Lyrica & Incontinence (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I took Lyrica for about 6 weeks & noticed it caused incontinence or urine leakage. I stopped it & the sx subsided. I now restarted it as the pain was unbearable. It works wonders for the pain if you can endure the side effects. I am going to see if I can somehow control the urine leakage if it starts again.

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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I had urinary in continence before I started taking lyrics for nerve pain from C6 nerve compression and my urge incontinence has improved out of site . Has anyone else found this as well

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I recently reported that I felt that pregabolin was causing me to pass urine often. However just a few days ago I discovered that I have an overactive bladder which has probably been the problem all along!

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Doctors say a lot of stuff, when they have no idea! I hate asking my doctor questions I feel he should know he knows he answer to that he's not familiar with. I do the research myself now because some are so busy they aren't focused on the patient they are more focused on grants, assisting professors, published articles, etc. Somedays I feel like a mouse in his lab. I'm currently searching for a new one but U should show him this thread maybe he'll belive it when he sees it. I too take lyrica and this has happened.

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I've definitely noticed the incontinence but I find when I take melatonin before bed,
I can often wait until morning before I have to go to the bathroom. Mind you I must
say that it takes me awhile to wake up! No bed wetting at this point anyway!

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I started lyrics for nerve pain. Only day two. I took it at 6pm after 3 hours of sleep, I awake every 2 hrs, headache, legs cramp and more lower back pain. Its only 75mg. Im very sensitive to medication even over-the-counter causes me to be very drowsy I am at least 230 lb so I should be able to handle the medications he took me off everything else. My RA, fibromyalgie and nerve damage pain is so unbearable but I have to work whenever I take medications I'm drowsy up to 24 hours is very hard for me to get up and stay awake I do a lot of driving as well.

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Re: Kj (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I had been on Lyrica 100mg for nearly 10 years, and I thought that I was stuck with chronic prostatitis and nighttime bedwetting (despite never having that problem before). turns out Lyrica was the culprit. when I dialed it down to 25mg 2x a day the problem disappeared. By January I expect to be off this drug for good. Not enough research has been done on this drug when used in combination with others and how it affects urination, brain function and urinary/prostate issues in men. Looking forward to getting off.

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Definitely causes incontinence. The took the brand name and 2 different generics. Happened frequently by the 3rd day after taking the medication. Typically occurred within 1.5 hours after falling asleep with a rently empty bladder. Never happened off the drug.

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I hope it subsides for you! I'm fully off it now and feel like I lost 10 years of my life as a result. good luck and thanks for sharing...

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I have been taking 50 mg of Lyrica 2 times a day for about 6 years. I am 79 yrs. old, female and have been having urinary incontinence for about 4 years. Could Lyrica be the cause? My dosage is very low compared to most.

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Re: Dulcinea (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

so very sorry you're experiencing that... did you have any experience with incontinence before? either way, Lyrica is a super powerful drug even at low doses and can mess with people's normal functioning. keep in mind that it could be interacting with other drugs, too, exacerbating the problem. please keep us posted.

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I’ve been off Lyrica for a number of years (thank goodness) but I’m still experiencing nighttime incontinence. just curious if anyone else is in the same boat and how you dealt with it. no matter what I do it’s still very unpredictable and frustrating.

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Re: Nurse83 (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. I am 38.

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Re: Kitty (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

They started me on lyrica 11/2 weeks ago. I was also given the lowest dose possible of hydrocodone. I thought I was just having to pee a lot from all the extra water I was drinking to avoid taking a stool softener everyday for the hydrocodone effects. But then the leg cramping, headaches, and super fast spread and intensity of the sciatica symptoms made me think my back took a huge fast turn for the worst. After I almost passed out from the intense pain getting out of bed one morning and the weird headaches, my friend thought I may be stroking and talked me into going to the emergency room. After a 3 hour wait I left. My pain level was through the roof and I had to lay down. I didn’t quite make it to their rest room either. So the next day I’m a dribbling fool and sporting the pee pads. So I did some googling and found your link tonight and as I’m still only taking a 75mg once at night (I couldn’t walk safely when they had me test a daytime dose too) I am quitting it tonight! Way too many side effects that I never saw listed on the pharmacy paperwork that came with pills. I have also scheduled a meet & greet with a spine surgeon as I don’t want to be a pill popper if I can help it after this experience. But wow I’m so happy to have all the combined experience knowledge about lyrica from everyone on this website. Thanks again everyone!

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Re: Crazy Mary (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah I can’t tolerate gabapentin or Lyrica it did terrible things to me, there are people who claim it dissolved their teeth and I believe them.

