Doing Better On Brintellix (Top voted first)


I tapered off Effexor XR and onto 10mg Brintellix. No withdrawal symptoms - seamless transition. I have been on Brintellix now for about 3 weeks. I have to say I feel more alert, my anxiety is low, my sleep is better. So far so good. I had to stop taking Tramadol and Buspar to avoid the interaction but have had no need for the Buspar since and I can just take another opiod pain killer if I need to. Did not experience the nausea that seems to be the most common side effect. Keep your fingers crossed.

5 Replies

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Awesome! I am very glad that it's working so well for you.

Can you post back and update me? Thanks!

Do you have any questions or concerns?

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Hi I will be trying Brintellix soon to get ease the depression and anxiety from tapering Effexor. How are you doing now. I need help desperately.

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Please let me know hoe you are doing with the Brintellix after the Effexor.

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I am about to start taking this.. After a year of no ad's. I am only taking xa n ax 3 X a day. As by positive changes for anxiety or gad?

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How are you experiencing the brintellix now after all these years?

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