Fentanyl Forums (Page 17)

Recently active Fentanyl forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Fentanyl and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I am currently using 125 MCG fentanyl patches - 1 100mcg and 1 25mcg for chronic pain due to fibromyalgia and Addisons Disease. My orthopedic surgeon just informed me today that I have a large bone spur and a torn rotator cuff on my right shoulder. I have an appointment on Tuesday to see my pain mgmt specialist and I can discuss this with him but often he has mislead me with instructions on how to take my meds and vitamin supplements, one time landing me in the hospital in full blown Addisonian Crisis. My question is, if I need to have surgery soon, what am I going to do about wearing my patch? I know I cannot wear it during surgery and I heard that I have to ween off before surgery. I don't know what's the best to do. Any advise or personal experience will be greatly appreciate...

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I have been on the fentenal patch 50mg for the past 4 moknths change every 3 days, & am not taking them anymore because they give me migraines, did anyone experience that or any other side affects? Please share any that may have effective you.? Thank you! ## Hello, Sonya! How are you? As reported by the FDA, you may experience withdrawal effects from stopping them, which may possibly include nausea, dizziness, fever, chills, rebound pain and diarrhea. Fentanyl can cause headaches/migraines in some people that take it as a typical side effect, along with nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and constipation. They can also be habit forming. When I tried them years ago, they may me very nauseous, so I couldn't keep anything down and it was very hard for me to stay awake and function. Can a...

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A pain contol doctor did a drug test. Said I had cocaine in my system and I have never ever tried/used/inhaled it ever. But I'm on Fentanyl 50 mg patc and I don't always remember to change it every 3 days. That showed up NEGATIVE on the test. That should have been positive and the cocaine negative. How long does fentanyl stay in the urine? I swear they mixed it up. Since I have never had cocaine and I have fentanyl patch. ## SOMETHING SOUNDS STRANGE? A TEST THAT DOCTORS USE ARE 99% ACCURATE. THE PATCH STAYS IN YOUR SYSTEM FOR 16 HOURS AFTER REMOVAL. I HAVE NO CLUE WHY YOU TESTED POSITIVE FOR COCAINE. THE DOCTOR COULD RUN A BLOOD TEST IF YOU ASK. BUT SOMETHING JUST DOESNT SOUND RIGHT. GOOD LUCK TO U !! ## The patch can stay in your system much longer than that, medications have a...

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I have been on Fentanyl for pain of cancer treatment side effects & have been reducing from 400mc & down to 25 mc without any side effects. After 48 hours of last dose I have been having involuntary leg movements, first on left for 12 hours. Had a little relief and upon eating and taking normal medication, I began vomiting and got involuntary leg movements on right side. Are these withdrawal symptoms? Do I need to go in to a doctor? I have no small dose of Fentanyl left to take. Only 100 mcg doses. ## Have you consulted your doctor, yet? Those can be withdrawal symptoms, but it is always best to check with your doctor to be sure. In addition, they may be able to advise you on how to alleviate them, until the medication has fully processed out of your body. ## these are almost de...

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Given all the new laws and scrutiny doctors are under these days, it seems almost impossible to get any type of help when one suffers from any of these key buzz words. "Pain, anxiety, sleep disorders". Mention any of these Buzz words during an exam with your doctor, and he or she immediately goes from a caring offense to unconcerned defense. It's sad but true. After 14 months after my accident (I won't get into the hell I've been thru trying to get help or anyone to believe me) I'm finally scheduled to meet with a spine doctor on Wed to hopefully stop the suffering. My medical condition is a herniated disk L4-L-5. Part of the disk has lodged behind the spine pushing on the nerve root causing unbelievable pain down my right buttocks and down the right leg. My leg ...


patch ## Please see the page on this site called Fentanyl for more information about this medicine. ## I've been on 150mg patch every 48 hrs for 10yrs now. After 5 yrs i started sucking them. A friend told me it gives u energy cause i had none. So I'm always running out early now. I stopped wearing them altogether n would suck them. It was great for awhile but now I suck to not get sick and lived miserably for the last 3 yrs. I haven't left my home in 3 yrs, only for Dr's appointments. I'm missing out on my 2 daughters n grandson n a really ill father. I hate my life but I'm too afraid to tell my Dr in case she quits me cold turkey. I can't handle the withdrawal. I've tried cutting back to quit but I go nuts constantly thinking I gotta suck more so that...

