Finding A Doc To Prescribe Oxycodone In Springfield Mo (Page 18)
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I have a very bad neck injury and I'm taking 4 x 10mg oxycodone a day for pain. I've moved to Springfield recently and all of the doctors offices tell me "Oh, our policy is never to prescribe narcotics." Even the hospitals won't prescribe it and have a family practice docs list and at the bottom of the page the disclaimer states none of the above doctors will prescribe narcotics. I need help anyone know a good doctor with in 200 miles of Springfield Mo. who will prescribe oxycodone?

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I know of a doc that can help u. I won't post him on here cause of people that ruin for others that really need meds for pain. {edited for privacy}

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Great Advice also. Chronic Pain affects everything! I wish I could work. I wish I could play sports again. I wish my relationships were not affected by hurting all the time on and on....I wish I were not looked at ( by the medical profession ) as a drug seeker even with MRI, xrays,Labs Titer counts etc. I wish.......Physicians that can clearly see with positive proof would do spomething to help their patients. I wish.....Even with crooked hands and an S shaped spine...I wish......

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Where is OCH. I live in Springfield ,Mo. Your information was VERY helpful. This is cruel. Unbelievable even with xrays and chronic diagnostic tests. Is there a particular dr?Or is there moire than 1?Some just want to do injections when my condition it would not make sense. ( not just in discs,spine etc)Thanks for your input.

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I was in you're position when I moved here to Springfield also, in my case, I went to a OCH family dr. and explained I was diagnosed with ... and he said he can't keep me on long term narcotics, so he referred me to OCH pain clinic. This is the best pain clinic around. Ppl drive hours to come here and when I went in- he offered hydros and methadone and I said hydros made me irritated and oxycodone didn't, he said that's fine oxys are fine. Now I'm on the strongest pain med you can get. I wouldn't try St. John's or cox pain clinic- only as a last resort. Also dress up nice and don't look like a slob or junkie- ppl do judge as horrible as that is!
I hope this helps:-) also, I agree with the last comment, if you have proof: ex rays, MRI, your old script bottle. Etc. have u called your old dr. And asked about one last refill possibly he could mail you the script or with hydros I think they can call them to your old states pharmacy like a Walgreens and you can call a local one and pick it up here.
That's all I got man! Let us know how it goes!

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I can provide you with links that may help you in your search for pain management doctors that specialize in prescribing narcotics; however, there really is no way anyone can know ahead of time what these doctors are or are not willing to prescribe, as that is based on the doctor's discretion and not solely on someone else's previous appointment.

Listed below are a couple websites specific to locating pain management doctors in a given area. All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results:
{link removed because site no longer exists}

You can give this other page a try too if you come up with different results for some reason or another:

Many of the results you find (in one or both of the links above) also list a phone number for that specific doctor; I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if they are accepting new patients; some aren't, but most usually are.

Some advice I can give you is to not specifically ask for any 'specific medication' when you see a new doctor. Make sure to transfer or take a copy of all your medical records with you (they usually speak for themselves). Then, the best approach is to discuss up front and honestly what has or hasn't worked for you in the past. Most doctors will take it under consideration and hear you out if you approach them in this manner. A lot of patients don't get the medication they need because they are approaching the doctor in such a needy way that they are being viewed as addicts and not patients. So as awkward as that may seem, it is something to consider...

I hope this helps!

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