Miracle Drug (Top voted first)


I am so very sorry for all your problems with Accutance, but I absolutely adore this drug! I took Accutane when I was 15 because I went to sleep crying every night because I could not wear the dresses, basketball, or cheerleading uniforms that I was required to wear. I am now 22 and still have wonderful skin. I would take this drug over again and I would recommend it to ANYONE. I hate that some of you had awful results with this drug, but I think it is wonderful. I did not suffer any side affects and have yet to. The drug did exactly what it said it did for me....although who knows I may be having a parrot for a baby 5 years from now :)

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Well I pray that when you get older and you have children (if you are able to) that you will not have a doctor come in and tell you that your child has hearing loss (partial or completely). It is not worth it when you find out that you have done something to your unborn child that will effect him for life.

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Im 41 now I took Accutane when I was 25 to 26 years old. I have IBS, Fibromyalgia,o arthritis ,migraines, facial muscles make me want to rip my face off. The biggest problem is my CHILDREN! My seccond child was born with ADHA, Bi Polar, SI Dysfunction,my third child, Developmental Delay, & birth defects in hands & feet.I had to have my gallblader out during pregnency, appendix out, three pollups removed from colon at age 30, my IBS is so bad Its like having dumping syndrome at any given time. I was a DANCER, SWIM INSTRUCTOR, VERY ACTIVE. Now im lucky to take a walk with my children. If I had this info, I would have NEVER taken this drug. One girl joked about giving birth to a parrot in her future, its no joke when you have to see your children struggle with life every day. Because I wanted to have acne free skin...

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Accutane Rocks! I'm on it again for the 4th course since I was about 19. I'm 34 now and I need to go on it about every 5 years. It used to be 3. No side effects yet. Crossing my fingers.

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hello above poster,
do you have kids yet? If so are they healthy?

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I didn't notice any major side effects until after seven years had gone by since taking Accutane. It started with the worst pain I've ever felt in my stomach. Then the following seven years my symptoms have worsened thrice fold at minimum. I have a half inch hole in my septum and I've never done cocaine. I have IBS unconfirmed because I can't afford to go to the doctor. And I had spinal surgery four months ago. A laminoscopy/discectomy of my L4-L5. These symptoms are very real and some of them I didn't develop until a decade had gone by. Enjoy your short lived acne free happiness because while the acne may not return your overall health will be dramatically reduced. Come back on this forum in 10 years and let us know how you feel.

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