Effexor Long Term (Top voted first)


been on effexor for about 17yrs i think initially it was fine but over the last eight years find im constantly sick (flue like symptons) tired, non motivated and pretty fed up...But also very scared of being stuck on them now as i know its difficult to come off (was never told this) angry that drs put you on meds send you off and thats it, therapy should be offered also and constant monitoring!!! Feel like i havent been myself for a very long time and i find that really sad i also know life is vey precious but most the time i just want to lay around and be left alone....

5 Replies

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Effexor has been hit by the "opioid epidemic''.

The drug no longer works as it should. I remember getting these guys in blister packs around 2002. I just tried taking it again because it used to work so well, but the newer XR formulation is a joke. The taper must be perfect for effexor to work, unfortunately it is easier to prescribe XR pills...

Yes, the drug has been watered down to the point where it is no longer an effective medication. The same happened to serzone, seroquel, Mellaril, depokote, etc... The meds that work must be changed every few years to make the fda happy. They [the fda] are not concerned about your health and certainly not about quality control!

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I feel the same way on it, but I've been on for 2 years. 300 mg a day

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Re: steve (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

THANK YOU! I was in the hospital and told them that I was on the extra release (XR) version and wanted to be sure that they did not give me the older traditional effexor. They said that I was trying to abuse XR drugs?!

The original effexor was in blister packs, I started taking it ~17 years ago too! This new XR stuff is crap!

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I think they took nefazone (serzone) off the market again. I think someone told me that Mellaril was placed back on the market. Also I haven't run into any demerol in years.

Yes these new medications are _beyond_ watered down... It is nice to hear someone else agree with me for a change.

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Re: DCcc (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, just curious, do you take or did you ever take 300mgs all at once or not. How did you take it? Thanks

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