Linzess Results


I have Gastroparesis, pelvic floor dysnersia, and chronic ideopathic constipation. I had been taking 4 capfuls of miralax daily (which stopped working), amitiza (never worked) and now Linzess. The very first day it caused severe pain and I had pretty severe diarrhea. The next few days & nights I had severe abdominal pain, but now just cramping and lots of bloating. I have not had ANY movements at all since the diarhea on day 1. Is this normal?

3 Replies

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I hope your seeing a gastroenterologist and if so CALL the doctor.

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Hi GPcrusader,

Sorry to hear about your situation. From what I've read on other related threads, the time it takes for Linzess to work actually varies greatly for each and every individual. However, I do agree with Amber in that it might be a good idea to touch base with a gastroenterologist if at all possible, since they have a specialized understanding of gastrointestinal ailments. But when it comes to normalizing bowel movements, have you also considered looking into various OTC supplements such as digestive enzymes, probiotics, slippery elm bark, magnesium and other nourishing dietary aids for the gut that may be a beneficial ally to your already existing treatment plan? I think everything comes down to trial and error at some point, and based on your description it sounds to me like an alternative approach may be worth the time it takes to research various options. Just wanted to share my thoughts on that.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you David and Amber.
I have been in contact with my GI and PCP. In addition to Linzess we have started using Lactulose once a day in my feeding tube - and dropped the miralax since it has lost it's effect. I was FINALLY able to find relief after days of pain and with the aid of enemas. Kept getting impacted, so took 3 (2 one night one the following morning) before I felt complete. Last 2 days have been better. I'm already taking biofeedback for pelvic floor issue, have been for a few months. He's going to try and wait to see results, then at next appt (Oct) if needed we will schedule Sitz Marker tests.

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