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I used to live in the Richmond, VA area up until June of 2013, when I made the mistake of moving to Texas for 2 years, and now I'm back in the area. I have also been in chronic pain now for almost 14 years, have had 1 spinal surgery in '09 that was quite successful...until I was rear ended at a stoplight by some 'jerk' (note the PC term) going 65 -> 70 mph less than 18 months later. So now, I have 'Failed Back Surgery Syndrome" (yes, I kid you not, that's an ACTUAL diagnosis) on the disc I had surgery on (L5/S1), as well as herniations/tears on L3/L4 and L4/L5. Another wonderful fact about me is that I have a little genetic mutation called EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). That just means that I take 10x longer to heal, I bleed more than most everyone else, a...


Should I be concerned about breaking out in a rash I've always had namebrand patches due to the fact they tend to go into me too fast but I can no longer afford them my co-pay$683 my be concerned about breaking out in a rash I've always had namebrand patches due to the fact they tend to go into me too fast but I can no longer afford them my co-pay Health and Sharon's pays 900 this is for only 10 patches I am not having problems breathing the rash Is red and also have hives. ## Hello, Rochelle! How are you? There is a chance that you're allergic to something in the adhesive that you use, or the components of the patch itself, such as latex, if it contains any. Have you consulted your prescriber? The safest thing to do would be to have it checked out to be sure, because ma...

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I tapered off the fentanyl patch very gradually, going from 25 mcg to 12 to 6 over a period of more than a month. My doctor prescribed clonidine to help with the withdrawal effects I was experiencing and everything has seemed to go well. I have not had any fentanyl for 6 weeks, but I still have splitting headaches that started soon after I started tapering off. Could they still be from the withdrawal? ## It is possible, the length of time it takes for all withdrawal effects to wear off can vary from person to person. However, it could also be a side effect of the Clonidine, if you're still taking it, or the headaches may be due to something entirely unrelated, so it would be best to have them checked out, to be safe. Did you experience any of the other withdrawal effects that the FD...

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If I'm on 150 every 72 hrs and want to get totally off by next dr appt on my own safely... Can I step down by 25mg every 3 days without causing major withdrawal. Feel like I'm seeing a drug pusher. Had hips replaced and back surgery and ddd and lupus and just keep getting put on medicines. Can I do this and get off safely by my next appt sept 10? ## Hi Gigi! I would suggest tapering VERY slowly. It might be best to speak with your doctor and taper under his supervision so you don't have bad withdrawals. ## Hello, Gigi! How are you? I have to agree with Cats68 here. (And a huge thank you to Cats68!) Fentanyl is a very potent narcotic, over 80 times stronger than Morphine, so too rapid of a taper could be very dangerous. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analges...

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I think I had a shortage in my box this month of fentanyl patches. Usually there are 5 per box. I started to change my patch this evening and I only had two in the package. There should had been 3. This is one of the few times that I didn't count my patches upon opening the box. I have a routine in the evenings when it is time for the change of the patch. So my husband and I spent time trying to construct my procedures for the last couple of changes trying to see if there was a possibility that I dropped one in the floor and it slid under something. Has anyone else had a problem with shortage of patches in your boxes? ## I have been on fentyal pain patches I have constant pain the first month I had the 25mg now second month he put me on 50 mg this time there is a shortage I'm mi...

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I was wearing my Fentanyl patch 100mcg on the day of the test and was changing every 48 hours and had no gaps in therapy of the patch. Was on oxycodone 10mg for breakthrough pain and neither showed up on a urine serum test. I couldn't pee at the office, so was sent to the hospital. The drugs that showed up were my anxiety meds. And it says my fentanyl and oxycodone were not. I took a tablet that morning before the office visit and was wearing my damned patch. But I got a letter telling me that I can no longer be seen at my pain mgmt office anymore and that was that. One more thing, I take for chronic pain from an accident. A year before the accident I had gastric bypass surgery, could that affect my results in any drug test?


