel no pain relief) The ONLY thing I can take is Codeine based pain meds. Regular codeine is not strong enough for my problems. I ran across DHC-dihydrocodeine from a pharmacy. FOR THE FIRST TIME I HAD PAIN RELIEF. US does not offer it. UK did, now the place may be in jeopardy. Oh, I told my doctor, open about dosage etc. He is realistic, pulling his hair out trying to help me. Though he does not like something illegal, he DOES want me helped. I was widowed at 49, no children, no family completely alone. I REALLY need help in finding a doctor to prescribe this medication somewhere else. Without it, I cannot get out of bed, plus afraid now I would have w/d's. Please someone help!

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You are so right with everything you said. Usually Rite-Aid or Walmart RX are good to get your meds from.

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