Making The Switch
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I just recently switched from 70 mg of methadone to suboxone. The Dr told me to wait 3 days. The clinic insisted that I waited to go down to 30 mg before switching to subutex so it scared the crap out of me. So on the third day I took a 1 mg strip of sub and it put me into total withdrawal. It was horrible, I couldn't understand why he didn't prescribe me subutex so it didn't have the opiate blocker. Anyway I got thru the night and woke up and just took 4 mgs and felt a little better then on day 5. I went to see my Dr to explain what's going on and asked why he didn't give me subutex instead of suboxone. He said it doesn't make a difference in this instance. So I guess he knows better than I do. It's Saturday and I'm feeling better but I'm still not feeling the full suboxone effects because ive been on it before. He told me I should be better today so hopefully tomorrow or Monday I will feel the full effect of the suboxone. Thanks for listening and I hope I helped someone.

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Hello, GJ! How are you?

The doctor was correct, the Buprenorphine, which is in both Suboxone and Subutex binds to the opiate receptors in the brain, kicking out other opiates, since it clings stronger, so both of them can cause precipitated withdrawals. Thus, it likely would have happened, anyway, even if you were given Subutex, rather than Suboxone.

Generally, Subutex is reserved for pregnant women, under new DEA directives.

The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate, so it also carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Are you feeling any better?

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It's been a week and a half since I've switched from methadone to suboxone and I feel like a new person. No more sweating like a pig. I actually want to do stuff. When I was on methadone I had no ambition. I'm loving music again. I'm noticing smells, colors, sunsets, I just feel alive again. I still want to be off of everything so my next step is the vivitrol shot it's supposed to block everything. One day at a time like they say. I refuse to stay on this suboxone for more than a month or two. I want my life back and not be held hostage by any drug. It's been 18 years of my own prison and I feel ashamed and weak for not being able to kick this s*** a long time ago. Yes methadone and suboxone give you a better quality of life but for me after so long it made me very depressed and embarrassed from failing to quit for so long. I haven't taken my drug of choice in over 9 years of course that would be oxy 80s as many as I can get my hands on but I refuse to have to take something to feel "normal" for the rest of my life. My prayers go out to everyone struggling with addiction. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Stay strong my people.

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