I found a fentanyl patch in the closet that's probably 3 months old , it wasnt ever used but it's out of its packaging . Can I still use it ? ## Hello Hunter, Yes like all medications they have an expiration date. I'm looking right now at some old 100mcg/hr for 72 hours that I use to use. I got them from the pharmacy about 6 months ago and their expiration date is Aug. 2016 So that would be about a 1 year and 8 months expiration since it was dispensed. As long as the backing hasn't been removed it should be OK and stick to the skin. Be sure to apply it where you have the most fat tissue for best absorption. DO NOT try and ingest any part of the patch's active ingredient. It can cause an overdose! The total amount of Fentanyl in the 100mcg/hr patch is 11mg total and t...

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I was on the original trial 4 or the scent in December 2006 is it still available by prescription ## Hello, Mikel! How are you? This contained the active ingredient Fentanyl and it is still available via prescription in several forms. The tablets from Cephalon are now called Fentora. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

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I am currently wearing the Fentanyl 25 patch. I have had some (4) bad experiences this month alone. Exerting myself - gardening, carrying groceries, lifting anything; I become short of breath, extremely rapid heart rate and my legs and upper body become very weak. Has anyone else ever experienced something like this. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. To be fair, I had awful leg weakness before I started taking or using anything. I don't know what to do. I took an OxyContin (30) mg and had an even worse experience than mentioned above. (Shortness of breath & rapid heart beat went on longer). I have ruptured disks and extreme leg pain that's why I started pain med. I hope someone can help me. ## Hello, KathyB! How are you feeling? I'm sorry about the experien...

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Well i have servere lymes disease and take fentanyl and percocet for pain. Well now most recently the gov. wants me to take Social Security Disability,I cant do that i am 22 going to be 23 years old and i actually want to work. Also the money i would get is barley anything...barley enough to pay bill and live. So i cant do it. Well i was wondering if i can get without getting into trouble pain killers oversea's without RX. These pills would be best to have because i am so opiate tolerant. The patch really does nothing to me at all. i would like to buy more fentanyl or morphine,dualid,MScotin, Fentanyl Citrate,oymorphone,Opana ER , So please any info i really need. I know laws are tight but maybe some one out their knows something....by the way i want to make it clear i am not an add...

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I was using 4-5 oxy cdn 80 greenish Blue pills intranasally all the way through. And they are extremely powerful and dangerous. It's really hard to cold turkey these, harder then all the other opiates. Worst pain ever. ## Yeah I live in Calgary and wish I had a pill press and I could make these bad boys and then be a millionaire.. Haha .. Most the people that are making these have a good chemist that obviously has the right scales and tools to measure fentanyl accurately. The goods are not hard to come by and The pills that look like the old OxyContin 80s but the 8 in the 80 is pressed different if you look at it properly, they are smaller and green all The way through. Diagnostics have been done on these whack ass fentanyl pills darn goofs ordering fentanyl HCL powder from china , ...

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My new pain doc takes a lab test every time I see him. He then sends the test to Kentucky from Oregon. I have never failed a test, now suddenly he claims I am showing for meds that I have never used. I do not take anything for pain unless prescribed. He refuses to use any one of the numerous places locally. I have a strong feeling that he just doesn't want to treat me. It is hard finding docs to help with pain mgmt. My doc retired who took care of me the right way according to hospice. Never had failed a test before. Any suggestions? ## Can I ask what are you prescribed versus what the lab results are showing? Also, are you taking any other medication or supplement at this time? ## Roy, I was taking the fentanyl patch 75mg, norco 10/325. he said I now show 45 of pot nothing else, he...

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I want to know what is in fentanyl patch mine are only 12 mg? ## Hello, Jude! How are you? Fentanyl is exactly what's in them, the FDA classifies it as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. And the dose is actually in micrograms, because it is very potent. 12mgs of it would most likely kill someone. Is there anything else I can help with?

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