Does Subutex Show Up As An Opiate On A 5 Or 8 Panel Drug Screen (Top voted first)


My 19-year-old son may finally be getting off the roller coaster. He ran out of Suboxone and a "friend" gave him some Subutex to last until his Suboxone refill comes in. Only problem: he has the first meeting in the process to get his juvenile records sealed. Do they drug test at that point? Should he be worried about being positive because of the Subutex? Once that is out of his system,

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I take weekly random drug tests in st. Lucie co. At the court house where they "observe" you. I am trying to kick a pill addiction, but I do not want to feel sick. These tests are court ordered and for my dependency court case. I want my daughter home and want to pass, but I don't want to WD while I have to work 12 hr days waiting tables in a busy restaurant. Will saboxone show up in their 5\8\12 panel tests there? They are instant results. Can someone with experience answer me please?

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I was at a sober house and I am on suboxone films and didn't tell them because I know it don't show up on most drug test. I ran out of them and took a subutex and failed for dope and no one believed me and my first thought was the guy that gave me a drug test put something in my piss or a drink in the fridge but still no one believed me and they wouldn't send it to a lab. So I was wondering if anyone knows any possible explanation for that???

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I REALLY want to answer this question w/100% accuracy thru my experience today. I myself trolled for hours/days reading don't show up....they do. Well, today I went for probation and was urine tested with a 12 panel cup. While I was holding this cup waiting to pee, I read the drugs it was testing for hoping subutex wouldn't be on there. Boom....I seen it. "Bup"! My heart sank....I had to fill the cup & give it to the p/o. She told me the obvious..."U failed, Showed up positive for subutex". Now starts more chaos. TRUST ME.! I trusted all the NO's on here and made my bad choice. The "reward" is NOT worth the risk! Sick or not!

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Hi all. im a recovering herin user and i live in a bail hostel in the uk and do a six way test which does look for beupramorphine as well as coke.crack heroin and canabis/amphetamines and benzo's... well i snorted 8ml of subutex when i was very close to relapsing and using heroine again after being clean for 5 months and out of worry i drank on average a whopping 8 litres of water a day for 5 days and on the 6th day i tested positive for benupromorphine and failed. so whilst it satisfied my opium cravings and using heroin it got me knowhere fast and now they test me every week and in my opinion the only way to pass a urine test for subutex is to abstain for 9 to 10 days. i hope this clears it up a little for you guys..... on a personal note!!! "My weakness is none of thier business"

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I would think being on subutex would be a good thing. ?? Why are people getting in trouble?

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Subutex is just suboxone with no naloxone

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No they both show up the same , they are the same drug, suboxon just has a blocker in it

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I have this same problem....I was hooked on oils and now take subutex and suboxone here n there just for the body's recovered a lot overtime, though people just don't understand this drug. When used the right way it really helps someone who's been bad off before... they just see all the ones abusing the f*** out of it.

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The subtext and saboxone will show up as the same thing. They are both used to detox.

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The process can vary from state to state and within various districts, so I'm sorry, but I don't know if they will drug test, or not.

As to the medication, the active narcotic in both of them is Buprenorphine and it is not included in standard drug tests, they would have to order a special test to look for it and, since the active narcotic in both is the same, they would both be detected as the same thing.


However, if he is running out early, he should talk to his doctor about it, to prevent the problem in the future.

Are there any other questions or comments?

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I crushed up a bit of subutex pill and put it in my urine for a drug test in PA subutex DR. I need to know if this will show up as an opiate or not. ? The urine was a friends that was clean and stored in the fridge for a few days.

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Nope, that is not a fact!!

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Tree, I understand your frustration, the good suffer for the wrong reasons. People abuse sub to feel high. That's why they have these clinics you go to on a daily basis and pay cash. I am disabled with a tumor on my spine and someone stole my pain meds out the mail. I have a police report but no doctor or hospital would help me. I was given a few subutex and took it for 5 days. I don't hardly have a craving. I just can't walk. No way it works rite if you use it rite. I will go back to my pain clinic at the end of the month.

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It will only show if sent to a lab, i have a few friends that have .been doing that for years. They put a quarter of pill in urine and make sure its crushed fine and mix and kept at room temp. If u have lab screening they can tell, but panel test it just shows as if taken it.

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That is insane it showed up as dope, wow someone had to of set you up! Idk because I've been on it for about 4yrs and it never came up as dope! I've Never, Even heard a story like this! Something definitely went wrong, I would Tell Them You Want it Sent Back, it's like Why Won't They Send It Back!

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No, No, Noooo! Drug testing looks for metabolites of the med, basically what is left after your body (liver, kidneys, etc.) has processed the drug. You will not get reliable info by dunking the med into urine. This is super-important to understand for high-stakes testing, e.g. custody, DSS, employment, surveillance reasons. The other thing that concerns me are DRUG INTERACTIONS leading to weird results. People talk about false-negatives, false-positive results. It's important to understand if any non-opiates (for example) and other drugs. I would hope docs and testing understand this, but it sounds like not....

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Will aderall 30 Meg's taken once 24 hours before a urine drug test show up

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It will show up doesn't matter how you take it. I seen it show up positive, if you don't see a line then its positive. Its on the very last row on the test (BUP)

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Its the same exact medicine but suboxone has two ingredients subutex has one..absolutely no need to worry

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I have been testing myself for the past 14 days - I kicked the Oxy after 2 years of eventually 360 mg a day and used tramadol to come off it nothing else - I couldn't understand why it was showing the oxy and methadone on week one then all it showed is methadone? I haven't taken methadone in 10 is the tramadol showing as methadone?
By the way I recommend anyone trying to get off Oxy to try this as I have had habits of most drugs over a 20 year period and tramadol in high doses reducing over 2 weeks then 12 mg of subutex over 3 days to come off the tramadol works basically pain free!!!!
But can anyone explain the methadone in urine?

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