Plus getting off gabapentin was harder and it took longer than any time I’ve ever quit taking opioids long-term. Those withdrawals are over in a week, it took like a month to get through the gabapentin with drawls. These medication’s are really dangerous and doctors treat them like they’re nothing.

It could be the vicodin into though, dopamine stimulates peoples kidneys, and I think that opioids increase dopamine, though I am not medically trained so I could be wrong. I just know that I have a problem with urinary urgency when I’m taking my ADHD medication and my pain medication in the same day, one or the other doesn’t do it to me but both of them make it really hard to make it to the bathroom on time if they’re in my body together.

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I've posted 2x before on this thread regarding urine leakage w/respect to Lyrica.
I was originally prescribed lyrica 75mg x3/day as my back pain became unbearable and I was becoming nonfunctional , regardless of PT, acupuncture, daily excercise, massage,etc. Lyrica was like a miracle and gave me my life back. Long about 1 yr in, I had gained 40 #s & 10" to my waist my clothes don't fit, and I'm still gaining slowly, despite watching my diet carefully. Even more worrisome was the urine leakage, at first stress incontinence, then just almost all the time. I was wearing 3 pee pads a day, even while on Myrbetriq, which I thought helped at first.
Finally, I was able to do some I thought I would never be able to do: weaning off of it. At one time I was upped to 4x day, I went down to 3. The two. At two, the urine leakage has been reduced to more common symptoms of stress incontinence. I ran out of Myrbetriq, and it made no difference, so I've d/c'd that as well. I forgot my lyrica last night, and did not have a sudden onslaught of feet pain and tingling, burning pain that keeps me awake. So maybe I can peel off another dose, getting down to one. Whew, it would be a relief not to need it! But there was a time when I was sure I would NEVER be able to reduce my dosage, as it was just way too painful. I thought nerve damage was permanent, an outcome of too much pain, too often, and uncontrolled, the kind of pain associated w/ a chronic, degenerative disease such as my spine (i.e., arthritis, degenerative disc disease leading to spinal stenosis, which is not only a very painful condition, but itself can choke off the cord and result in loss of function of bowl, bladder, and limbs.) at that critical stage I had 3 level laminectomy, but the surgery does not improve nerve damage. That's what Lyrica is for. My condition will get worse, and there will be more surgeries, I'm told, and more Lyrica. But for now, I'm more comfortable.

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The only treatment for lyrica induced incontinence, which for myself, eventually became drip-drip-drip nonstop 24/7, is to wear maximum absorbency incontinence pads or the special incontinence disposable "panty.. I was able to get off of lyrica over 6 mos, until the nerve pain reduced to a more manageable level. It continued to improve after my triple laminectomy over the next six months. The incontinence ceased on day one of d/c'g lyrica. However, it was extremely difficult to get off of: I had many areas of pain that had been suppressed by lyrica, and it was very stressful on my body. I became extraordinarily sick with the flu (I was vaccinated) which led to multiple secondary health problems, such as canker sores, etc., which only served to intensify my suffering. It was miserable, but I'm glad I'm off it. I'd gained 40lbs in one yr- I've lost 17 in 6 mos after stopping lyrica.

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Sometimes the choice is between the lesser of two evils: my pain was so severe I was in bed most of the time with ice, narcotic pain killers, rigorously routine daily exercises to stretch out cramping muscles and "Charlie horse" type leg cramping, TENS unit treatment several times a day, massage treatment (expensive, not covered by insurance, obviously) no social life, NO LIFE. Period. But urine leakage is uncomfortable, it's a nuisance, an embarrassment, but it isn't necessarily painful, unless you also have symptoms of cystitis (bladder tenderness, dysuria, frequency, urgency). Couple that with pelvic pain and stress incontinence in large volume, then you have a tough choice. I eventually could get off lyrica after triple level laminectomy spinal surgery, but lyrica is difficult to get off of. Much later, I once had to go back on it, regrettably, due to a fall which unsettled my spinal equilibrium. It was short, just 2-3 weeks, including tapering off period. It is unclear if it re-established incontinence; seems more likely due to bladder infection which showed positive. I don't think there is a treatment for it other than various pads or adult diapers and just live with it. Myrbetriq did nothing. Phenalazopyridine prescription strength has helped with cystitis symptoms, but pads are still necessary. Doctors don't have answers about causes and cures, which just adds to the frustration.

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lyrica definitely causes urine incontinence as I have been on it for years and tried to find out what was wrong with me and my leaking bladder day and night.homopath just told me it is lyrica side affects. wish I knew this year's ago thinking it was a serious bladder problem. I have given up on Dr they know nothing about medication they r prescribing.

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i wear a diaper everyday while on lyrica besides its not that bad it keeps me warm but sometimes the smaller diapers leak and i smell of urine but when i poop it does'nt matter everyone smells me then

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